Using the intrinsic signal method, we have demonstrated for the first time that a selective loss of orientation maps elicited by relatively high-spatial-frequency gratings occurred in the visual cortex of the cat during short-term elevation of IOP and that all the orientation maps decreased in response amplitude. In a previous study we showed that the X-type ganglion cells in the retina and relay cells in the dorsal geniculate nucleus of the cat are more sensitive to brief elevation of IOP than the Y cells.
11 12 13 All these studies demonstrate that both the subcortical structures and the cortical area responsible for high-spatial-frequency preferentially lose their fine visual function during brief elevation of IOP. The present results thus suggest how differential cortical function is impaired by brief elevation of IOP that affects different classes of retinal ganglion cells.
In the retina, the functional X-type ganglion cells correspond to the morphologic β-type in cats. The density of X ganglion cells is highest in the retinal area centralis and decreases drastically with the increase in retinal eccentricity, whereas that of Y cells, corresponding to α cells in cats, changes relatively little with eccentricity.
14 15 16 17 30 Furthermore, X cells possess the smallest receptive field center, the smallest dendritic field, and medium-caliber axons as well, whereas Y cells have the largest center and dendritic field and the thickest axons.
14 15 16 17 31 Because of these and other behavioral studies, it has been hypothesized (e.g., see Sherman and Spear
32 ) that X cells concentrated in the center of the retina are responsible for the fine vision in the cat and Y cells for gross vision and motion discrimination. The part of area 17 representing the central retinal projection in the optical image prefers a grating of higher spatial frequency, whereas the periphery representation prefers a lower one. This is consistent with the finding that the clearest orientation map of high spatial frequency appeared near the central retinal projection in the cortex
(Fig. 2) and weakened severely during elevation of IOP, whereas the map of low frequency remained less affected
(Fig. 3) . Therefore, we hypothesize that the preferred decline in X cell function in the retina leads to the selective loss of orientation maps during elevation of IOP.
In the experiments, the posterior surface of the occipital lobe was always exposed to an obliquely oriented CCD camera (approximately 30° to the vertical axis) for optical imaging. The observed orientation maps mostly reflect the input of the superior retina that receives the information from the inferior visual field. The more posterior on the orientation map, the closer to the central projection of the retina. This explains why the selective loss of the map observed during elevation of IOP always appeared on the more posterior part of the cortex that preferred the higher spatial frequency. The central part of retinotopic topography we observed was usually displaced approximately 3 to 4 mm posterior from that reported by Tusa et al.
33 in most of the cats (17/20) in their study. However, they found a similar displacement in a minority of the cats (3/20). This systematic displacement we observed may be due to different species of cats used.
The cat’s area 17 receives X and Y inputs from the lateral geniculate nucleus, whereas area 18 receives predominantly Y input. This should strongly support the differential effects of elevated IOP on the X and Y pathways shown in our observations as well when the imaging area also includes a part of area 18. An optical imaging study by Issa et al.
27 showed that in area 17, the median preferred spatial frequency was approximately 0.5 cyc/deg, which was more than double that of area 18 (the median preferred spatial frequency, 0.18 cyc/deg). Other groups have recently reported similar findings.
28 29 Furthermore, cells in area 17 respond preferentially to spatial frequencies greater than 0.3 cyc/deg, whereas those in area 18 prefer less than 0.3 cyc/deg.
26 In our experiments, all the spatial frequencies used were greater than or equal to 0.5 cyc/deg. Thus, the orientation maps observed herein should be primarily in area 17 and possibly somewhat in area 18. The selective loss during elevation of IOP seems mainly due to a different projection of the inputs between the X and Y pathways to area 17 and partially due to the differentiation in spatial frequency between areas 17 and 18.
In two cats, we observed that the loss of orientation map caused by elevation of IOP was prevented by increasing the animals’ blood pressure. Therefore, the effect of elevation of IOP on orientation maps also depends on the retinal perfusion pressure, but not absolute IOP, as did the retinal ganglion cells.
6 12 Therefore, the study provides functional evidence at the cortical level to support the vasogenic hypothesis that during acute elevation of IOP, retinal ischemia may be the most critical factor, rather than the direct mechanical effect on the ganglion cell, per se.
There still is the possibility that optical blurring induced by elevated IOP could be the cause of the spatial-frequency-selective loss of cortical function observed. However, it seems unlikely. First, we checked the eye’s optics repeatedly to ensure the experiment was performed under good optical conditions. Second, as shown in our previous study, the on-center ganglion cells are more sensitive to elevation of IOP than the off-center cells in the cat’s retina as well.
12 The on- and off-center cells are evenly distributed in the retina.
34 35 Third, increasing blood pressure prevents the orientation map from degrading, which suggests a retinal vasogenic mechanism rather than blurring of optics in the eye. Overall, eye blurring is unlikely to be the mechanism of the effect we observed.
It interested us that the identical basic pattern of the visible orientation maps elicited by the same grating could be maintained as long as 6 days, regardless of whether IOP was elevated. This clearly indicates that the orientation column has a rather stable functional organization, as shown by Chapman et al.
36 in their long-term optical imaging study of ferrets during development. The orientation selectivity of visual cortical neurons have been reported to have origins in the retina and the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat.
37 38 39 40 41 However, early visual deprivation decreases the orientation sensitivity of visual cortical cells in the cat significantly, but does not affect that of relay cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus.
42 Furthermore, silencing on-center retinal ganglion cells during development also affects the form of orientation maps.
43 Therefore, one possible implication is that high IOP has extremely detrimental and long-lasting effects on human vision, especially during the critical period of cortical development. Medical treatment early in development may be needed to protect children from loss of high-spatial-frequency vision.
The brief elevation of IOP used in the current experiments was rather high (approximately 100 mm Hg; i.e., 30 mm Hg lower than mean arterial pressure). The animal’s eye condition was similar to that of acute angle-closure glaucoma at the breaking-out stage, which results in a sharp decrease of visual acuity and even rapidly causes blindness. Thus, this study provides a two-dimensional orientation map of the primary visual cortex in the cat during brief, sharp elevation of IOP, and creates a cortical model for studying acute angle-closure glaucoma.
The authors thank Deming Su and Jason Clower for reviewing and editing the manuscript.