Thirty-eight eyes of 19 healthy subjects (10 women) with a mean age of 26 ± 3 years were included in the study. Exclusion criteria were history of glaucoma, history of any other ocular disease, intraocular pressure greater than 21 mm Hg, or a refractive error of more than −5 or +5 D. FD-OCT high-density scans were performed with the 3D OCT1000 system.
The 3D OCT1000 is an FD-OCT device providing OCT images up to 50 times faster than time-domain OCTs with a sweep-scan technique. The device has a field angle of 45° with a color fundus camera included. The scanning range of the device is from 3 to 6 mm2. Horizontal resolution is ≤20 μm and depth resolution is up to 5 μm. As a light source, the system uses superluminescent diodes with a wavelength of 840 nm.
Pupil diameter had to be at least 4 mm for scanning. High-density raster scans (512 × 128 B-scans in a 6 mm
2 area) were centered on the optic disc by moving the patient’s fixation target on the OCT observer screen. Scans were performed six times in one session by two operators (three scans each in changing order). All subjects gave informed consent to participate in the study, which adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. The FD-OCT software provides a quality (Q)-factor comparable to the scan strength number given in Stratus OCT3 for each examination. Scans with a Q-factor less than 45 were excluded, and measurements were repeated until six scans of good quality were acquired. In addition, scans with blinks during the scanning process were excluded and repeated. Eighteen scans had to be repeated because of low Q-factors or blinks (7.9%). The 3D OCT1000 system contains a high-resolution camera for color fundus pictures. Pictures are automatically taken after each examination. Before data analysis, stored infrared fundus images were registered with the corresponding color fundus image. Scans were automatically aligned to compensate for eye movement artifacts during the scanning process. The FD-OCT system provides a software algorithm for RNFL thickness measurements. Each high-density raster scan was separately analyzed by using the RNFL algorithm to generate RNFL thicknesses in micrometers. Mean RNFL thicknesses can be plotted as an area of 6 mm
2 containing 36 squares of mean RNFL thicknesses, or alternatively as nine areas corresponding to the nine ETDRS areas also known from the Stratus OCT3. The 3.4-mm circle scan for RNFL measurements known from the Stratus OCT was not available in the software version of the 3D OCT1000. To obtain good centration on the optic disc, it is beneficial to use a circle-shaped target area that can easily be centered on the optic disc. Therefore, for testing RNFL thickness reproducibility, the ETDRS plot
(Fig. 1)was chosen, because one can easily center the inner ring of the plot on top of the optic disc. The inner circle of the ETDRS plot has a diameter of 500 μm. The middle circle represents a diameter of 3 mm and the outer circle represents a diameter of 6 mm. Both left and right eyes were analyzed. Therefore, data were adjusted so that all quadrants could be appropriately assessed. Left eyes were treated as mirror images of right eyes. In all tables, area 3 and 7 correspond to temporal quadrants and areas 5 and 9 correspond to nasal quadrants.
Figure 1shows an example of an RNFL thickness measurement showing mean RNFL thicknesses for each of the nine ETDRS areas. The most inner ring (area 1) of the ETDRS plot was excluded from analysis as measuring RNFL thickness is not possible directly on the optic disc cup. In previous measurements, we observed that the 3D OCT1000 actually performed RNFL thickness measurements on the optic disc rim. Therefore, we decided to include areas 2 to 5 (inner ring) to test reproducibility of such measurements. Areas 2 to 5 are between the inner and middle rings and were included in the analysis even if parts of the optic disc rim crossed the inner ring. Areas 5 to 9 were unaffected by the optic disc and included in the analysis
(Fig. 1) .
For statistical analysis areas 2 to 9 were analyzed. In addition, mean RNFL thicknesses for the inner ring (ring 1, consisting of areas 2–5) and outer ring (ring 2, consisting of areas 6–9) were calculated. Square root of variance components and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were determined for subjects, eyes, operators, and scans using a linear mixed-effect model. In addition, the bias between operators was tested. Commercial software (Stata, ver. 9.2; StataCorp, College Station, TX) was used for analysis. Three different kinds of intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were determined: ICC1 (for measurements within the same subject, eye and operator), ICC2 (interoperator), and ICC3 (intraoperator).
Interobserver reproducibility was visualized by providing limits of agreement in Bland-Altman plots to compare every first measurement of operator 1 and 2 of the inner and outer rings and areas 2 to 9, based on the assumption of equal imprecision between operators. Additional limits of agreement were provided to take into account that eyes were nested within subjects. Bland-Altman plots were created with commercial software (version; MedCalc, Mariakerke, Belgium). Coefficients of variation (COV) were determined for each area and both rings for operators 1 and 2.