The intent of the present study was to develop a model for the accurate and precise prediction of the structural (neural) defects caused by glaucoma from measurements of visual function by clinical perimetry. Although the purpose of the investigation was to derive a general clinical application for structure–function relationships, it was a necessary first-step to conduct controlled investigations on animal subjects to determine the feasibility and framework. The research method involved the induction of experimental glaucoma in macaque monkeys to produce a progressive optic neuropathy that was assessed by behavioral perimetry. Our previous investigations,
11 13 35 36 37 38 39 40 using these methods, have demonstrated that experimental glaucoma is an excellent preparation for evaluating the psychophysical and histopathological effects associated with the death of retinal ganglion cells. For the present investigation, the research method has important benefits in reducing experimental variability for measurements of both visual and neural effects which, if not controlled, would have obscured the critical trends that define the model. Examples of the principal controls of variability are: 1) experimental glaucoma generally is unilateral, which allows sensitivity versus neural losses to be assessed by differences between the treated and control eyes of a single subject; 2) the condition may be allowed to progress to analyze neural–visual relationships from the full range of glaucomatous neuropathy; and 3) at any stage, monkeys produce highly reliable perimetry data because of daily practice with rigorous behavioral control and the final visual fields data and collection of histologic tissue are essentially simultaneous, with the retinal tissue fixed and processed immediately. Therefore, in contrast to the experimental difficulties related to obtaining accurate perimetry data and postmortem retinal tissue from aged patients, the methods and control afforded by experimental glaucoma provided the quality of data that was required to develop a quantitative structure–function model for standard clinical perimetry.
The structure–function model is a linear regression for a point-wise analysis of the degree of retinal ganglion cell loss from single measurements of visual sensitivity by standard clinical perimetry. The model, with no free parameters, produces relatively precise and accurate quantification of retinal ganglion cell losses caused by experimental glaucoma in macaque monkeys. In principle, the model could be applied directly to clinical patients on the basis of the close similarities in the anatomic and functional properties of the monkey and human visual systems,
41 including clinical perimetry.
32 However, none of the prior studies have directly compared the structure–function relationships for visual field defects caused by the loss of retinal ganglion cells and, therefore, an empiric test of the present model against data from humans is important. Although the most direct test would be with glaucoma patients, those data were not available to us at the time and, instead, the model was tested against published data from humans on the normal variation of ganglion cell density with eccentricity and the normal age-related losses in retinal ganglion cell density.
One of the most fundamental variables of the model is the expected normal ganglion cell density at any location in the retina. For the control eyes of monkeys, the ganglion cell density as a function of eccentricity is linear in log–log coordinates (see
Fig. 2A , filled circles) with a coefficient of determination of 0.98. The function for ganglion cell density versus eccentricity for humans is similar, as demonstrated by the data from Curcio and Drucker
24 for subjects in two age groups. These data are presented in
Fig. 2A , with the data for young subjects (age, 27–37 years) shown by the open diamonds and a dot-dash line and the data for aged subjects (age, 66–82 years) shown by the open squares and a dashed line. The parameters for the fitted functions for the monkey and human data are very similar, that is, the slopes for all three functions are within 1 dB/deg (monkeys: −14.0 dB/deg; young humans: −14.4 dB/deg; aged humans: −15.0 dB/deg) and the intercepts are within 2 dB (monkeys: 55.8 dB, young humans: 54.6 dB; aged humans: 54.0 dB). The small displacements of the data, indicated by the intercept values, are consistent with the normal age-related loss of retinal ganglion cells.
12 42 43 The human-equivalent ages of the monkeys were 24–28 years, slightly younger than the young humans for Curcio and Drucker’s study, and they show the highest ganglion cell densities at each eccentricity. The data for the two groups of human subjects are then ordered by systematic reductions with increasing age. It is also important to note that the age-related changes are essentially uniform across eccentricities, that is, there are no regional differences, which is also consistent with other published data for humans.
42 43 Thus, the function for the variation in retinal ganglion cell density with eccentricity can be applied to clinical data, although to maintain the accuracy of the model for the expected normal ganglion cell densities there will need to be a factor for normal age-related cell losses.
The rate and magnitude of the age-related ganglion cell losses were investigated further by determining whether the model that was derived from monkeys could accurately predict the normal age-related losses of retinal ganglion cells in humans. This evaluation may be considered a stringent test of the model because the normal loss of ganglion cells over a lifetime is relatively small, <50%
(Fig. 5) . The elemental data for the test were the age-related losses of visual sensitivity that are incorporated into the HFA StatPac (Carl Zeiss-Meditec) for statistical analysis of clinical perimetry data.
