Two functions (the terms “functions” and “polynomials” are used interchangeably),
x) and
x), are said to be orthogonal over the interval
a ≤
x ≤
b with weighting function
x) if
\[{[}f(x){\vert}g(x){]}\ {=}\ {{\int}_{a}^{b}}\ f(x)g(x)w(x)dx\ {=}\ 0,\]
and, in addition, if also
\[{{\int}_{a}^{b}}\ {[}f(x){]}^{2}\ w(x)dx\ {=}\ 1\]
\[{{\int}_{a}^{b}}\ {[}g(x){]}^{2}\ w(x)dx\ {=}\ 1,\]
the functions are also said to be “normalized.” When functions are both orthogonal and normalized, they are called “orthonormal.” If the set of functions and polynomials has more than two terms, the generalized form of these properties, if each term is represented by φ, is
\[{{\int}_{a}^{b}}\ w(x){\phi}_{n}(x){\phi}_{m}(x)dx\ {=}\ {\delta}_{mn}c_{n},\]
n and
m represent the indexes of each polynomial,
C n is a constant and, when it assumes a value of 1, the polynomials are also normalized, and δ represents the Kronecker delta
19 and assumes a value of 0 if
m =
n and 1 if
m ≠
n. The general properties given by
equations (7 8 9 -10)are also applicable to functions or polynomials defined in larger domains (such as the
x–y plane). The only difference is that a double integral should be implemented. The orthonormal functions are also said to be “complete” in the closed interval
x ∈ (
b) if, for every piece-wise continuous function
x) in this interval, the squared error
\[E_{n}\ {=}\ {[}f\ {-}\ (c_{1}{\phi}_{1}\ {+}\ c_{2}{\phi}_{2}\ {+}\ c_{3}{\phi}_{3}\ {+}\ {\ldots}c_{n}{\phi}_{n}){]}^{2}\]
converges to 0 as
n→∞. Symbolically, a set of functions is complete if
\[\begin{array}{l}\mathrm{lim}\\m{\rightarrow}{\infty}\end{array}{{\int}_{a}^{b}}\ {[}f(x)\ {-}\ {{\sum}_{n{=}0}^{m}}\ c_{n}{\phi}_{n}(x){]}^{2}w(x)dx\ {=}\ 0\]
for every value of
x in the considered interval. If this same concept is applied to a set of functions or polynomials for which the domain now is the
y plane, the symbolic representation becomes
\[\begin{array}{l}\mathrm{lim}\\m{\rightarrow}{\infty}\end{array}{{\int}_{a}^{b}}{{\int}_{c}^{d}}\ {[}f(x,y)\ {-}\ {{\sum}_{n{=}0}^{m}}\ c_{n}{\phi}_{n}(x,y){]}^{2}w(x,y)dxdy\ {=}\ 0,\]
where the closed interval is defined both in the
x-axis (
b) and the
y-axis (
d). Also, if these polynomials are in cylindrical coordinates—that is, φ(ρ,θ)—then
equation 13can be written in terms of these new coordinates, and the limiting interval will also be determined by (ρ,θ). More specifically, it is useful to write these polynomials in cylindrical coordinates when the domain has polar symmetry, which often happens in the case of optical apertures and also the human pupil. This is why the VSIA standards for ZPs are given in cylindrical coordinates. ZPs also obey all the properties discussed thus far—a fact that is not proven herein, given that there are very good references that demonstrate these properties and also for the sake of brevity. The reader is directed to Born
1 for a thorough discussion and demonstration of these properties and also an explanation of the recursive formulas for generating ZPs of any order. In this way, it can also be affirmed that ZPs form a “complete set of orthonormal polynomials” inside the unit circle domain (0 − 1, 0 − 2π).