The visual acuities measured with the three paradigms in patients with ocular and/or cerebral disorders are graphically compared in
Figure 1 . Analysis of variance revealed a significant main effect of the test paradigms (F
(2,156) = 36.50,
P < 0.001) and a significant interaction between the paradigm used and the cause of visual impairment (F
(4,156) = 3.51,
P = 0.009). Planned within-group comparisons, using the Bonferroni-corrected significance level for nine tests, revealed that LCO acuities were significantly lower than GRD and GRO acuities in all three groups (
P < 0.005). In the CVI group GRD and GRO acuities were also significantly different (
P < 0.005). Further contrast analyses provided no statistical evidence that the OVI and the OCVI groups were different in their performances on the different acuity tasks (F
(1,78) = 2.54,
P = 0.115). Analysis of the contrast between these two groups and the CVI group revealed as significant the interactions between GRD and LCO (F
(1,78) = 8.21,
P = 0.005) and between GRD and GRO (F
(1,78) = 6.68,
P = 0.012). The interaction contrast for GRO and LCO was not significant (F
(1,78) = 1.78,
P = 0.186). Because no differences were found between the OVI and OCVI groups, the data from the two groups were pooled and the combined group referred to as the OVI+ group.
Optotype acuity was generally lower than grating acuity, and the discrepancy was inversely related to the size of the visual impairment measured with optotypes, as can be seen in
Figure 2 . For the sake of clarity, only data are presented for the GRD and LCO tasks, which showed the largest discrepancy in the analysis of means. It is also clear from
Figure 2 that the relationship between grating and optotype acuities in the CVI group was different from that in the OVI+ group. Analysis of covariance for the comparison of regression lines indicated that the slope of the regression line in the CVI group (0.323) was significantly different from the slope in the OVI+ group (0.612;
t (77) = 2.39,
P = 0.019), as were the intercepts of the two regression lines (
t (77) = −2.85,
P = 0.006). The two regression lines intersected at an optotype acuity of 13.24 cyc/deg and a grating acuity of 11.82 cyc/deg.
The patients in the OVI+ group were further subdivided, depending on the type of disorder. Patients with retinal disorders comprised the largest subgroup. In
Figure 3 , their grating and optotype acuities are compared to those of the CVI patients. Analysis of covariance revealed that the regression line describing the relationship between GRD and LCO acuity in the patients with retinal disorders differed significantly from that describing the CVI data, both in slope (
t (49) = 2.16,
P = 0.036) and in intercept (
t (49) = −3.94,
P < 0.001). The intersection of the regression lines was at 12.89 cyc/deg LCO acuity and 11.72 cyc/deg GRD acuity, which is very near the intersection point for the CVI group and the entire OVI+ group.
Grating and optotype acuities of patients with preretinal ocular conditions are presented in
Figure 4 . The slope of the regression line in this group (0.365) was not different from that in the CVI patients (
t(28) = 0.21,
P = 0.833), nor was the intercept (
t(28) = −1.61,
P = 0.119). However, the regression line in the preretinal group was strongly influenced by large acuity discrepancies (≥2.0 octaves) in three patients, who may be considered outliers. Two children had a dislocation of the lens. In these children, the large discrepancy may have been of optical origin. Several studies have shown a stronger effect of optical blur on optotype than on grating visibility.
3 17 18 The third child, with cataract, had additional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence of brain damage and moderate mental retardation. Because large acuity disparities were atypical of patients with cataract (see
Fig. 6 ), the acuity results of this child may reflect the cerebral disease. When the three subjects were excluded, the regression slope (0.592) became more similar to that in the patients with retinal abnormalities (i.e., 0.729) although the difference with the CVI group reached significance only for the intercepts (
t(1,25) = −2.53,
P = 0.018) and not for the slopes.
Figure 5 depicts the relationship between grating and optotype acuity for the patients with optic nerve disease. The regression line describing this relationship did not differ significantly from the regression line in the CVI patients (slope:
t (20) = 0.98,
P < 0.340; intercept:
t (20) = −0.54,
P < 0.589).
The relationship of grating orientation acuity (GRO paradigm) to the other two measures of acuity (GRD and LCO paradigms) was different for different subtypes of visual impairment.
Figure 6 represents average octave differences of each grating paradigm to the LCO thresholds for specific subtypes of visual disorders. On average, the 14 patients with CVI showed the largest difference between the GRO and GRD thresholds. The overestimation of optotype acuity with the GRD paradigm (mean, −1.25 ± 0.93 octaves [SD]) was significantly larger in this group than with the GRO task (mean, −0.75 ± 0.88 octaves; F
(1,13) = 7.88,
P = 0.015). This suggests that the more complex orientation response required in the GRO and LCO tasks also influences the acuity result in patients with CVI.
Two other groups showed a similar relationship between GRO and GRD measures of acuity relative to LCO acuity. In the 10 patients with optic nerve disorder, the average difference between the two grating acuity tasks was comparable in size to that in the CVI group (GRD: mean, −1.21 ± 0.75 octaves; GRO: mean, −0.62 ± 0.58; F(1,9) = 7.77, P = 0.021). In the second subgroup, comprising five children with retinitis of prematurity (ROP), the average difference between the grating paradigms was smaller, but still significant (GRD: mean, −0.55 ± 0.37; GRO: mean, −0.20 ± 0.30; F(1,4) = 10.48, P = 0.032). There was no difference in the relative overestimation of optotype acuity by the grating paradigms for the other ocular disorder subtype. However, in the two children with displacement of the lens, the overestimation of optotype acuity by both grating paradigms was very large. It seems that in these children the large overestimation is not related to the response requirements, but to the stimulus used in the assessment of acuity. This is a further indication that the discrepancy in these two children is based on optical rather than neural mechanisms.