To define the origin of BEB and subsequently devise better treatment protocols for this disease, a better understanding of the anatomic and neurochemical substrate for the disease is needed. There are several lines of evidence to suggest that dopaminergic pathways play a role in eyelid motor control and, more specifically, blepharospasm. Parkinson disease is the most thoroughly investigated movement disorder with a dopaminergic origin. These patients often demonstrate clinical reflex blepharospasm, and have reduced habituation of the R2 component of the blink reflex after supraorbital stimulation.
20 An animal model of blepharospasm has been produced by destruction of dopamine-containing neurons in rodents injected with 6-hydroxydopamine (6HD).
1 Although the site of the abnormality has not yet been found in human BEB,
21 a number of brain lesions have been identified as causing blepharospasm in selected cases, including lesions of the basal ganglia, upper brain stem and thalamus, and the pontine area.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Recently a positron emission tomography (PET) study in patients with BEB showed decreased [18F]-spiperone binding in the putamen, indicating a selective D2-like receptor abnormality.
Our understanding of the neurophysiology of D1 and D2 receptor behavior in blink control or in motor control at large is still evolving. Levodopa, the first-line drug in the management of Parkinson disease, does not normalize the blink reflex recovery cycle in blepharospasm,
2 and attempts to use levodopa as a therapeutic agent in BEB have been disappointing.
3 31 Apomorphine, a predominantly D2 agonist, restores a more normal blink reflex recovery cycle,
2 and has been described as being of benefit in some patients with BEB.
32 The coincidence that apomorphine acts to increase blink rate in normal and Parkinsonian monkeys
4 5 helps to normalize the blink reflex recovery cycle in humans with BEB,
2 suggests that the effects of dopaminergic manipulation on the neural control of blinking may be complex. It seems to shift the regulation one way for one parameter (increasing blink rate) and the other way for a different parameter (normalizing reflex recovery cycle).
We undertook the present study of the effects of apomorphine on a number of blink metrics, blink rate, and main sequence relationship, to establish a background for the study of D1and D2 drugs in pathologic conditions. Specifically, we quantified its effects in both NHPs and in an NHP with spontaneous blink upregulation due to unilateral facial nerve palsy. The latter was examined to provide preliminary data on the effects of apomorphine on blink plasticity. In previous investigations, we have shown a bilateral upregulation of the main sequence slope for blink down-phase in response to unilateral facial nerve palsy. Other investigators have shown increased reflex blink sensitivity in the form of decreased blink reflex recovery cycle to double stimulation.
15 33 These studies established the capability of blink modulatory mechanisms to adaptively respond to a peripheral need for greater eye closure, both in the form of decreased threshold for the firing of facial motor neurons, and also an increased number of neurons firing in a given blink.
Thus, these studies and the present data suggest that facial paralysis or paresis can lead to changes in the blinks of the uninvolved eyelid.
14 15 These findings may have relevance in BEB. We have also described an entity in humans termed Bell palsy–induced blepharospasm. Central inhibitory mechanisms normally serve to regulate both normal blink reflex excitability and the extent of any adaptive response. Consequently, most patients with Bell palsy do not have eyelid spasms because of the normalizing effect of these central inhibitory networks. However, a subclinical loss of inhibitory neurotransmitter may reduce the ability of susceptible individuals to respond appropriately to an upregulation stimulus, setting in motion the uncontrolled blink excitability and motoneuron recruitment that manifests as frequent blinking and eyelid spasms in blepharospasm.
14 15
Clearly, basal ganglia circuits influence blinks, for treatment of monkeys with 1-methyl-1,4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), a neurotoxin specific for dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, dramatically lowers blink rate.
5 However, the specific mechanism by which apomorphine or other dopamine receptor agonists influence blink excitability and motoneuron recruitment is unclear. Classic basal ganglia modeling holds that a D2 agonist acting through the indirect pathway could normalize thalamic input to the cortex.
34 However, the idea of a differential D1 and D2 effect on the direct and indirect striatopallidal pathways, respectively, is not supported by new studies showing colocalization of D1 and D2 receptors on most striatal neurons.
35 Furthermore, both D1 and D2 receptor agonists produce a rapid and dose-dependent increase in blink rate when given to NHPs. This drug-induced change in blink rate is blocked by prior administration of the receptor type-specific antagonist.
4 As shown by the present findings, blink rate is only one of many blink kinematic phenomena that may be under neuromodulatory control by dopaminergic basal ganglia circuits.
In the present study we found small changes in spontaneous blink metrics in normal NHPs after the administration of apomorphine. Down-phase duration, amplitude, and peak velocity were all increased at either 45 or 90 minutes. The main sequence slope had a consistent, although not statistically significant, trend to lower values in normal animals. The combination of increase in the three metrics (duration, amplitude, and peak velocity) with nearly normal main sequence slope indicates that administration of apomorphine in normal animals induced a bias toward larger blinks that had relatively normal component relationships. In the past, we have found that disease states often affect these blink metrics differentially, producing a change in the main-sequence slope. Our results in the present study indicate that, in normal NHPs, the metrics are symmetrically shifted upward after administration of apomorphine, with no significant alteration in main sequence. These larger but normally proportioned blinks represent a relatively simple alteration in neural control, as might be seen in a hypervigilant state known to occur with administration of apomorphine in cynomolgus monkeys with MPTP-induced lesion
36 and in rodents.
In the animal with facial nerve palsy and an upregulated main-sequence slope, a very different scenario was encountered. The baseline main sequence slope was dramatically steeper on the nonparetic side in this animal, as we have previously described in humans with facial nerve palsy.
13 In the nonparetic eye, effects after administration of apomorphine in this animal included, decreased main-sequence slope to normal levels at 45 and 90 minutes and decreased peak velocity. In the paretic eye, the slope and velocity increased toward baseline levels. We interpret these findings as a possible normalization of facial motoneuron recruitment in a situation of abnormally high activation. This finding could have some analogy to the normalization of reflex blink recovery cycle induced by apomorphine in patients with BEB. Although it is likely that distinct supranuclear centers subserve reflex and spontaneous blink, there may be shared basal ganglia, brain stem, and cerebellar modulatory pathways. It may be that these shared pathways are affected by apomorphine.
The effects observed in the monkey with facial nerve palsy must be considered preliminary results, because only a single animal was studied. Future investigations will be conducted to confirm or refute the finding and to investigate the effect of apomorphine administered before experimentally induced facial paralysis.
The authors thank Mary K. Rayens and Julia Luan for statistical consultation.