It is well established that oxidative stress is associated with
the development of cataract, and it is generally believed that
2 is the major oxidant
producing this stress in the ocular lens.
30 Sulfhydryl
proteins are the main targets for oxidative modifications, because they
contain oxidizable thiol groups in a normally reducing environment.
TTase, a sulfhydryl repair enzyme, the major function of which is to
repair the oxidatively damaged proteins, may by itself be vulnerable to
oxidative damage because it contains readily oxidizable cysteine
residues at its active site. Damage to TTase would lead to a
dysfunctional repair system in the lens resulting in irreversible
damage to the ocular lens proteins. Generally, to counteract the
oxidant effects and to restore a state of redox balance, cells have the
ability to reset critical homeostatic parameters. The changes
associated with oxidative damage and with restoration of cellular
homeostasis often lead to activation or silencing of
In this study we report the ability of the human
TTase gene
to be overexpressed under oxidative stress conditions. When the lens
epithelial cells were stressed by
2 treatment, we observed
a significant transient increase in TTase mRNA concentration after 5
minutes that reached a maximal point almost two times higher than in
untreated cells, and the upregulation subsided once the oxidant was
totally detoxified. This suggests that the lens cells have a very
sensitive mechanism that responds to the need for protection and repair
of oxidizable sulfhydryl groups of proteins by a rapid up- and
downregulation of
TTase gene expression to dethiolate and
restore the functions of the damaged enzymes and other proteins.
Increased level of TTase mRNA after
2 treatment points to
the activation of gene expression, but not to the activation of
presynthesized protein. Although the increase of TTase mRNA half-life
could also contribute to the increased mRNA level, our preliminary
study suggests that AP 1 transcription factor binding to the 5′-end of
the human
TTase gene triggers its expression in the cells
exposed to a low amount of
32 Downregulation of the gene expression after its upregulation is
probably caused by depletion of
2 from the media and,
most probably, is controlled by the same mechanism.
Similar fast activation of genes, particularly as a response to
oxidative stress, has been demonstrated by others. For instance, Toone
et al.
33 have found that the gene coding for thioredoxin,
a similar thiol-regulating enzyme in the same oxidoreductase family as
TTase, was also upregulated two- to threefold after 20 minutes of
treatment of the yeast cells with 0.2 mM
2. The upregulated
thioredoxin expression was returned to normal level after 60 minutes,
similar to our present study of TTase. Engelberg et al.
34 described the activation of the
xis4 gene in yeast caused by
UV irradiation. It reached a maximum of 10-fold over control levels in
15 minutes and then gradually decreased. A 25-fold upregulation of
-jun and c
-fos genes within 30 minutes, because
a response to oxidative stress was demonstrated in rat
35 Therefore, when the fast cellular response for
stress is crucial for cell survival, the expression of the necessary
genes can be activated in a very short time.
It is well known that GSH is a key regulator of the redox state of
protein cysteinyl thiols.
31 By far, GSH is the major form
of cellular GSH and small increases in the oxidation of GSH to oxidized
GSH (GSSG) resulting from reactive oxygen species and
2 metabolism have been
shown to regulate many transcription factors such as AP1, MAF, and
31 In this study, we manipulated the GSH levels of
cells by treating them with BSO, CDNB, and BCNU to study the response
of these cells in terms of TTase expression. Under these conditions,
the cellular GSH level did not have a significant influence on the
regulation of TTase expression. Although TTase functions as a
dethiolating enzyme with GSH as the major reductant, this function of
TTase does not seem to be limited when only trace amounts of cellular
GSH were present (see
Table 1 ) as evidenced by the unchanged TTase
activity. This suggests that TTase in the absence of GSH may use other
reducing agents in the cell for its dethiolating function. Terada et
36 have shown that TTase in the absence of GSH could
use cellular cysteine or cysteamine and function normally as a
dethiolating enzyme. Of note, when these GSH-depleted cells were
stressed in the presence of
2, the cells responded
by upregulating the TTase expression by approximately twofold above
normal and then gradually returned to near normal levels at 60 minutes,
a pattern that was similar to the TTase expression when cellular GSH
was not deprived
(Fig. 3C) . This suggests strongly that oxidative
stress rather than GSH modulates the expression of TTase.
The authors thank Usha Andley for providing the human lens
epithelial cell line (B3).