In our recent morphologic characterization of the retinas of GC1 KO mice, we noted that cone Tα immunoreactivity in dark-adapted GC1 KO retinas was shifted to the inner segments and synaptic regions of the cone cells.
11 This observation, together with our previous characterization of the GUCY1*B retina that suggests that the absence of GC1 is likely to induce the biochemical equivalent of light exposure in photoreceptors,
13 prompted the current investigation of light-driven translocation of transducin and arrestin in the GC1 KO mouse retina. The process of protein translocation in rod cells has been functionally linked to light adaptation in these cells
2 and may serve to protect photoreceptors exposed to extreme lighting conditions. The results of our investigation show that (1) the subcellular localization of Tα in the cone cells of GC1 KO retinas is abnormal regardless of adaptation state, (2) that light-driven translocation of cone arrestin is disrupted in GC1 KO retinas, and (3) that translocation of both Tα and arrestin in rod cells is normal in these retinas.
Recent immunohistochemical analyses of the subcellular location of cone Tα in dark- and light-adapted zebrafish retinas have shown that, in this species, Tα is highly concentrated in the cone outer segments and, unlike rod Tα, does not move to the inner portions of these cells in response to light stimulation.
10 The results of our analyses of WT mice retinas under dark- and light-adapting conditions are consistent with these observations and suggest that the absence of Tα translocation in cone cells may be a general characteristic of these cells. In GC1 KO retinas, we observed that the levels of cone Tα are persistently elevated in the inner regions of the cone cells, regardless of adaptation state. This abnormal distribution pattern resembles that which would be predicted in light-adapted retinas if, as occurs with rod Tα, cone Tα moved to the inner regions of the cone cells in response to light. Overexpression of cone Tα in GC1 KO cone cells could also alter the localization pattern of this protein in GC1 KO cone cells; however, Western blot analyses of Tα performed in a previous study of the GC1 KO mouse retina
11 showed that the levels of Tα in GC1 KO are not increased over WT. This observation, together with the staining patterns observed in this study, suggest that Tα may be actively redistributed in GC1 KO cone cells. The abnormal distribution of cone Tα in GC1 KO retinas could reflect the abnormal physiological state of the cones in these retinas. In both GC1 KO mouse and GUCY1*B chicken retinas, which also carry a GC1-null mutation, cone cells do not transduce light into visual signals.
12 13 Biochemical analyses of GUCY1*B retinas show that the absence of GC1 in these retinas is associated with significant reductions in the levels of GCAP1 protein
14 and cGMP
13 in the photoreceptor cells. The abnormally low cGMP levels in these cells have been hypothesized to induce chronic hyperpolarization.
13 Physiological
12 and biochemical
11 analyses of GC1 KO retinas suggest that the cone cells in these retinas may also be chronically hyperpolarized. If the cone cells in GC1 KO retinas are in a persistent state of light adaptation, then the increased levels of cone Tα in the inner portions of these cells, although abnormal, could represent a protective mechanism. Increased sequestration of cone Tα in the inner compartments of these cells would reduce the amount of cone Tα in the outer segments, thereby reducing the amount of Tα available to interact with photoactivated opsin proteins under the most extreme lighting conditions.
Our data show that translocation of arrestin in rod cells was normal in GC1 KO retinas, whereas translocation of arrestin in cone cells was disrupted. This observation, together with the observation that rod cells in GC1 KO retinas retain their ability to respond to light whereas cone cells do not,
12 suggests that light transduction and protein translocation are interdependent processes in photoreceptor cells. The biochemical intersection of these processes is not clear. In mouse rod cells, translocation of arrestin requires rhodopsin activation, but activation of transducin, the primary effector G protein of the visual phototransduction cascade, does not appear to be necessary in the translocation-signaling pathway.
6 In addition, the translocation processes in both rod
6 and cone
9 15 cells do not appear to be dependent on phosphorylation of activated opsins. Over the course of a normal phototransduction event, the levels of intracellular cGMP and Ca
2+ decrease in the photoreceptor outer segments and return to prestimulus levels through Ca
2+-sensitive feedback loops.
16 The inability of the cone cells in the GC1 KO retina to produce membrane potential changes in response to light is likely to lead to relatively static levels of intracellular Ca
2+ in the outer segments. Our data do not directly implicate GC1 in the transport signaling cascade, but they do suggest that the dynamic changes in either membrane potential or intracellular ion concentrations that normally occur after light stimulation are necessary for transport signaling.
Unlike cone cells in the GC1 KO mouse retina, rod cells in this retina retain their ability to respond dynamically to light.
12 This observation and the results of previous studies in the GC1 KO mouse
11 indicate that there is another GC present in mouse rod cells that is capable of supporting cell function. A likely candidate for this enzyme is GC2, an isoform of GC1 that is expressed in photoreceptor cells.
17 18 19 In contrast, mouse cone cells do not appear to possess redundancy in the phototransduction cascade on a GC1-null background. It is noteworthy that both cone and rod function are severely compromised in GUCY1*B chicken retina
20 and in patients with Leber congenital amaurosis type-1,
21 a blinding retinal disease that has been linked to null mutations in the GC1 gene.
22 The relatively greater impact that the loss of GC1 has on rod cells in chicken and human retina could reflect species differences or could represent a more general feature of retinas that have evolved for vision under photopic conditions. Further studies are needed to examine protein transport processes in rod and cone cells and the roles they have in facilitating the physiological function and survival of these cells and to identify the biochemical cascades that initiate light-driven transport in these cells.
The authors thank Kathy Laughlin for excellent technical assistance and Clay Smith and Wolfgang Baehr for helpful discussions and comments on the manuscript.