purpose. To determine whether segmental labeling by the tracer molecule cationic ferritin (CF) is indicative of preferential patterns of fluid flow in the trabecular meshwork or of differences in cell and extracellular matrix properties. Nonlabeled regions could indicate no fluid entering that area, insufficient perfusion time, or that the cells and extracellular matrix differ in that region and cannot bind CF.
methods. Six whole eyes (three normal and three with pseudoexfoliation [PEX]) syndrome were perfused with CF for 30 minutes to 4 hours. Wedges of trabecular meshwork were dissected and some wedges immediately fixed. Adjacent wedges were placed in a CF bath before fixation. Transmission electron microscopy was used to analyze CF labeling.
results. CF increased in the trabecular meshwork with increasing perfusion time. At 30 minutes, CF labeled mainly the uveal and corneoscleral regions. By 4 hours, CF was found diffusely through the meshwork, although a few isolated nonlabeled areas were still present. Wedges immersed in the CF bath showed fewer nonlabeled regions at all time points. Clumps of PEX material labeled more heavily in the periphery than the center, suggesting the clumps were less permeable than surrounding regions. PEX eyes otherwise had similar labeling patterns.
conclusions. Segmental labeling with CF implies regions of preferential flow exist in the meshwork. With increasing perfusion time, there were fewer nonlabeled regions. CF labeling of most regions of bath-immersed tissue suggests that nonlabeled regions do not differ in the characteristics of the cells, but rather that CF does not reach these regions.
As aqueous humor traverses the trabecular meshwork (TM) to reach Schlemm’s canal (SC), it flows around collagenous lamellae that form interconnected aqueous spaces lined by trabecular cells. These aqueous spaces decrease in size as they approach the canal. The aqueous then passes through the basement membrane of SC endothelial cells and enters the canal through giant vacuoles and intercellular routes. Previous studies suggest that aqueous flow throughout the TM may be segmental. Clinically, segmental pigmentation is often observed during gonioscopy. A histologic study found that pigmented regions correspond to the locations of collector channels (Tanchel NA, et al.
IOVS 1984;25:ARVO Abstract 7). A study of giant vacuoles found they were grouped near collector channels, indicating a greater pressure gradient and presumed aqueous flow in these regions.
1 An ultrastructural study in glaucomatous eyes concluded that preferential flow pathways probably exist, noting that pigmentation of the trabecular cells on the lamellae was more common in regions with normal lamellae and wide intertrabecular spaces than in regions with thickened, fused lamellae and narrow or absent intertrabecular spaces.
Tracer studies also suggest that variations in flow occur within the circumference of the meshwork. A variety of tracers have been studied, including latex beads,
3 thorium dioxide (Thorotrast),
4 5 colloidal gold,
6 and cationic ferritin (CF).
7 8 9 10 11 CF has been used most frequently because of its small size (12 nm), positive charge, and ability to bind negatively charged cell surfaces. In living monkey eyes, CF labeled all regions of the TM except the region under the operculum, a “dead end” region of the TM.
8 In normal human eyes, results have varied among studies. In one study homogeneous labeling was present in all regions of the TM,
9 whereas in a more recent study segmental labeling was noted among quadrants and also within a single histologic section.
10 In glaucomatous eyes, segmental labeling has been reported among quadrants and within single histologic sections, in contrast to the finding of homogeneous label in normal eyes.
9 Segmental flow or alterations in flow could also occur in secondary glaucoma. Accumulation of pseudoexfoliation (PEX) material in the meshwork can decrease the size of the aqueous pathways and limit access to Schlemm’s canal.
12 Although this is the presumed mechanism of glaucoma caused by PEX, the permeability of PEX and its effect on fluid flow, are unknown. CF labeling could help investigate this question.
The purpose of the present study was to re-examine the question of segmental flow in both normal human and PEX eyes and also to determine why CF labeling may vary in the TM. Segmental CF labeling could be due to segmental flow patterns or to differences in the characteristics of the cell surface proteins and the composition of the extracellular matrix (ECM). We studied this with two methods: increasing CF–tissue contact time by increasing CF perfusion times and elimination of potential low-flow regions by immersion of tissue in a bath of CF. We conclude that segmental fluid flow occurs in the TM, rather than differences in cell and ECM characteristics. In addition, PEX material was less highly labeled than other extracellular materials, confirming the idea that it is relatively impermeable and can clog the outflow pathways.
