To date, several dietary supplementation studies with L and Z involving various species of monkeys have been conducted.
23 24 45 46 As our study was in its final phases, Neuringer et al.
46 reported a study in which they elegantly demonstrated that rhesus (
Macaca mulatta) monkeys respond to either dietary L or Z supplementation, with increases in the serum and macular pigment concentration of these carotenoids, even after life-long xanthophyll deficiency. This well-designed study was particularly significant, because the investigators separated and measured the concentrations of L, Z, and their geometrical isomers in the serum of the monkeys. In the present study, we also selected rhesus monkeys because of their relatively low serum xanthophyll concentrations in comparison with those in other monkey species that have been studied.
45 47 48 Therefore, we anticipated that it would be a challenging task to increase the plasma concentrations of L and Z in rhesus monkeys by supplementation with high doses of these carotenoids. In the dietary supplementation studies conducted by Leung et al.
24 and Neuringer et al.
46 in which rhesus monkeys were fed a stock diet, the mean serum concentrations of L were in the range of 54 to 74 nM, whereas the mean serum concentrations of Z were in the range of 5 to 58 nM. The results of our study revealed much higher mean plasma concentrations of L (240 ± 20 nM) and Z (120 ± 10 nM) in the control monkeys at baseline than those reported by Leung et al.
24 and Neuringer et al.
46 In our study, each animal received approximately 0.99 to 1.32 mg/d (1.74–2.32 μM) L and 0.26 to 0.35 mg/d (0.46–0.62 μM) Z from the standardized monkey diet, regardless of their treatment. Comparison between the L (5.49 μg/g) and Z (1.47 μg/g) content of the diet given to the monkeys in our study with the L (4 to 6 μg/g) and Z (4 to 5 μg/g) content of the stock diet given to the monkeys in the study conducted by Neuringer et al.
46 does not provide a reasonable explanation of these differences. However, these differences may be related to the age (3.3 ± 0.3 years) and weight (3.25 ± 0.06 kg) of the control animals in our study compared with the age (11.9 ± 1.3 years) and weight (8.1 ± 0.8 kg) of the monkeys with nonsupplemented diets in Neuringer et al.
46 Because the primary focus of our study was to assess the safety of long-term supplementation with L and Z at high doses, these carotenoids were each fed separately at the dose of 10 mg/kg body weight/d (17.58 μM/kg) for 1 year. This dose is approximately five times the dose of these carotenoids in the study conducted by Neuringer et al. In their study, the mean serum concentration of L or Z in the xanthophyll-free rhesus monkeys supplemented with these carotenoids, each at a dose of 2.2 mg/kg per day (3.9 μM), exceeded the levels in monkeys fed a stock diet (4–6 μg/g each of L and Z) by 2 weeks.
46 After this time, the concentrations were approximately 10 times as high for L and 10 to 20 times as high for Z. Our results are difficult to compare with those of Neuringer et al. because the study design, age, weight, dose, and duration and frequency of supplementation with L and Z in the studies were quite different. In Neuringer et al., after supplementation with 2.2 mg/kg per day of either L or Z, the mean plasma concentrations of both carotenoids were approximately 0.8 μM after 6 months and 0.5 μM after 12 months. In our study, after 6 months of supplementation of monkeys with 10 mg/kg per day of L or Z, the mean plasma level of these carotenoids were 0.57 and 0.82 μM, respectively
(Table 1) . After 12 months, the mean plasma level of L increased to 0.71 μM in the L-fed group and that of Z increased to 0.92 μM in the Z-fed group. Despite the fact that our doses of L and Z were fivefold higher than those in Neuringer et al., the mean blood levels of these carotenoids in the animals in the two studies are within a close range.