Earlier studies on short asymmetric horizontal
15 and vertical
16 pursuit stimulation demonstrated a so-called pursuit afternystagmus in the direction of prior pursuit. In these studies, asymmetric pursuit stimulation was applied for 1 to 2 minutes (stimulus velocities: 7.5–50 deg/s). The elicited drift decayed toward zero velocity within 15 seconds. Asymmetric pursuit stimulation was more effective upward than downward.
16 Because of similar decay time constants, pursuit afternystagmus was thought to be induced by a common velocity storage mechanism shared with the vestibular and optokinetic systems.
28 29 Our results suggest otherwise. The long time constants (3–10 minutes) after 20 minutes of asymmetric smooth-pursuit stimulation cannot be explained on the basis of the velocity storage mechanism alone. In fact, earlier studies on horizontal and vertical optokinetic afternystagmus reported time constants not exceeding 50 seconds in humans.
2 31 32 In addition, the visual target in our experiments (diameter of laser spot: 0.1°), although a strong stimulus for the smooth-pursuit system, is a poor stimulus for optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) and therefore afternystagmus (OKAN), because OKN essentially depends on stimulation of the peripheral retina.
14 15 Similar to findings in monkeys,
33 there is no downward OKAN after full-field downward optokinetic stimulation in healthy human subjects, which suggests a lack of velocity storage in the downward direction.
32 34 These results provide further evidence that our findings cannot be explained by a velocity storage mechanism alone, since continuous asymmetric smooth-pursuit stimulation elicits strong ocular drifts in both upward and downward directions. With a center-only OKN stimulus (width: 6°; height: 10°), downward OKAN can be observed in some subjects.
32 We think that such stimulus rather activates the pursuit and not the OKN system, and therefore the ocular drift that occurs after stimulation does not represent true OKAN.