We wish to thank the following reviewers for their generous assistance in evaluating manuscripts submitted to Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. The list includes all those who completed one or more reviews between October 31, 2001 and October 31, 2002. An asterisk (*) denotes reviewers who also served as Guest Editorial Board Members. Two asterisks (**) indicate those who served only as Guest EBMs.
Berendschot, Tos T. J. M.
Carter-Dawson, Louvenia D.*
Coeckelbergh, Tanja R. M.
Fitzgerald, Malinda E. C.**
Garcia Sanchez, Gustavo A.
Garcia-Castineiras, Sixto
Garcia-Valenzuela, Enrique
Grosskreutz, Cynthia L.**
Haegerstrom-Portnoy, Gunilla
Hitzenberger, Christoph K.
Jonescu-Cuypers, Christian P.
Kang Derwent, Jennifer J.
Konstas, Anastasios G. P.
Kurpakus-Wheater, Michelle A.*
Marciano-Cabral, Francine
Rodriguez-Boulan, Enrique**
Schwartzman, Michal Laniado
Semple-Rowland, Susan L.*
Shallo-Hoffman, Josephine**
Stjernschantz, Johan W.**
ten Tusscher, Marcel P. M.
Trinkaus-Randall, Vickery
van den Berg, Thomas J. T. P.
Van Heyningen, Veronica**
Verjans, Georges M. G. M.
Wilkinson-Berka, Jennifer
Wirtschafter, Jonathan D.*