Exposure of isolated human sclera to PGF2α or latanoprost increased mRNA for several MMPs and TIMPs. These responses typically were less than fivefold in magnitude. The two methods used in the present study have complementary strengths and limitations that, when considered together, facilitate interpretation of the results. Hence, the strengths and limitations of these methods will be compared first, then the limitations of the experimental material studied in the this investigation will be considered, and finally conclusions will be developed based on these considerations and the results of the assays.
The primary strength of the real-time PCR method is its wide dynamic range. This allows comparison of results that may be 1000-fold different in magnitude with good accuracy. For example, we have found that regression analysis of a serially diluted template using computer-aided analysis of the real-time PCR results typically yields mean threshold cycle (
C T) values within 0.2-fold of the regression line for the serial dilution.
20 Standard deviations of triplicate determinations in this study typically were <0.3-fold. Normalization of each result in the present study according to GAPDH mRNA expression provides correction for specimen pipetting variations. Thus, differences of at least 1.5-fold are likely to be meaningful. In the present study, the main limitation of the real-time PCR method is that the small amount of mRNA available from each sclera organ culture was sufficient to assess only four to six different MMP mRNA types. Hence, the list of contributing donors differs for each of the various MMPs evaluated by this method.
In contrast to real-time PCR, each microarray analysis allowed simultaneous evaluation of all mRNA types represented on the array. Also, this technique has excellent linearity with strong signals. However, its dynamic range spans only approximately 100-fold and it is less sensitive than real-time PCR. To maximize sensitivity, the film exposure time was lengthened in the present study as much as possible without loss of acceptable signal-to-noise ratios. Nevertheless, changes in the smaller amounts of MMP-1 and -9 mRNA which were readily measured by real-time PCR reactions, were not measurable in the microarray assays. Because of the superior linearity of the microarray results when the signal was strong, it appears appropriate to give more weight to the array results for relatively abundant mRNA species including MMPs-3, -8, -10, and -12, as well as TIMPs-1, -2, and -3. As strong signals were not present for MMP-1, -2, or -9 mRNAs in the arrays, only the real-time PCR results could be considered. Hence, the real-time PCR assays for MMPs-1, -2, and -9 were further validated by confirming the sequences of these PCR reaction products.
Exposure of scleral cultures to PGF
2α or latanoprost increased MMP-1 mRNA. Prior investigations demonstrated increased scleral MMP-1 immunoreactivity in monkey eyes after topical PGF
2α-isopropyl ester treatment
3 and increased MMP-1 concentration in the medium of human scleral cultures exposed to PGF
2α or latanoprost acid.
9 Hence, the increased MMP-1 protein probably was synthesized locally within the sclera. Moreover, this increased biosynthesis reflected increased transcription of the gene for MMP-1.
Changes in MMP-2 mRNA in scleral cultures treated with PGF
2α or latanoprost were not significant by the Wilcoxon test. This result is similar to the previous observation of no change in MMP-2 mRNA in human ciliary smooth muscle cell cultures exposed to latanoprost.
20 However, increased MMP-2 immunoreactivity in the sclera of monkey eyes was observed after topical PGF
2α-isopropyl ester treatment.
3 In addition, MMP-2 concentration was increased in the medium of human scleral cultures exposed to PGF
2a or latanoprost acid.
9 Stimulated increases in MMP-2 secretion that were not accompanied by increases in MMP-2 mRNA have been found in macrophages and vascular tumor cells.
27 28 In the latter case, this secreted MMP-2 originated from intracellular stores. Further experiments are needed to determine whether the response of scleral fibroblasts to PG treatment is similar to that of these other cell types. Another possibility is that MMP-2 mRNA was increased either earlier or later than the 24-hour time point examined in the present study.
The amount of MMP-3 mRNA in the cultures was >30-fold greater than MMP-1 or -2 mRNAs. This was sufficient to produce a readily measured signal in the microarray assays. Though the real-time PCR results for this MMP were variable, the microarray results consistently showed a dose-dependent increase in MMP-3 mRNA after latanoprost treatment. Thus, the previously observed increase in scleral MMP-3 immunoreactivity within monkey sclera after topical PGF
2α-isopropyl ester treatment
3 probably reflected increased local biosynthesis. This conclusion is supported by the increased MMP-3 concentration found in the medium of human scleral organ cultures exposed to 100 nM latanoprost acid.
The amount of MMP-8 mRNA in the control cultures generally was similar to MMP-1 and -2 mRNA (i.e., 0.01% of GAPDH mRNA). Although this MMP was first identified in neutrophils,
6 the scleral organ cultures were unlikely to contain many neutrophils. MMP-8 also has been found in several other tissue types.
29 30 Hence, further investigations are needed to confirm the identity of the cell type expressing MMP-8 in sclera. In most of the cultures examined by real-time PCR, treatment with latanoprost reduced expression of this mRNA. Mixed responses were observed in the array experiments, as well, making it unlikely that MMP-8 contributed to the scleral response to PG treatments.
