In this study, the effect of a novel spatial filter on the monitoring of glaucomatous visual field progression was assessed. There was insufficient power to prove that the new filter confers an improvement in specificity compared with standard PLR criteria (without use of the filter), although the difference approached statistical significance. However, there was a statistically significant difference in specificity between the standard PLR (without use of the filter) and three-omitting PLR (without use of the filter). This suggests that the use of confirmatory tests (in this case two) is associated with an appreciable improvement in specificity. There was no significant difference in specificity between the use of the spatial filter with standard PLR technique and the three-omitting PLR technique without filtering. The use of the spatial filter therefore results in similar specificity compared with confirmatory testing but with the advantage of an increase in positive hit rate and with a shorter time to identification of progression. The difference in the detection rates comparing filtered and unfiltered standard PLR may be explained by the slightly higher specificity of the filtered PLR. However, the difference in detection rates between filtered PLR and unfiltered three-omitting PLR cannot be explained by lower specificity of filtered PLR compared with three-omitting PLR. The maximum false-positive rate (in the confidence intervals) for filtered PLR is 6.5% and the minimum false-positive rate for three-omitting PLR is 0.7%—a maximum difference of 5.8%. This represents a worst-case scenario, in which filtered standard PLR is much less specific than the unfiltered three-omitting PLR. It is highly likely, therefore, that the 10% difference in detection rate is a consequence of the new filter’s identifying more instances of progression that are genuine and not false positives, compared with three-omitting PLR.
Confirmatory tests are an approach to counteract the intertest measurement variability, or long-term fluctuation, which represents the primary barrier to the identification of true change within a longitudinal series of VFs.
25 26 Additional tests to confirm progression have the benefit of lessening the effect of poor overall performance in a VF test in a series (which may affect many points in the VF), but with the caveat that increased costs are incurred due to additional visits.
27 It is likely that confirmation tests and spatial filtering will prove to be complementary. The concept of spatial processing represents an attractive proposition because it does not require the collection of further test data or any modification to the testing process itself, as it is applied post hoc to previously acquired VF data. The first spatial filter applied to VF data—the Gaussian, or simple averaging, filter—has been shown to be capable of dampening the effect of long-term variability. Its performance is unsatisfactory, however, where localized but significant VF loss exists. In this circumstance, the field loss may be obscured by the spatial processing technique. Spry et al.
12 observed that Gaussian filtering, when applied to simulated VF data resulted in a modest specificity gain but considerable sensitivity depreciation for small, progressive VF losses; a small specificity loss was also observed for large, progressive defects. In their study, temporal processing, effectively a running average of threshold sensitivity over time, was propounded as a more predictable method of increasing sensitivity gain. This technique exerts a “smoothing” effect of variability over time. Its benefit is decreased with an increasing number of available tests. Unlike the spatial filter used in the present study, neither the temporal nor the Gaussian filter was designed along physiological principles.
There was likely a small improvement in specificity when the novel spatial filter was applied, and this was associated with a similar decline in the proportion of eyes identified as progressing. Gardiner et al.
13 originally tested the novel spatial filter by using VF computer simulations that were based on robust and realistic estimates of the visual field noise.
4 28 Localized defects for each point in the visual field were tested, including some consisting of just two progressing points. Results indicated that, as expected, the Gaussian filter blurred many of the progressive defects, whereas the new filter improved detection rate in >90% of the defects tested.
Specificity estimates approaching 100% have been achieved previously for PLR techniques, without spatial filtering, using glaucomatous VF data with simulated measurement variability.
29 The progression criteria applied were far more rigid than those used in the present study, requiring a regression slope of −1.0 dB/year, with a significance at
P < 0.01 in the same three test points in three of four consecutive tests. By excluding the necessity for “cluster” test point progression, the PLR technique used in the present study may be predisposed to lower specificity because of the wide range of variability at individual test locations. Lower specificity may also be expected, as no confirmatory tests were included to counter long-term fluctuation. In the absence of an independent gold standard based on which to classify a subject as having progressed, estimates of specificity were derived from surrogate measures based on two assumptions. First, that threshold sensitivity should not improve over time and, second, that threshold sensitivity decay over time should not exceed age-related decay in control subjects. With respect to the former assumption, all subjects included in the analysis had reproducibly normal and reliable VFs at baseline and were therefore unlikely to exhibit prolonged learning effects over time, which may have resulted in some positive threshold sensitivity change.
