purpose. To measure orbital venous pressure (OVP) and determine the effects of changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) on OVP, intraocular pressure (IOP), episcleral venous pressure (EVP), and ciliary and choroidal blood flows.
methods. The experiments were performed in anesthetized rabbits. In all animals, MAP, IOP, and OVP were measured by direct cannulation of the central ear artery, the vitreous, and the orbital venous sinus, respectively. Laser Doppler flowmetry was used to measure choroidal blood flow in one group, and ciliary blood flow in a second group. A servonull micropressure system was used to measure EVP in a third group. The protocol for all three groups entailed varying MAP mechanically with occluders on the aorta and vena cava.
results. The OVP and IOP relationship correlated linearly (r = 0.99) during mechanical manipulation of MAP. EVP also correlated well with OVP (r = 0.9). Resistance calculations based on choroidal and ciliary blood flows and the pressure gradients indicate active adjustment of arterial resistance and passive changes in venous resistance in response to changing MAP in both circulations.
conclusions. The rabbit orbital venous sinus permits continuous measurements of OVP. The present findings show that OVP is not static and suggest that OVP may play an important role in IOP homeostasis and ocular hemodynamics.
Because the veins draining the eye are small or difficult to reach without disturbing the eye and orbit, measurements of venous pressure outside the eye are not performed routinely. However, as the downstream recipient of conventional aqueous outflow and the efflux of the ocular circulations, the orbital venous system’s physiology is intertwined with aqueous dynamics and ocular hemodynamics. In the case of the episcleral veins, the episcleral venous pressure (EVP) is the pressure head that must be overcome for aqueous passage through the trabecular pathway, and so the EVP is acknowledged as a key determinant of steady state intraocular pressure (IOP).
1 However, although EVP is often measured in studies of drug effects on aqueous dynamics,
2 it has rarely been manipulated experimentally, aside from studies of pseudofacility.
3 In contrast to EVP and aqueous dynamics, the effects of orbital venous pressure (OVP) on ocular hemodynamics are less clear. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the only information in the literature comes from the study by Bill
4 in which the blood flow from a cannulated vortex vein was measured as the cannula pressure was varied while holding IOP constant at different levels. Otherwise, we are aware of no studies in which blood flow in an ocular circulation was measured while OVP was varied or measured.
Given the paucity of information about OVP, we sought a method to measure it. We found that the rabbit’s skull offers a unique opportunity to measure OVP by direct cannulation of the orbital venous sinus through the posterior supraorbital foramen. This article presents the results of continuous measurements of OVP, EVP, IOP, mean arterial pressure (MAP), and choroidal and ciliary blood flows. The relationships between these parameters obtained during mechanical manipulation of MAP over a wide range show that OVP is not static and that it may play an important role in ocular hydrodynamics.
All variables were recorded with a data acquisition system (PowerLab; ADInstruments, Grand Junction, CO) at a sampling rate of 20 or 100 Hz. The data were later reduced off-line by averaging the measured variables in 5-mm Hg bins of MAP (i.e., all values temporally associated with MAP between 80 and 75 mm Hg were averaged, then those between 75 and 70 mm Hg, and so forth). All results are expressed as the mean ± SE. An unpaired t-test was used to compare the baselines in the ciliary and choroidal blood flow experiments. Because there were no significant differences between baseline values, the MAP versus OVP and OVP versus IOP data were pooled.
Three different resistance indices were calculated for ciliary and choroidal blood flows: R1 = (MAP − IOP)/flux; R2 = (MAP − OVP)/flux; and R3 = (IOP − OVP)/flux.
R1 is the traditional resistance calculation for the ocular circulations and reflects the Starling resistor behavior of the intraocular veins (i.e., the pressure in the intraocular veins as they near their exit through the sclera is slightly greater than IOP).
14 15 R2 and R3 are novel resistance calculations, because OVP has not been measured previously. R2 is the summed resistance of all the intraocular vascular segments, whereas R3 is the venous resistance from inside to outside the eye.
The present study demonstrates that the orbital venous sinus of the rabbit can be cannulated through the PSF to obtain continuous measurements of OVP. The results also show that OVP is not static, and that OVP may play a significant role in IOP homeostasis and ocular hemodynamics.
Supported by National Eye Institute Grant EY09702, Austrian Grant FWF J1866-MED, the San Antonio Lions Club, Lions International, and an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent Blindness.
Submitted for publication June 14, 2002; accepted July 3, 2002.
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The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be marked “
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Corresponding author: Herbert A. Reitsamer, University of Vienna Medical School, Department of Physiology and Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Schwarzspanierstrasse 17, A-1090 Vienna, Austria;
[email protected].
| EVP Experiments (n = 5) | Choroidal Blood Flow Experiments (n = 10) | Ciliary Blood Flow Experiments (n = 10) |
MAP (mm Hg) | 64.7 ± 0.9 | 69.0 ± 1.2 | 66.1 ± 0.8 |
IOP (mm Hg) | 16.4 ± 1.1 | 17.2 ± 1.2 | 15.8 ± 0.8 |
EVP (mm Hg) | 9.6 ± 0.9 | — | — |
Flux (PU)* | — | 561 ± 33 | 44 ± 3 |
OVP (mm Hg) | 3.1 ± 0.6 | 3.1 ± 0.4 | 2.9 ± 0.4 |
The authors thank Anders Bill, whose visionary investigations on ocular hydrodynamics stimulated the studies presented in this article, and Alma Maldonado for excellent technical assistance.
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