The assignment of a single visual direction to objects is a critical aspect of binocular function. Because of the lateral separation of the eyes, the brain is confronted with three conflicting interpretations of the retinal images: the visual directions of each monocular representation and a third binocular visual direction. McKee and Harrad
7 suggested that a unique visual direction is obtained through local suppressive interactions between disparity detectors of different sizes. In their model, disparity-tuned units of different spatial scales at any given position are mutually inhibitory, with the magnitude of the inhibition being proportional to the unit’s activity. The addition of a large pedestal disparity optimally engages larger-scale units that in turn suppress fine-scale units. Fine-scale units in their model were needed to encode small vernier offsets, and thus they were able to explain the increase in threshold for offsets presented with a pedestal disparity. This model predicts that the magnitude of the suppression should be at a maximum for small disparities and should decrease as the test disparity approaches the size of the pedestal disparity, since, at that point, the same scale units would be engaged in symmetric mutual inhibition. In the psychophysical experiments, the test disparities were always much smaller than the pedestal disparity. The reduction in response amplitude we measured over the range of suprathreshold test disparities in the binocular 5-arc min condition is essentially constant as a proportion of either the monocular or binocular 0 amplitudes. The McKee and Harrad
7 model predicts that
D 50 would shift rightward, but that
V max would not be affected. We found clear effects on
V max that are not consistent with this model. Based on our electrophysiological data, it appears that psychophysical threshold elevations result from a graded reduction of the vernier alignment signal represented primarily by the first harmonic response.
In a prior study, we argued that the effect of a disparity pedestal, which creates a separation in depth between the dynamic disparity regions of our images and the static portions, may be analogous to the effect of gaps placed between two-dimensional vernier offset stimuli.
8 In the two-dimensional case, abutting stimuli produce a robust nonlinear response that decreases quickly as the image elements are separated.
12 13 14 We suggested that this interaction may also operate in three dimensions, with more interaction occurring for stimulus elements that are “coplanar.” The reductions of response in the binocular 5-arc min case would thus be expected, since the moving planes would be out of range of interaction with the static planes. In the case of vertical disparities, fusion shifts the relative positions laterally, but not in depth. As in the case of gaps, lateral misalignment also degrades the nonlinear lateral interaction (Hou C, et al.
IOVS 2003;44:ARVO E-Abstract 4119),
15 which thus appears to be the maximum for collinear stimuli when there is no valid depth interpretation or for coplanar stimuli when there is. This interaction, like the cross-scale interaction of McKee and Harrad
7 could operate locally and in a feed-forward fashion. It is also possible that the interaction involves feedback from higher visual areas that maintain a global depth map of surface relationships.
Although monocular vernier acuity is reduced with vertical disparities,
7 no sensation of depth is perceived. In this case, fusion brings about a change of visual direction, but since the horizontal disparity detectors are not activated, no depth is seen.