17 With respect to the latter assumption, it is possible that, as individuals may age at different rates, some threshold sensitivity loss due to normal aging may have been flagged as progression in the control cohort. However, no progression was seen in the normal subjects after the application of the novel spatial filter.
Likewise, in the absence of an independent gold standard for disease progression, it is not possible to obtain a direct measure of test sensitivity. Given the high estimates of specificity, both for unfiltered and filtered PLR, it is very likely that the great majority of “progressors” identified by either technique are likely to represent true disease progression. Spatial processing resulted in a small decrease in detected progression or positive hit rate of 3.6%, which may equate to a relatively small diminution of sensitivity. In the present study, progressing defects were expected to be smaller, as the subjects were ocular hypertensive with normal VF test results at baseline. In a previous study with the Gaussian filter, a sensitivity loss of up to 50% was estimated for small progressive defects (two progressing points) at a true progression rate of −1 dB/year using 10 visual field tests, compared with up to 20% for larger defects (18 progressing points).
A particular problem identified in the VF progression techniques adopted in large-scale clinical trials is the number of false-positive results. Reversal of progression was examined in subjects from the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study (OHTS). Only 12% of VF test results returned to normal after three consistent abnormal VF test results, compared with 66% when only two abnormal VF results were used.
30 This finding suggests that, for the VF progression criteria used in OHTS, the adoption of two additional confirmatory VF tests would improve stability and specificity. A high false-positive detection of field progression is also suggested when a single test point is used to flag progression by PLR, as in the present study.
22 31 The high specificity achieved by application of the novel spatial processing technique suggests that the number of false-positive progressors would be limited. Whether this removes the necessity for confirmatory testing is not clear. Within the original betaxolol versus placebo study period (1994–1998), a change in AGIS VF score from 0 to greater than 1 at the same test point location on three occasions was necessary to confirm progression.
17 Individuals who were suspected of disease progression were therefore subjected to episodes of increased frequency of VF testing, during which the investigators were seeking to confirm progression. In general, subjects were tested at a frequency of three times per year, which has previously been identified as an appropriate frequency by which to detect progression.
24 A recent study has suggested, however, that an adaptive test interval, shortened at periods when progression is suspected, may detect progression earlier than at a fixed interval rate.
32 An indicator that application of the spatial filter may limit the requirement for confirmatory testing is the observation that it achieves similar estimates of specificity as the three-omitting technique.
15 However, the use of confirmatory criteria is at the cost of a significant decrease in the positive detection rate compared with filtered standard PLR.
The poor level of agreement with structural progression is consistent with previous observations in subjects with glaucoma,
14 in those with OHT,
15 and with the use of alternative ONH imaging technologies such as optical coherence tomography.
16 Although there is a widely held view that structural changes are detectable before functional changes in progressive glaucoma,
33 it may be a manifestation of the limitations of the detection techniques available. Explanations for poor structural and functional correlation may include structural changes occurring without concomitant functional change (such as lamina cribrosa bowing) and functional changes occurring without structural alteration (such as ganglion cell dysfunction). Another possible theory is that the poor correlation arises from differences in the amount of measurement variability between the two testing modalities. It is, however, difficult to identify improvement in agreement using the spatial filter because of the large reduction in hit rate using the HRT with the more stringent progression criteria. In comparing the filtered VF results with those obtained with the low-stringency HRT strategy, albeit with the caveat that the specificities are not matched, one can observe that there is very little reduction (and no improvement) in the agreement between disc and field progression with the application of the filter.
The novel spatial filtering technique used in this study, which was designed to mimic the physiological relationship between test point pairings within the VF, has been shown to achieve similar specificity as using PLR with confirmatory criteria, with an increased rate of detected progression. The filter, therefore, may be useful in the detection of glaucomatous progression and may be suitable in examining data from clinical trials. As it is applied post hoc to data that have already been collected, it does not require additional cost in terms of clinic time and repeat VF testing. However, the filter was constructed and tested using full-threshold VF tests (albeit from a different group of subjects). It has yet to be applied to VF series acquired using the Swedish Interactive Thresholding Algorithm (SITA). It may be necessary for the spatial filter to be reconstructed using a database of SITA fields to obtain optimal performance in that context.