In CF bath specimens, it was expected that open intertrabecular spaces would allow CF to penetrate those regions, but CF did not penetrate solid areas of ECM. Thus, the periphery, but not the center, of a solid region labeled; and, when sliced open during sectioning, the inner portion of the solid region was not expected to have CF label.
CF labeling in bath tissues at 1 hour was similar to non–bath tissue, with labeling confined to the uveal and inner corneoscleral regions where it outlined the trabecular cells and beams. Similar to the findings in the non–bath tissue at 30 minutes, isolated clumps of CF were noted in Schlemm’s canal. These similarities to non–bath tissue suggested that tissue incubated in a CF bath for 1 hour without shaking did not have sufficient mixing to allow CF penetration throughout the meshwork. Hence, bath time was increased, the CF bath was placed on a shaker, and the tissue wedges were trimmed smaller (1 mm width) for the remaining specimens.
Tissue wedges incubated in the CF bath for 2 hours had more labeling of the JCT and basement membrane of SC when compared with non–bath tissue. Large aggregates of CF were apparent on the luminal surface of the canal cells of the inner and outer wall. Beam cortex and cores contained CF. Some regions of the inner corneoscleral and JCT remained unlabeled. Schlemm’s canal endothelial cells were labeled on the luminal surface. In comparison to the 2-hour perfusion-only tissue, CF bath tissue had more pronounced labeling of the outer wall endothelium and JCT region. It should be remembered that these CF bath specimens were from eyes first perfused with CF for 2 hours before dissection and placement into the bath. These CF bath specimens thus had a total of 4 hours’ exposure to CF. This longer time than the 2-hour CF perfusion-only tissue is in keeping with the objective of this portion of the study: to determine whether nonlabeled regions would become labeled if directly exposed to CF. When compared with CF perfusion-only tissue for an equivalent length of time (4 hours), these 2-hour bath specimens had amounts of label similar to that of the 4-hour perfusion-only labeling.
Tissue in the CF bath for 4 hours had labeling throughout all areas of the meshwork, with most regions showing heavy label
(Fig. 6) . All regions under the inner and outer walls contained large amounts of CF, as did the lumen of the canal and also the intertrabecular spaces. CF was toxic to meshwork cells after this prolonged exposure time (8 hours total: 4 hours during perfusion, and an additional 4 hours during the CF bath), probably because of the low pH of the CF solution (pH 5.8). Nuclei were swollen and cells were fragmented or even missing. When compared with the CF perfusion-only tissues, the CF bath tissue showed heavier amounts of label, but were similar in the overall number of areas labeled.
CF penetrated loose ECM material in the JCT region but was excluded from the center of dense accumulations of it in CF-perfusion specimens. Not all loose ECM was labeled, however, and we generally could not predict which regions might be labeled and which would not. Regions with CF label did not appear to have less ECM than nonlabeled regions. This suggests that fluid pathways in the JCT region are not solely determined by the extracellular material. It also suggests that extracellular material was not lost, or “washed out,” of this region. Had ECM washout occurred, CF would have been carried into this region by the increased fluid flow causing the washout, and label would have been prominent in the ECM bordering these empty regions.
Two preferential flow pathways were evident. Regions of the inner wall with breaks in the endothelial lining often, but not always, had clumps of CF in the cell breaks and spilling into the canal. A second probable flow pathway was discovered in one eye perfused for 30 minutes with CF. Near the canal, CF was found in a region of loose JCT cells adjacent to the posterior portion of Schlemm’s canal
(Figs. 7A 7C)but not in the JCT underlying the single lumen of the main canal
(Fig. 7B) . These loose cells appeared to be a distended region of the JCT that had expanded into the lumen of the canal, filling that area of the canal with elongated, thin, interconnected cell processes. Of interest, the lumen of a collector channel was present in this specimen, although it did not connect with the canal in the sections examined. CF had not yet entered any JCT regions underlying the adjacent midcanal or anterior canal lumen, despite the presence of numerous optically empty spaces in the JCT. Because this eye had been perfused only 30 minutes with CF, the distended JCT region with label was apparently a localized higher-flow region.