PS-OCT imaging was performed with a system that is based on a setup published previously in detail.
28 29 In brief, the system is capable of measuring backscattered intensity (as measured in standard OCT systems), phase retardation, and birefringent axis orientation simultaneously. The technique uses circular polarized light incident on the cornea. A polarization and phase-sensitive two channel detection unit is used to retrieve all three parameters.
30 Note that the anterior segment birefringence somewhat distorts the retardation and axis orientation values obtained with this method from the retina. However, this influence can be disregarded, because this study focused on the difference between polarization-preserving and depolarizing structures of the retina, and the randomization of the polarization state caused by depolarizing effects are not affected by anterior segment birefringence. (Nevertheless, a quantitative analysis of retinal birefringence would be possible by compensating for the influence of the anterior segment (e.g., by introducing an appropriate retarder into the sample beam, as in the GDx VCC [Carl Zeiss Meditec, GmbH], or by a numerical compensation algorithm). The fast (or priority) scanning axis of the system is parallel to the retinal surface which differs from standard (or A-scan–based) OCT setups (fast scanning axis perpendicular to the retinal surface). One advantage of this technique is that the light power incident on the cornea can be increased because of the very short exposure times at a certain location on the retina.
17 This advantage can be used to increase the sensitivity of the setup compared with standard time-domain OCT systems. The power incident on the cornea was measured with 1.2 mW, which is below the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard limits for repeated light exposure of the retina within measuring time.
31 The axial (depth) resolution of the system is determined by the optical bandwidth of the used light source (superluminescent diode; SuperlumDiodes Ltd., Moscow, Russia; λ
0 = 841 nm and Δλ = 51 nm) and was measured with ∼6.1 μm in air which corresponds to ∼4.5 μm within the retina (assuming a group refractive index of the retina of 1.38). The system records a B-scan image (OCT tomogram) consisting of 3400 × 500 pixels corresponding to ∼3.4 × 1 mm (
z image plane) in 0.5 second.
An additional detection channel was implemented from the previous setup, which allowed the recording of scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO) images (with similar detection optics as those used for the OCT images) at a frame rate of 5 frames per second (fps) for alignment purposes. The SLO image, which was recorded immediately before (delay of ∼100 ms) the OCT measurement, was stored to determine the position of the B-scan on the retina.