Experimental models of RD have been well established in animals such as cats, rats, and ground squirrels,
1 3 25 but the study of RD in mice is just beginning.
32 The unique anatomy of the mouse eye—for example, its smaller vitreous cavity and bigger lens—presents special surgical challenges and results in a higher rate of spontaneous retinal reattachment. In this study, we were able to overcome these anatomic limitations and produce RD that lasted up to 28 days. This is the first systematic study of the time course and pattern of photoreceptor cell apoptosis and cell loss associated with RD in mice.
Consistent with reports regarding other animal and human studies,
1 4 5 33 in the current study RD induced apoptosis that was limited to the ONL of the detached portion of the retina, an area that becomes ischemic because of the separation of the retina from the underlying choroidal blood supply. There is recent evidence that oxygen supplementation during RD reduced photoreceptor cell death in a cat model of RD, which supports the notion that RD-associated retinal degeneration is related to oxygen deficiency.
24 34
In our study, most photoreceptor cell death associated with RD took place from days 1 to 3 after detachment and declined rapidly over the next few days. For example, by 28 days the detached mouse retina had lost approximately 50% of its photoreceptor cells, and 86% of this loss had occurred by day 3. Furthermore, rod and cone photoreceptor cells followed a similar time course of apoptosis and cell loss. Our results are similar to those reported by others in humans and ground squirrels, showing that apoptosis of photoreceptor cells can appear as early as 8 hours and diminishes rapidly after 1 week of RD.
25 33 These data suggest that, to minimize RD-induced permanent damage to the retina, repair of the RD should be performed as soon as possible. This may be particularly important for restoring vision in patients with macula-involved RD. In addition, consideration should be given to clinical procedures that induce only a transient RD—for example, as a result of retinal or RPE cell transplantation
35 36 or injection of substances into the subretinal space.
37 With recent progress in stem cell and gene therapy research, these procedures may emerge as promising therapies for retinal diseases in the near future. However, it should be kept in mind that, although the procedure results in a detachment of the retina that remains for only a few days, significant and irreversible damage to the retina may still occur.
We notice that while the most dramatic loss of ONL nuclei occurs on day 1 in the detached retina, detection of TUNEL-positive, apoptotic cells peaks on day 3. Previous studies have shown that detection of TUNEL-positive cells in situ reflects not only the rate of cell apoptosis in the retina, but also the rate of the disposal of apoptotic nuclei. It has been suggested that apoptotic cells are removed by phagocytosis by macrophages as well as by their neighboring cells, including viable rods, in the retina.
32 Thus, it is possible that on day 1, TUNEL-positive cells disappear rapidly in the detached retina because there are more viable cells around. As more rods are lost by day 3, residual phagocytotic capacity is reduced, leading to a transient prolongation of the lifetime of apoptotic nuclei on day 3 and an increase in the number of apoptotic photoreceptor cells in the detached retina.
An important finding of this study is that, after RD, the percentages of apoptotic rods (90.3%) and cones (2.3%) detected remained similar to the percentages of those photoreceptors in the control retina. No significant differences between the rates or patterns of rod and cone cell apoptosis were observed. In contrast, we noticed a more profound loss of cone-opsin–labeled cells (63%) than of rods (39%) after RD. The data suggest that, although RD results in similar apoptosis of rods and cones, surviving cones may also lose certain aspects of their functional properties to escape apoptosis. It has been reported that rods and cones behave differently in response to RD. Most surviving rods continue to be positive for the proteins they are expressing, whereas cones rapidly lose the expression of several proteins, including cone opsin and calbindin D.
25 38 One interpretation is that, because cones have a normal metabolic rate estimated to be 15 times that of rods, to survive the hypoxia resulting from RD, these cells downregulate the production of many proteins that are not critical for survival and enter a state that conserves metabolic energy.
38 Our results support the notion that RD induces a similar rate of cell death in rods and cones, but it may result in different functional changes in these two cell types. This finding may be important for the understanding of the recovery process of vision after RD and for the development of corresponding treatment strategies for RD.
Our mouse model of RD was created by injecting 1.4% sodium hyaluronic acid into the subretinal space. In human RD, subretinal fluid normally contains a lower concentration of hyaluronic acid (<1%) than that used in the mouse model. It is unclear how this difference may affect oxygen or nutritional diffusion from the choroids to photoreceptor cells and therefore the outcome of visual function recovery after RD in humans. It would be interesting to study whether human photoreceptor cells follow a similar time course of apoptosis and cell loss after RD, and whether the retinas of mice that receive a subretinal injection of a lower concentration of hyaluronic acid would exhibit a similar pattern of photoreceptor degeneration.
Finally, in this study, we provide evidence suggesting that the proapoptotic protein Bax plays an essential role in RD-associated photoreceptor cell apoptosis. Involvement of caspase activation and mitochondrial-dependent cell death pathways in RD-associated photoreceptor cell apoptosis and dysfunction have already been reported.
5 6 Bax, as a proapoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family, acts as a central player regulating cytochrome
c release from the mitochondria and in turn, causing subsequent caspase activation.
12 Activation of caspase cascades and Bax is known to play an important role in execution of neuronal cell death after CNS trauma and ischemia—conditions that are associated with RD. Although under normal oxygen conditions, expression of Bax is low in the adult retina, its expression is induced by retinal ischemia,
39 suggesting that Bax may be involved in photoreceptor cell degeneration under conditions such as RD. Much recent evidence has indicated that overexpression of Bax leads to the death of rod photoreceptor cells.
21 Translocation of Bax to the rod mitochondria has been found to associate with rod apoptosis in the lead-exposed mouse model.
40 In the present study, photoreceptor cell loss associated with RD was abolished in the absence of Bax. However, Bax deficiency is insufficient to rescue the developmental loss of rods; rather, deletions of both Bax and Bak are required.
22 These results suggest that developmental death of photoreceptor cells is mediated by multiple, parallel pathways that involve both Bax and Bak; whereas, Bax alone plays a more important role in the pathologic death of photoreceptor cells.
However, we should not rule out the possibility that deletion of Bax may alter the microenvironment of the retina, which in turn contributes to the protective effect of Bax deficiency on RD damage. The absence of Bax, although it alone does not rescue the photoreceptor cells from developmental death, enhances cell survival in the INL.
20 It remains unclear how this change may alter the functional property of retinal glial cells or supplies of various neurotrophic factors in the Bax
−/− retina and influence the survival of photoreceptor cells after RD. Alternatively, deletion of Bax may result in changes in the activities of parallel signaling pathways that regulate apoptosis, such as Bak, p53, and DHA. Subsequently, these changes could affect photoreceptor cell sensitivity to RD-induced apoptosis signals and the survival of photoreceptor cells after RD in Bax-knockout mice. In any case, our results indicate that apoptosis is an essential component in RD-associated photoreceptor degeneration and that deletion of Bax protects the photoreceptor cells from loss. These data suggest that Bax may be a potential target for pharmacologic therapy to treat retinal damage after RD.
The authors thank Tiansen Li from the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, for providing rod/rhodopsin and cone opsin antibodies.