X-ray–scattering studies in the late 1980s uncovered evidence of a preferential organization of collagen fibrils in central portions of the human cornea wherein proportionally more collagen fibrils lay in the superior–inferior and medial–lateral meridians than in other meridians.
18 This preferential alignment was later confirmed and quantified.
19 Current x-ray images (e.g.,
Fig. 1A ) indicate that the central mouse cornea, like the corneas of most other species we have studied over the years, but unlike human cornea, does not contain a significant amount of collagen preferentially aligned in an orthogonal manner. Our data point to a commonality between the structures of human and mouse corneas, however, in the more peripheral regions. Recently, a circumcorneal annulus of collagen fibrils was discovered near the limbus in the human cornea in which proportionally more collagen fibrils than elsewhere run circumferentially.
7 8 9 Because collagen fibrils are stronger along their axes, a situation can be readily envisaged in which the biomechanical stability of the cornea is contingent on the orientation of the fibrils within the plane of the cornea, and it is thought that the fibrillar annulus may well be responsible for the elevated circumferential tension at the limbus.
6 The present data identified a preponderance of circumferentially aligned collagen fibrils at two opposing edges of isolated, BALB/c mouse corneas
(Figs. 1 3) . Such a finding is supportive of the concept of a peripheral circumcorneal annulus of fibrillar collagen in mice, 2.2 mm in diameter.
Recently, an inbred line of mice was established (the SKC strain) in which conical corneas tend to develop in adult males. Initially, parallels were drawn with the human condition keratoconus,
11 but the SKC keratopathy is now thought to represent a distinct form of murine corneal ectasia. Reasons for this include the fact that average collagen fibril diameter in the SKC corneas is marginally, but significantly, larger than in BALB/c corneas
(Table 1) , whereas previous corneal x-ray diffraction experiments by Fullwood et al.
20 found that the average collagen fibril diameter in the corneas of humans with keratoconus was essentially unchanged. They also discovered that in human corneas with keratoconus the average collagen interfibrillar spacing was no different from normal and went on to conclude that any corneal thinning that might be seen in keratoconus should not be attributed to the close packing of the population of collagen fibrils as a whole. Our current measurements indicate that the average collagen interfibrillar Bragg spacing in SKC males measured 64.5 nm, whereas in SKC females it averaged 59.9 nm. Both spacings are significantly wider (
P < 0.001 and
P = 0.008, respectively) than the 49.7 nm recorded in the corneas of BALB/c mice of the same age.
It might be reasonably expected that, unless there is a reduction in the amount of fibrillar collagen present, SKC corneas with wider interfibrillar spacing would be unusually thick. In fact, previous studies of the female SKC mouse
11 indicate that corneas are invariably thinner than normal. Such observations are indirectly supportive of a reduction in the amount of fibrillar collagen at the centers of female SKC corneas. In SKC males, too, corneas are generally thin, and a reduction in the amount of fibrillar collagen in the center of the cornea can be envisaged. Some male SKC corneas, in contrast, are thicker than normal because of marked stromal edema.
11 With this in mind, we note the high variability in the male SKC interfibrillar measurements (SE ± 3.8 nm), and point out that one individual cornea had a remarkably high average interfibrillar spacing of 82.5 nm. Presumably, this particular cornea was edematous, but additional experiments that directly relate corneal thickness to interfibrillar spacing are required to resolve this matter. The initial report of the SKC strain
10 highlighted similarities with keratoconus in humans, but mentioned that there were distinctions—not least, the likelihood that inflammatory changes may be at play in the SKC mouse cornea. The present work indicates that from a structural viewpoint, too, the SKC strain should not act as a direct animal model of keratoconus in humans. Rather, it and similar strains, such as the JKC mouse
21 hold promise for further studies of the supposed dependence of corneal shape on the collagenous architecture of the corneal stroma.
The ultrastructural changes in SKC mice compared with BALB/c mice are clear, but represent something of a dilemma if we are trying to hold alterations in collagen packing responsible for corneal shape changes. This is simply because previous work has shown that the corneas of female SKC mice are less likely to become misshapen than are the corneas of male SKC mice,
11 but the current findings point to ultrastructural alterations in the stromal matrix in both male and female SKC corneas that are of similar magnitudes. Indeed, neither the collagen diameter measurements nor the interfibrillar measurements are significantly different between male and female SKC groups (
P = 0.766 and
P = 0.156, respectively). Taken together, these results seem to suggest that any predisposition of SKC males over SKC females toward development of a misshapen cornea is probably not a direct result of more widely spaced collagen fibrils that are marginally larger than normal.
The idea that collagen fibrillar orientation in the cornea might impinge on tissue stability and shape was the basis for the investigations of Daxer and Fratzl,
5 who discovered that in human keratoconus buttons obtained after surgery the typical inferior–superior/medial–lateral arrangement of corneal collagen in the central cornea
18 breaks down. They reasonably concluded that structural alterations may lead to tissue instability and the formation of a misshapen cornea. Of course, there are important structural differences between the corneas of mice and humans—not least, size and the considerable lamellar interweaving in the anterior stroma in humans, and it is unlikely that the shape mediation of the cornea is borne solely by the limbal annulus. Nevertheless, we believe that current evidence for the likely presence in normal murine cornea of a circumcorneal annulus of fibrillar collagen, 2.2 mm in diameter, identifies the mouse as a legitimate animal model for future investigations into these issues.
The present work revealed no clear, quantitative differences in the alignment of collagen in the central corneas of BALB/c and SKC mice. It did, however, suggest that the structural integrity of the circumcorneal annulus may have been altered in three of the four SKC corneas investigated. Previous work
11 has indicated that male mice of the SKC strain are predisposed to corneal shape changes, but the structural changes in the corneal annulus that we report were manifest in SKC females, even though these mice do not tend toward development of misshapen corneas as often. Thus, the definitive establishment of a causal relationship between corneal shape and the integrity of the circumcorneal annulus awaits further investigation.
The authors thank Gunter Grossmann, Mike McDonald, and Rob Keyhoe for help at the SRS, Daresbury Laboratory and Morio Ueno and Chikako Mochida for assistance with tissue collection.