The naturally avascular retina of the guinea pig presents a useful
and simple model in which to study the intraretinal
o 2 changes due to increases in
choroidal P
o 2 or changes in outer
retinal oxygen consumption. The absence of a retinal circulation avoids
any requirement to render the inner retina ischemic
22 to
extend the oxygen consumption analysis to all retinal
25 Mathematical models specific to a purely
choroidal source of retinal oxygenation have been presented
24 28 The central assumption of these models is
that the oxygen gradient at the retina-vitreous boundary is negligible.
This assumption is based on the very low oxygen consumption of the
vitreous and the relatively large distances across the vitreous to any
other oxygen sources or sinks. This principle was previously used by
7 in a two-layer model of retinal oxygen
consumption. The present study demonstrates that under equilibrium
conditions in an avascular retina the oxygen gradient at the
retina-vitreous boundary is indeed negligible, providing direct
experimental verification of a key assumption of the mathematical
These findings are not just relevant to avascular retinas. In terms of
retinal oxygen supply and consumption, an analogy can be drawn between
a naturally avascular retina and a retina with an occluded retinal
circulation. However, the behavior of the inner retina in an ischemic
condition may well be influenced by other factors related to ischemia
and hypoxia, or by an interaction between oxygen level and oxygen
The only previous study of light-induced changes in intraretinal
oxygenation in an ischemic retina
22 concluded that raised
choroidal P
o 2 and reduced oxygen
consumption of the photoreceptors had little or no influence on oxygen
levels in the innermost retinal layers, even though the oxygen
consumption of the inner retina was said to remain constant. This
result is clearly at odds with the present investigation, which shows a
significant and uniform increase in inner retinal oxygen level under
these condition. If results of Braun et al.
22 were a
general property of ischemic retinas then the usefulness of strategies
to relieve inner retinal hypoxia by raising choroidal
o 2 or reducing outer retinal oxygen
consumption would be in question.
What could the explanation be for such disparate findings in what
appears to be analogous conditions in the two studies? Based on an
argument restricted to intuitive and theoretical grounds we had
proposed an alternative explanation
24 of the results from
the ischemic cat retina study. In the light of the present experimental
results, which support the applicability of our mathematical models, it
seemed worthwhile to determine whether these models could provide an
alternative explanation that was consistent with the results of the
ischemic retina study. The key factor here is the existence of very low
oxygen levels in the inner retina in that study. Braun et
22 reported that inner retinal oxygen tension was zero
at some point in more than half of the profiles measured. More detailed
examination of the three pairs of profiles used in their development of
the light-dark model reveals that two were from the same animal, which
had inner retinal oxygen levels very close to zero in the light-adapted
state. We believe that this influenced their results more than they
The P
o 2 profiles in
Figure 6 are mathematically generated using parameters appropriate for the cat
22 The model actually contains five layers, to
allow us to investigate the effect of anoxia in a thin layer (layer 5)
in the innermost retina. As shown in the left-hand panels of
Figure 6 ,
we chose a choroidal P
o 2 that is just
sufficient to support the entire retinal thickness in the light.
Consequently, in the dark the oxygen tension in the innermost retina
falls to zero, and the oxygen consumption of this region is assumed to
be zero.
31 A 20–mm Hg reduction in choriocapillaris
o 2 (P
c) is
also included in the example to more closely reflect the experimental
results of Braun et al.
22 These mathematically generated
profiles are similar to those reported in the animal from which two
pairs of light-dark profiles were used to generate the light-dark model
of Braun et al.
Figure 6C shows the light-dark
o 2 difference under these
conditions. This distribution exhibits all the features seen in their
experimental data, characterized by a peak
o 2 change in the region of the inner
segments, which then reduces to near zero in the innermost retinal
layers. The right-hand panels of
Figure 6 illustrate the situation
using the same parameters, except that the initial choroidal
o 2 level is raised sufficiently to
ensure that inner retinal anoxia is avoided under dark-adapted
conditions. Under these conditions the oxygen consumption of the
innermost retina is not restricted by oxygen availability and can
remain constant. The P
o 2 difference
at each location under these conditions is shown in
Figure 6D . The
calculated distribution of P
o 2 change
is now consistent with that seen in our experimental observations.
