The doubling time during the exponential growth phase of each strain was significantly faster (
P < 0.001) in YPD than in SD-ura media
(Table 1) . In YPD, the doubling times for control and mutant strains were similar to those of wild-type (
P > 0.6). When strains were grown in SD-ura media, growth rates of both parental controls were similar to those of wild-type (
P = 0.2), whereas both
rbt1 −/− mutants grew more slowly compared with their respective controls, DAY286 (
P = 0.05) and CAF2-1 (
P = 0.003). BCa11-3, the
rbt4 −/− mutant, grew more slowly than wild-type (
P = 0.02) but similar to its parental control (
P = 0.2).
Keratitis severity scores induced by the three
rbt mutants were compared with their respective parental controls at a 10
5 CFU inoculum
(Fig. 1) . Tn7-rbt1 and its parental control DAY286 had similar scores at each day (
P > 0.1). Compared with CAF2-1, no significant difference was observed with BCa7-4 (
P > 0.7) or BCa11-3 (
P > 0.2). At a 10
6 CFU inoculum
(Fig. 2)keratitis severity was similar for DAY286 relative to SC5314 (
P > 0.4). Tn7-rbt1 scores remained similar to DAY286 at an inoculum of 10
6 CFU (
P > 0.4). BCa7-4 slowly decreased in severity compared with CAF2-1. For the first 4 days after inoculation, a significant difference was not found between these two strains (
P > 0.1), but keratitis scores of BCa7-4 were less than CAF2-1 (
P = 0.05) and had a threefold reduction by the eighth day (
P = 0.02). BCa11-3 also differed from its parental control at 10
6 CFU on the first day after inoculation, and disease scores remained significantly lower throughout the next week (
P < 0.04). At an inoculum dose of 10
6 CFU, BCa7-4 and Tn7-rbt1 produced similar disease scores as their parental controls at each day (
P > 0.1).
The dose–response relationship between 105 CFU and 106 CFU inocula was also compared for each strain. Fungal keratitis was generally more severe at 106 CFU compared with 105 CFU, although the relative increase between the two concentrations varied among yeast strains. Keratitis scores for CAF2-1 were as much as eight times lower than SC5314 at 105 CFU but were similar to those of SC5314 at 106 CFU. BCa7-4 and BCa11-3 mutants had increased relative severity for the first 4 days between the two inocula, and this relative increase in scores was higher than that for wild-type. Beyond 5 days PI, the relative difference in scores from 105 CFU to 106 CFU for the knockout mutants decreased.
Histologic examination of infected eyes harvested 1 day PI revealed budding yeasts. Hyphal forms were present in the cornea for strains SC5314
(Fig. 3A) , Tn7-rbt1, and BCa7-4. Both parental control strains (DAY286 and CAF2-1) produced similar fungal morphology and invasion as did the wild-type. Some pseudohyphae were seen in BCa11-3-infected animals but were limited to the superficial cornea
(Fig. 3B) . Neutrophilic infiltration and stromal thickening were prominent in corneas infected with control and
rbt1-deficient strains, whereas the
rbt4-deficient strain induced minimal corneal inflammation. Mock-infected eyes did not show signs of infection or inflammation but did have microscopic wounding changes from the scarification procedure.