In the slices under the SCL, the lens motion and the pressure distribution drive the flow of fluid. During a blink, the eyelid force causes the lens to move toward the eye with a velocity
U, building pressure under the lens. Two pressure effects occur in the PoLTF. First, the pressure in each region of the film decreases in the
x-direction as we approach the edge of the lens. Second, the pressure in the S-uF slices,
p uF, is higher than that in the
F slices,
p F, because of higher viscous resistance offered to flow in the unfenestrated region. To calculate the amount of inward lens motion, it is necessary to calculate the pressure profiles
p F(
x) and
p uF(
x). For this, we substituted the conservation-of-momentum results into mass-conservation equations in the
x-direction for the uF and F slices
20 :
\[Q_{x,\mathrm{uF}}{=}{-}\ \frac{1}{12{\mu}}\ \frac{{\partial}p_{\mathrm{uF}}}{{\partial}x}\ h^{3}w_{\mathrm{uF}}{=}Uw_{\mathrm{uF}}x{-}\ \frac{1}{3{\mu}(w_{\mathrm{uF}}{+}w_{\mathrm{F}})}\ {{\int}_{0}^{x}}\ h^{3}(p_{\mathrm{uF}}{-}p_{\mathrm{F}})dx\]
\[Q_{x,\mathrm{F}}{=}\mathrm{{-}}\ \frac{1}{12{\mu}}\ \frac{{\partial}p_{\mathrm{F}}}{{\partial}x}\ h^{3}w_{\mathrm{F}}{=}Uw_{\mathrm{F}}x{+}\ \frac{1}{3{\mu}(w_{\mathrm{F}}\mathrm{{+}}w_{\mathrm{uF}})}\ {{\int}_{0}^{x}}\ h^{3}(p_{\mathrm{uF}}\mathrm{{-}}p_{\mathrm{F}})dx\]
\[{-}{{\sum}_{i{=}1}^{N_{\mathrm{R}}}}\ \frac{{\pi}}{8{\mu}R_{\mathrm{F}}}\ (R_{\mathrm{F}})^{4}\ \left(\frac{p_{i}}{b}\right)\ \left(\frac{x{-}L_{i}{+}R_{\mathrm{F}}}{2R_{\mathrm{F}}}\right)\ u(L_{i}{-}R_{\mathrm{F}},\ L_{i}{+}R_{\mathrm{F}})\]
Q x,F and
Q x,uF are the volumetric flow rates in the
x direction in the fenestrated and unfenestrated regions, respectively. In each equation, the first term on the far right corresponds to the volumetric flow induced by the motion of the lens toward the cornea. In
equation 1 , the second far-right term is the volumetric flow exiting the unfenestrated region toward the fenestrated region. This term depends on the viscosity of the fluid, μ, the cube of the local tear-film thickness,
x), and the local pressure difference,
p uF −
p F, between the unfenestrated and the fenestrated slices.