Thus, the disparate results in the two studies could be explained by
the presence of a small region of anoxic retina in the study by Braun
et al.
22 in those three pairs of profiles on which their
light-induced P
o 2 change model is
based. The potential for a relatively small anoxic layer to influence
the light-induced P
o 2 change so
markedly can be better understood by reference to
Eq. (3) in which it
is apparent that the P
o 2 change due
to a change in consumption in a given layer increases with the distance
of that layer from the choroidal source. Thus, a relatively small
increase in oxygen consumption of the innermost retina is able to mask
a much larger decrease in oxygen consumption of the outer retina.
In the example given, the additional consumption of oxygen by the
innermost 25 μm of retina when oxygen is available represents a 34%
increase in total inner retinal oxygen consumption. However, this is
sufficient to totally mask the >70 mm Hg preretinal
o 2 increase that would have occurred
given a 64% reduction of outer retinal oxygen consumption and a 20 mm
Hg rise in choriocapillaris P
o 2.
These parameters are similar to those reported in the study by Braun et
22 Thus, we have a model that both fits their
experimental data
24 and offers an explanation for the
discrepancy between their findings, and what we assert to be the
general case for a retina with a purely choroidal source of retinal
oxygenation, and an inner retinal oxygen consumption that remains
Alterations in inner retinal oxygen consumption due to oxygen
availability may not be confined to the existence of an anoxic region.
We have recently demonstrated in the rat that the oxygen uptake of the
inner plexiform layer increases markedly as more oxygen is made
available, even though there is no anoxia present.
Our findings of significant inner retinal
o 2 changes in light and dark are
consistent with studies in which preretinal
o 2 was monitored during changes in
retinal illumination in avascular retinas.
7 32 33 A
similar effect was seen in vascularized retinas of the
34 and cat
35 when hyperoxic ventilation
was used to increase the availability of choroidal oxygenation and to
reduce the autoregulatory masking effect of the retinal circulation.
The nature of the intraretinal P
o 2 change that we have found as a result of reduced outer retinal oxygen
consumption may have been predicted from an examination of the earliest
intraretinal oxygen measurements, those in isolated fish retinas
oxygenated from the receptor side only.
36 Although the
reasons for the reduced oxygen consumption were different, the effect
on inner retinal oxygen distribution was remarkably similar to that
seen in the present study.
Information from avascular retinas may also be relevant to developing
retinas where the choroidal supply of oxygen precedes the maturing of
the photoreceptors and the subsequent development of the retinal
circulation. In retinopathy of prematurity, for example, the effect of
raised choroidal oxygen levels and the influence of outer retinal
oxygen consumption, may be better understood. These are important
issues that are currently under clinical investigation.
16 The present results may also be applicable to the human macula, which
is devoid of retinal capillaries. It is interesting that the only
intraretinal oxygen measurement in a primate fovea showed an oxygen
29 not unlike that in the avascular guinea pig
retina. It was noted that “diffusion of oxygen from the vascularized
region around the fovea is minimal.” Thus, oxygen level changes in
the choroid, or modulation of oxygen consumption in the tightly packed
photoreceptors, may well influence the oxygen status of the inner
retina in this region in a manner comparable to our observations in the
avascular guinea pig retina.
In conclusion, we have shown that under conditions in which the choroid
is the only source of retinal oxygenation, and the oxygen uptake of the
inner retina remains constant, the full effect of a rise in
choriocapillaris oxygen level passes to all retinal layers and that a
reduction in outer retinal oxygen consumption produces a uniform
increase in oxygenation of the inner retina. Understanding these
effects may be important in aspects of retinal development and retinal
pathology and in the clinical management of retinal vascular disease.