Expression of MMP-9 mRNA was 20 times less than that of MMP-1 or -2 mRNA and was the least abundant of the mRNA types analyzed in the present investigation. That this MMP was detected by real-time PCR and not by microarray analysis is consistent with this low abundance. Exposure to either PGF
2α or latanoprost increased MMP-9 mRNA in cultures from most of the donors. This increase averaged approximately fourfold in magnitude and was significant for both agonists, by the Wilcoxon test. The increase in scleral MMP-9 mRNA appears to be similar to the increased MMP-9 in the culture medium of human ciliary smooth muscle cells exposed to PGF
2α or latanoprost acid.
31 Further experiments analyzing the concentration of MMP-9 protein in the medium of treated scleral cultures are needed to determine whether this increase in MMP-9 mRNA leads to increased MMP-9 protein biosynthesis and release. It is also important to assess whether the amount released contributes significantly to scleral extracellular matrix remodeling.
Although the relative amounts of MMP-10 and -12 mRNA in the control cultures were similar to those of MMP-1 and -2, the signals for these mRNAs in the array assays were strong enough for quantitative comparisons. Increased MMP-10 expression after 100 nM latanoprost was further increased when the treatment dose was doubled. In contrast, MMP-12 mRNA typically was either reduced or unchanged by treatment with either agonist. Similar to MMP-9, further experiments analyzing the concentration of MMP-10 protein the medium of treated scleral cultures are needed to determine whether this increase in MMP-10 mRNA leads to increased MMP-10 protein biosynthesis and release.
The induction of TIMP-1, -2, and -3 in the PG-treated sclera cultures suggests that the influence of increased MMPs is regulated in the extracellular spaces by these increased TIMPs.
6 32 33 However, it is possible that the balance between the expression of certain MMPs and TIMPs is altered by the PG treatments. For example, the increases in MMP-3 and -10 shown in
Figure 6 may exceed the increases in TIMP expression. In addition, a previous study found that, after the addition of latanoprost to human ciliary muscle cultures, the induction of MMP mRNAs preceded the induction of TIMP mRNAs.
34 If this resulted in a delay in the biosynthesis of the TIMP proteins, the delay could promote MMP-mediated collagen degradation for a limited time.
The present results indicate that the MMP mRNA responses to 100 nM PGF
2α are similar to the MMP mRNA responses to 100 nM latanoprost acid. This concentration was chosen because it is the same as the peak concentration of latanoprost acid in human aqueous humor after topical application of the clinical dose of latanoprost (Sjöquist B, et al.
IOVS 1997;38:ARVO Abstract 1148). Moreover, it is the same as the EC
50 for the induction of phosphoinositide turnover (a measure of receptor activation) by PGF
2α or latanoprost acid in human ciliary muscle cells.
35 Although PGF
2α can activate other PG receptors besides the FP receptor, experimental studies have shown that the activation potency is >50 times less than at the FP receptor.
35 36 In addition, latanoprost is more specific for the FP receptor than PGF
36 Thus, the similar MMP and TIMP mRNA responses with these agonists are consistent with similar specific activation of the FP receptor.
Variability was observed in the responses of all the MMP mRNA types examined in the present study, which may reflect the intrinsic differences among the donors as well as treatment-specific effects. One of the less likely contributors to the observed variability is the difference in handling of the eye tissue after death. This is because no clear relationship was observed between the magnitude of the MMP mRNA responses and the time between death and ocular chilling or the time between death and generation of the scleral organ cultures. Moreover, some of the largest responses were obtained from sclera with the longest times between death and organ culture generation. More likely contributors include donor medication history, cause of death, the presence of unrecognized ocular disease, variability inherent to the analysis methods, and normal genetic variation. The importance of genetic variation is supported by the observation that among patients receiving latanoprost for 6 months, the proportions achieving IOP reductions of 10%, 20%, or 30% or more, were 89%, 73%, and 35%, respectively.
37 Thus, to the extent that MMP induction contributes to the IOP-lowering effect of topical treatments such as latanoprost, it is possible that variation in the induction of MMP gene transcription is important in the variability of the IOP response.
In conclusion, this study has shown that coordinated increases in the mRNA for certain MMPs and TIMPs occurs in scleral tissue exposed to PGF2α or latanoprost. Overall, these results are consistent with a shift of the metabolic profile toward reduced intrascleral extracellular matrix after PG treatment. Further investigations will be helpful in clarifying the relationships among MMP gene expression changes and extracellular MMP activities within sclera, as well as the potential link between variable gene inductions and variable IOP responses.
The authors also thank the San Diego Eye Bank for providing the donor eyes used in this study. Analysis of the PCR plates was performed at the Genomics Core of the UCSD Center for AIDS Research.