On sections incubated with the Oatp2 antibody, immunoreactivity
was predominantly present in the RPE layer and was only weakly
scattered within the inner nuclear layer (INL) and ganglion cell layer
Figs. 1A 1B ). The immunostaining was absent on sections incubated with the
antibody preabsorbed with the peptide used for immunization
(Fig. 1C) ,
indicating the specificity of the staining for Oatp2. High
magnification revealed that the intense immunostaining appeared
predominantly at apical microvilli of RPE cells with only minor
reactions of the cytoplasm and no positive staining of the basolateral
plasma membrane
(Figs. 2B 2C 2E) . The stained microvilli appeared to extend along the distal
part of the OS
(Figs. 2B 2C 2E) . On sections prepared for
double-labeling experiments, Oatp2 immunoreactivity colocalized with
phalloidin, a marker for filamentous actin that is abundant in apical
microvilli of the RPE
(Fig. 2F) . Within the INL and GCL, weak
immunoreactivity was mainly associated with small retinal vessels
(Fig. 1B) .
We have shown that Oatp2 at the basolateral membrane of hepatocytes has
an apparent molecular mass of ∼92 kDa, indicating that it is
considerably more glycosylated than its analogue in the brain capillary
endothelium (∼76 kDa).
14 15 In eyecup homogenates, the
antiserum recognized a protein band with the same molecular mass (∼92
Fig. 3 ) as in basolateral liver plasma membranes, thus indicating that in RPE
cells, Oatp2 undergoes an extent of glycosylation similar to that in
liver. This band disappeared when the antiserum was preabsorbed with
the peptide used for immunization (data not shown).
The strikingly abundant expression of Oatp2 at apical microvilli of RPE
cells raises the possibility that this polyspecific membrane
transporter is involved in the shuttling of retinoids and its
derivatives between photoreceptors and RPE cells during the visual
cycle and in the course of photoreceptor membrane turnover. To test
this hypothesis, we performed transport experiments with
Oatp2-expressing oocytes. Incubation of Oatp2-expressing oocytes in a
medium containing 10 μM of radioactive labeled
trans-retinol did not result in increased uptake
compared with water-injected oocytes, either in the presence or absence
of 30 μM serum albumin (data not shown). In search of other potential
substrates, we considered A2E, because of its amphiphilic organic
cationic properties, as a possible candidate. Because radiolabeled A2E
with high specific activity was unavailable, we performed
Cis inhibition experiments to determine A2E’s ability to
compete for Oatp2-mediated transport of digoxin.
12 At a
concentration of 200 μM, A2E exhibited a 100% inhibition of
Oatp2-mediated transport of digoxin
(Fig. 4) , whereas all-
trans-retinal had no effect (not shown). The
absence of an inhibitory effect of all-
trans-retinal in the
competition assay was in accordance with the failure of Oatp2 to
recognize all-
trans-retinol as a substrate for direct
transport (discussed earlier). The inhibition kinetics, as analyzed by
Dixon and Cornish Bowden
17 plot analysis, were
consistent with a competitive type of inhibition of Oatp2 mediated
digoxin transport by A2E
(Fig. 5) . The
K i value was estimated at
approximately 37 μM.