30 31 The perimetry data for the expected normal visual sensitivity as a function of age at each of four eccentricities are presented in
Figure 5A . The characteristics of these data are well known and, as expected, they show an overall reduction in sensitivity with increasing eccentricity and an age-related loss of sensitivity that is more rapid for more peripheral than central test locations (i.e., slopes = −0.06 dB/year at 4.2° eccentricity, −0.07 dB/year at 12.8° eccentricity, and −0.09 dB/year at 21.2° or 24° eccentricity). The results of the model, using the normative sensitivity values as input data to predict ganglion cell densities, are presented in
Figure 5B . It is apparent that, although the age-related functions are separated by the normal variation in ganglion cell density with eccentricity, the slopes of the functions have become uniform across eccentricities. Thus, the model predictions are that a constant proportion of retinal ganglion cells are lost each year as a part of normal aging (about −0.046 dB/year) and that the rate of loss is similar at all retinal locations. Both predictions are consistent with published data. For example, the rate of age-related ganglion cell losses that were predicted from visual sensitivities
(Fig. 5B) is remarkably similar to the rate found in histologic studies. This result is illustrated by data from three recent studies,
12 42 43 presented in
Figure 5C , for the normal retinal ganglion cell density (in dB units) as a function of age. The slopes of the fitted functions, which vary between −0.047 and −0.052 dB/year, are compatible with the rate of cell loss predicted by the model. Thus, these data demonstrate the potential application of the structure–function model and also provide confirmation that the age-related losses in visual sensitivity are primarily caused by retinal neural losses rather than preretinal light losses from crystalline lens opacities or pupillary miosis.
The combined evidence obtained from accurately predicting retinal ganglion cell losses from both experimental glaucoma in monkeys and normal ageing in humans provides strong proof of the principle for a quantitative model for structure–function relationships for standard clinical perimetry. Obviously, the final formulation of the model will require data from human glaucoma patients, but the present approach of behavioral control in animals and group data for humans was necessary to reduce experimental variability and define the basic parameters of the model. However, some forms of variability cannot be eliminated. For example, visual sensitivity losses must precede ganglion cell death and psychophysical measures include a component of cell dysfunction as well as cell death. In this respect, visual sensitivity may represent the truer evaluation of functional status because it includes both components.
Another source of inherent variability that cannot be reduced by data modeling is the normal variation of psychophysical measures of thresholds. The normal variability in threshold measurements, when the thresholds are determined by probability summation, is an especially important factor in the early detection of glaucoma. Because the relationship between the visual threshold and number of neural mechanisms is logarithmic, a relatively large proportion of ganglion cells (40%–50%) must be lost before the threshold measurement exceeds the normal variability and reaches statistical significance. Consequently, the sensitivity of perimetry for early detection should be higher in visual field locations with lower variability, but the slope of the structure–function relationship also varies with eccentricity and offsets the benefit of reduced variability. For this reason, the initial diagnosis of significant visual field defects with standard perimetry is associated with approximately equal proportions of ganglion cells death in all retinal locations. However, it may be possible to take advantage of reduced measurement variance with alternative methods of perimetry based on ganglion cell-specific stimuli, such as frequency-doubling technology or motion stimuli,
45 46 47 48 49 that reduce measurement variance at all test locations and/or reduce the number in the pool of potential stimulus detectors.
The use of alternative methods of perimetry stimuli, with ganglion cell-specific stimuli, can be more efficient than white-light stimuli for detecting the initial losses of ganglion cells,
46 47 50 but these stimuli may not be more effective in following the progression of established visual field defects. Once the neuropathy has progressed to the level of clinical significance, then there is a high correlation between different perimetry procedures that have been designed to selectively test very different ganglion cell populations.
37 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 It is likely, therefore, that the characteristics for structure–function relationships with alternative methods of perimetry will be very similar to those of standard clinical perimetry.
In summary, the present study has shown that neural losses from experimental glaucoma are well correlated with visual losses in standard clinical perimetry when eccentricity factors are included. The structure–function relationships at each eccentricity are linear on log–log coordinates and the parameters from linear regression vary systematically across eccentricity. The orderly behavior of each of the variables of the structure–function relationships provided the framework for a model to predict the ganglion cell density underlying a given level of visual sensitivity and location in the visual field. The model’s success in predicting retinal ganglion cell losses from both experimental glaucoma in monkeys and normal aging in humans suggests that it has potential for application for the clinical interpretation of the state of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. However, before the clinical application can be instituted, further development may be necessary using data from human glaucoma patients.