The concept behind the software solution for removal of light-reflection artifacts from digital retroillumination images is to eliminate the reflections by taking a series of images of the same eye, but in slightly different directions of gaze, and fusing (digital combination) two or more of these images. This is possible because the Purkinje spots change their positions with the various directions of gaze and cover different parts of the posterior capsule in different images of one series. Thus, a region covered by artifacts in one image can be replaced by the corresponding reflection-free area in another image of the same eye.
However, several problems had to be solved in the development of an effective algorithm. First, not all visible structures reside in the same plane (especially parts of the anterior capsule). Besides, the image parts from one image that should replace the Purkinje spots in another image must be spatially adapted and scaled before they can be inserted, because both images were photographed in different directions of gaze and were, therefore, differently distorted. This correction step in the algorithm requires detection and definition of three pairs of exactly corresponding points that can be found in both images—for example, small Elschnig pearls. Another difficulty is radiometric adaptation. Because radiometry (color and brightness) is always slightly dissimilar in different images, especially when photographed in different directions of gaze, it must also be adjusted to obtain a good visual impression and to avoid additional artifacts by the fusion process itself (such as sudden changes in color and/or brightness between the original bit map and the inserted parts). This problem can be solved by computing average gray levels for small regions at the border of the inserted image parts and interpolating the change in gray level. A minor problem is the correct segmentation of the region of interest and of the Purkinje reflections.
The fusion software was primarily developed for use with our digital image-acquisition system, which uses coaxial illumination for high-quality retroillumination images with relatively small light-reflection artifacts.
14 However, we have shown that it can be used with conventional slit-lamp images, as well. To record our image sets (three or more images per eye in different directions of gaze) in a standardized manner, we added a ring with three red fixation LEDs in front of our photographic setup. Three images are taken with the patient looking straight ahead, upward, and temporal (the latter two by fixating the corresponding LED). The LEDs can be switched on and off by the examiner. The active LED turns off automatically when acquiring the image, to avoid a reflection artifact by the red light. In some cases we used an additional variable fixation light in front of the contralateral eye (especially when the patient was unable to see the small LEDs on the ring).
The current version of the image-fusion software is based on algorithms in a commercial software package (MatLab; The MathWorks, Natick, MA). The underlying principle is the assumption of a rigid affine transformation, which is applied to the bit map parts that should replace the Purkinje spots in the original image. After realizing that a fully automated approach to image fusion causes several serious problems, especially in finding correct point correspondences in the image pairs (due to variation of focus, illumination, and different directions of gaze that affect the apparent overlap of the capsulorrhexis and the posterior capsule), we used a semiautomated approach in this study.