Figure 1shows the linkage results for the white pedigrees, the Hispanic pedigrees, and all 67 pedigrees along the whole genome, except for chromosome X. The nonparametric method found several regions suggestive of linkage in the white, Hispanic, and all pedigrees.
Table 2shows the selected chromosomes from the genome scan linkage analysis which have a maximum lod score >2.0 observed in the white, Hispanic, and/or all pedigrees. In general, the peaks identified in the white or all pedigrees were similar, although the magnitude of the lod score varied. The strongest evidence of linkage was observed at the telomere (159 cM) of chromosome 9 (lod = 4.5) in all pedigrees. Other suggestive linkages were identified at 176 cM of chromosome 4 (lod = 2.7), 143 cM of chromosome 5 (lod = 2.0), 7 cM of chromosome 9 (lod = 2.8), 12 cM of chromosome 11 (lod = 2.3), 27 cM of chromosome 12 (lod = 2.3), and 14 cM of chromosome 14 (lod = 2.9)
(Table 2) . Three (chromosomes 4, 9, and 14) of 22 autosomal chromosomes showed the maximum lod ≥2.5, either in all or in white families, whereas two significant linkage regions were identified on chromosomes 17 at 86 cM (lod = 3.9) and 9 at 34 cM (lod = 3.8) for Hispanics only. Of note, we had identified evidence of linkage at 103 cM on chromosome 5 in a four-generation pedigree and now obtained the maximum lod with 2.0 at 143 cM in sib pair families.
12 Although these two peaks are not in perfect overlap, their close proximity indicates that these may represent linkage to the same locus.