Spatial filtering is an attractive proposition, as it may reduce measurement noise without the need for additional VF testing. This is particularly useful when analyzing long series of VF data acquired over several years. The first method of spatial filtering tested, Gaussian filtering, was shown to reduce test-retest variability and to reduce measurement noise.
10 11 However, the use of the Gaussian filter is limited by the simple nature of its construction; it was originally designed for use in digital image processing. It is based on a 3 × 3 test-point grid whereby the sensitivity of the central test point is adjusted according to the relative weights of the other points in the grid. The same filter is applied for each point in the field (in a methodical, not physiological, fashion) and the weightings of the other points in the grid remain fixed throughout the field. It is clear that measurement error should be attenuated by this approach, but its non-physiological nature results in blurring (or erasing) of established field defects. This was demonstrated by Spry et al.,
12 who examined the effect of Gaussian filtering on detection of glaucomatous progression using point-wise linear regression analysis compared with raw threshold sensitivity data. Although Gaussian filtering was able to improve specificity by reducing variability of non-progressing locations, sensitivity was reduced as it also attenuated useful signal. This was particularly a problem for small defects, indicating that Gaussian filtering would result in difficulty in the detection of early perimetric change.
A more useful approach to constructing a spatial filter would be to exploit the functional or anatomic relationship between test points. Initially, the point by point spatial dependence was determined by multiple regression analysis of sensitivity values for each test point in a dataset of 440 Humphrey VFs.
13 A similar investigation reports the relationship between sensitivities of test points using the 32 program of Octopus 1-2-3 (Interzeag, Schlieren-Zurich, Switzerland).
14 In this study, linear regression analysis among each of the locations and the rest of the points in the field was performed. The methodology used in the construction of our filter was similar, although the mathematical relationship between sensitivities was assessed using covariances and correlations and the number of fields assessed was much larger. In particular, all available VF data were used in the construction of the filter, so as to be truly representative of a glaucoma clinic population. It may therefore not be suitable for use in normal subjects or subjects with nonglaucomatous—for example, neurological—field defects. With simulated progressing VF data, the novel filter was found to improve both specificity and sensitivity.
8 When used on a 50-patient sample of longitudinal field data, the filter has been shown to reduce variability, and it does not reduce detection of loss by total deviation maps (Artes PH et al.,
IOVS 2005;46:ARVO E-Abstract 3732). This method represents a clear improvement in the performance of the Gaussian filter, although the effect of the filter has yet to be fully assessed on prospective clinical data. An additional observation from this study is that the filter improved the “pattern” of progression compared with unfiltered VFs, so that it more closely resembled the defect appearance expected in glaucoma. This result would be expected if the physiological relationships exploited in the construction of the filter are valid.
An encouraging level of agreement between the magnitude of functional correlation between points and the relative location of the points at the ONH and the retinal periphery was observed in this study. There was a negative association between functional correlation and both ONHd and RETd. Using a multiple regression model with the product of ONHd and RETd, we were able to predict interpoint correlations. It should be noted that the model continues to predict FC well with the interaction term removed, which may indicate that the dependent association between ONHd/RETd and interpoint sensitivity correlation may not be large. However, although the coefficient for the interaction term is small (0.0001), it cannot be dismissed completely, as an increase in
R 2 from 0.6 to 0.75 was observed when the interaction was included. The interaction term is intended to account for the nonlinearity observed in the models shown in
Figures 2 and 3 . The minimal impact of the interaction term on the predictive model may suggest that the nonlinearity observed has a negligible influence. The regression equation used to construct the example filter was therefore derived from a predictive model that included the interaction between ONHd and RETd. In the construction of the filter, only predicted FCs with ONHd correlations >0.84 (
R 2 ≥ 0.7) were included, and the ONHd/FC relation is clearly linear over this range
(Fig. 5) . However, as should be expected, the relationship between ONHd and the VF correlations appears to be wholly valid (and linear) within the same hemisphere but not between hemispheres
(Fig. 6) .
