Participants in both age groups performed rOKN rather than pursuit OKN in most of the stimulation conditions. OKN beats were rapid, and there were no long, tracking slow phases or large excursions of gaze from the straight-ahead position, where participants were instructed to stare
(Fig. 5) .
16 37 In addition, except for slow-velocity, full-field conditions in which OKN gain was near unity
(Figs. 1c 1d) , gains were lower than 0.7, which is indicative of rOKN.
16 39 In fact, the fastest SPVs for the entire experiment were recorded in the full-field, high-contrast, mesopic, 0.43-cpd conditions at the fast velocity with mean SPVs (±1 SEM) of 10.02° ± 2.15°/s for the older group and 13.59° ± 1.70°/s for the younger group. Gains here were still lower than approximately 0.7.
We believe our partial-field rOKN data provide new insights into the reflexive response of the M-pathway to motion. rOKN seems to be similar to pursuit OKN with partial-field stimulation, except that the OKN response is weaker and the gains are considerably lower. Modest increases in SPV were observed as contrast increased, and larger increases were observed as stimulation was changed from the peripheral field (where the area of stimulation is much larger) to the central field.
24 25 26 40 Unlike previous findings, we found that when we increased the velocity of the drifting gratings from 5°/s to 20°/s (a modest increase in the context of usual OKN stimulus velocities), a small
decrease occurred in SPV for central stimulation
(Fig. 2) . Previous work on so-called passive OKN with partial-field stimulation at stimulus velocities of 20°/s and greater has shown modest increases in SPV with increasing velocity.
41 However, Abadi et al.
41 used low spatial frequency gratings of 0.25 cpd; therefore, the temporal modulation of most of their stimuli was lower than in the present experiment. Our SPVs and, hence, OKN gains seem to have been limited by the temporal modulation of the stimulus, even though the temporal frequency of the stimulus with the highest modulation (21.6 Hz) was lower than the limit (24 Hz) for optimal OKN,
39 but this limit might have been even lower under conditions of low light or low contrast.
The interaction effects in our eye movement data among the different stimulus parameters—contrast, temporal frequency, and light level—strongly suggest rOKN is driven by the M-pathway and, hence, is indicative of the level of functioning of that system.
39 42 A recent fMRI study in humans has shown that unlike pursuit OKN, rOKN does not activate cortical oculomotor structures associated with planned eye movements
42 ; rather, it strongly activates the traditional motion-processing cells in the medial temporal (MT) area of the macaque
43 and human
42 cortex. In addition, Crognale and Schor
37 have shown that the gain of rOKN in human observers is severely reduced compared with pursuit OKN, but only when the drifting patterns inducing the OKN are isoluminant (to which the M-pathways are unresponsive) rather than luminance modulated. In macaques, lesions interrupting M-pathway functioning have been shown to reduce the response to low-contrast gratings at high temporal frequencies, and this in turn is linked to deficits in motion perception.
44 These reductions and deficits become more prominent in low-contrast stimulation,
44 and M-pathway predominates over P-pathway functioning at low light levels.
19 Similarly, our mean SPVs and gains were reduced—that is, the OKN is clearly more reflexive
39 with higher temporal frequency stimulation, but more so in low-contrast than in high-contrast conditions (compare
Figs. 1c and 1dfor full-field stimulation). SPVs were actually slightly higher with mesopic than with photopic light levels with low gain OKN in partial-field stimulation.
The three-way interaction between light level and temporal frequency with full-field stimulation at low contrast shown in
Figure 3could also have been caused by M-pathway functioning. Note that the lowest SPVs occurred with high temporal, mesopic stimulation and that increasing the light level reduced the differences produced by high temporal versus low temporal stimulation (right-hand graph). Conversely, there was no effect of temporal frequency or light level for OKN gains over 0.7 (left-hand graph) corresponding to pursuit OKN. This connection between M-pathway and rOKN seems to have been stronger using central rather than peripheral stimulation, but it was best tested using full-field stimulation.
These interactions in the rOKN data were greater in the older group than in the younger group. In the partial-field, low-contrast conditions, the older group differed from the younger group in mean SPV but only with high temporal frequency stimulation. Such differences were even clearer with full-field, low-contrast stimulation. In
Figures 4 and 5 , the low-contrast, higher temporal frequency stimulation revealed differences between the groups but only with mesopic (vs. photopic) light levels. However, a potential problem may exist when comparing visual function in younger and older groups at low light levels because of the reduction in retinal illumination in older persons, caused by senile miosis, and the increased intraocular light scatter.
1 23 45 Such optical factors do not affect contrast thresholds at high levels of illumination and low spatial frequencies (below approximately 1.5 cpd), which are similar for subjects in their 20s and 70s.
10 35 46 47 48 49 We believe the age differences in our data cannot be attributed to reduced contrast sensitivity at low light levels in the older group given the light levels and contrast levels we have chosen, nor can they be attributed to differences in retinal illuminance caused by senile meiosis. No difference was observed in pupil size ratios between different light levels for the older and younger groups. Clearly, our mesopic light level was not dark enough to reveal the limitations in pupil dilation attributed to age.
A motivation for doing this work was to record changing visual function in older persons who have normal scores on traditional clinical tests yet often report visual difficulties in day-to-day life. For example, as light levels decline and contrast decreases, research indicates that older drivers have greater difficulty with moving hazards than younger drivers.
50 51 52 Our rOKN age group differences occurred at low light levels, low contrast, and higher temporal frequencies, suggesting a reduction in M-pathway functioning in the older group compared with the younger group. This decline is exaggerated under mesopic light levels, a decline that may begin with reduced rod numbers and sensitivity in the healthy, but aging, macula.
53 However, one must be cautious in interpreting these results as a decline in all motion perception because it has recently been shown that for high-contrast stimulation (independent of light level), an older group performed better on a motion direction discrimination task than a younger group.
The authors thank John Stephens for writing the OKN eye movement record analysis program.