Rabbit oral mucosal epithelial cells cultured on denuded AM were examined by scanning electron (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Normal rabbit cornea, conjunctiva, and oral samples were also examined for comparison. Specimens were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M PBS, washed three times for 15 minutes in PBS, and postfixed for 2 hours in 2% aqueous osmium tetroxide. They were washed three more times in PBS before being passed through a graded ethanol series (50%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, and 100%). For SEM preparation, specimens were transferred to hexamethyldisilazane (TAAB Laboratories Equipment, Ltd., Aldermastron, UK) for 10 minutes and allowed to air dry. When dry, specimens were mounted on aluminum stubs and sputter coated with gold before examination in a digital scanning electron microscope (JSM 5600; JEOL, London, UK). For TEM, the specimens were embedded in epoxy resin (Agar 100; Agar Scientific, Ltd., Stansted, UK). Ultrathin (70 nm) sections were collected on copper grids and stained for 1 hour with uranyl acetate and 1% phosphotungstic acid and then for 20 minutes with Reynolds’ lead citrate before examination by transmission electron microscope (JEM 1010; JEOL).