As glaucomatous damage is believed to manifest at the ONH, it seems logical that VF locations that correspond to similar regions of the ONH should be well correlated; damage to that area of the ONH affects all such points. In this study, retinal proximity was also found to be a predictor of the strength of correlation between two points. This observation has implications for both disease process and anatomic organization, although with the caveat that it is unknown whether the finding is real or spurious. If the observation is “real,” it may support the hypothesis that RNFL bundles from similar peripheral eccentricities are closely located at the optic nerve head. Experimental studies in different species of the macaque monkey have generally suggested that a degree of retinotopic organization exists with respect to the eccentricity of axonal origin, although they tend to differ in terms of exact detail.
15 16 17 18 To date, there has been little by way of clinical observation to support this hypothesis,
19 although the results of this study may support such a finding in the context of a disease model where glaucomatous damage occurs at the ONH. An alternative explanation applies to a model in which damage occurs primarily in the retina. In this situation, damage may propagate from dysfunctional or dying retinal ganglion cells locally within the retina. ONHd has a much higher coefficient of determination than RETd, suggesting that the glaucomatous process more likely occurs at the ONH, although the ONH and retinal models are not mutually exclusive. The FC/RETd relationship, however, may in part be spurious, resulting from measurement error. The error may be systematic, perhaps related to inaccuracies in the anatomic map. Random error may relate to interindividual variation of ONH position in relation to the fovea,
9 or to fixation losses occurring during visual field testing.
The comparison between interpoint functional correlation and the anatomic map is dependent on the assumption that the relationships described by the anatomic map are valid. Alternative maps have been described that were developed with similar techniques.
20 21 The map used in the present study has already been used in structure-function studies in glaucoma.
22 23 24 The adoption of an alternative map, such as that developed by Junemann et al.
22 has been based on the simplicity of use, as opposed to any perceived greater integrity compared to the map used in our study.
25 Recently, a map has been described that was developed using both static automated perimetry and Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT) data.
26 This newer map therefore differs from the map used in our study, in that it incorporated both structural and functional information in its development, although the result is similar to the map used in the present study.
Structural data have been incorporated into the construction of a spatial filter, based on the multiple regression predictive model that incorporates the angular distance between test points at the optic nerve head, the angular distance between test points in the retinal periphery, and the interaction between the two distances. In the example used in this study, which is for a single test point, the filter has a similar distribution of test-point associations compared with those generated using the “physiological” filter of Gardiner et al.
8 Both filters follow an “arcuate” pattern, in keeping with what might be expected given the distribution of the retinal nerve fiber layer. The newly developed “structural” filter does include fewer points, however, that have more similar weightings relative to each other, compared with the physiological filter. This may be explained by the fact that all the points, bar one, included in the structural filter are directly adjacent to the point of interest and as such may be expected to have a similar relation, according to a linear model. The method of constructing the physiological filter downplayed points that strongly covaried with, but had lower predictive value than, other predicting points. This method was not used in the new structural filter. By not downplaying strongly associated points, measurement noise reduction may be improved through increased signal averaging; however, whether this confers an advantage in the detection of signal should be tested and will be the subject of further work. The use of the predictive equation developed in this study enables the construction of filters that may be customized on a point-wise basis. A “bespoke” spatial filter is particularly useful if one wants to exclude test points from a longitudinal series if they are consistently depressed by a mechanism other than glaucoma—for example, by lid artifact or chorioretinal scarring. Likewise, the physiological filter is limited as it is designed for use with the 24-2 program of the HFA. A point-wise customizable filter may be adopted in the context of different Humphrey programs (such as 10-2) and may also be used in alternative proprietary perimeters.
The associations identified in our study help to validate the structure-function relationship in glaucoma and give insight into the anatomic organization of the ONH and glaucomatous disease process. The incorporation of structural data may be of benefit in the development of more refined spatial filters to reduce measurement noise in VF testing.