Capacity of cultured IPE to convert T cells into regulators. Purified naïve syngeneic T cells were cultured with IPE (
A) or CBPE (
B) for 48 hours and used as Tregs. For control experiments, naïve T cells were cultured in the absence of PE cells. PE Tregs or Cont Tregs were then added to cultures containing naïve responder T cells plus anti-CD3 Abs. (□) Positive and negative control cultures containing naïve T cells alone ± anti-CD3. After 72 hours, the cultures were assayed for uptake of [
3H]-thymidine. Mean cpm for triplicate cultures are presented ± SEM. (
C) Supernatants were harvested from 48-hour cultures and assayed by ELISA for IFNγ and IL-2. Results of triplicate samples are presented as the mean ± SEM. **
P < 0.005, compared with T resp + anti-CD3. (
D) IPE were plated on porous membranes and inserted into culture wells containing naïve T cells (Control Tregs,
dark cross-hatched bars).
Light cross-hatched bars: positive and negative control cultures containing naïve T cells alone ± anti-CD3. **
P < 0.005, comparing IPE Tregs generated across porous membrane or not. Cont, Control Tregs (not exposed to IPE). (
E) Preactivated T cells with anti-CD3 antibodies (concentration; 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 μg/mL) were cultured with IPE or CBPE for 48 hours and used as Tregs. [
3H]-thymidine uptake (mean cpm) for triplicate cultures are presented ± SEM. **
P < 0.005. (
F) Purified T cells were cultured with IPE for 48 hours, harvested, γ-irradiated, and used as Tregs. IPE Tregs were then added to cultures containing naïve CD4
+ or CD8
+ responder T cells plus anti-CD3. Also shown are results in positive control cultures containing naïve T cells alone (T resp) + anti-CD3. The last 8 hours of a 72-hour incubation [
3H]-thymidine uptake (mean cpm) for triplicate cultures are presented ± SEM. **
P < 0.005, comparing IPE Tregs with positive controls. (
G) Control T cells were generated by naïve T cells in the presence of 1% IPE to confirm the contamination of cultured IPE. [
3H]-thymidine uptake (mean cpm) for triplicate cultures are presented ± SEM. **
P < 0.005. (
H) CD44 CD44
low (naïve T cells) and CD44
high (memory T cells) populations were separated with a cell-sorting system. These CD8
+ T cells (CD44
negative or CD44
low or CD44
high ) were cultured with IPE for 48 hours, harvested, γ-irradiated, and used as Tregs. As an experimental control, CD8
+ T cells exposed to IPE were also used (▪). The CD8
+ IPE Tregs were then added to cultures containing responder T cells + anti-CD3. (□) Positive control cultures containing naïve T cells alone (T resp) + anti-CD3. *
P < 0.05, **
P < 0.005, comparing two groups.