First, we subjected the pigeon
Pax6 ORF sequence to splice-site predictor analysis by neural network and identified eight potential splice sites within the ORF (AS1 to 8;
Table 1 ). Four of the potential AS sites are predicted to cause in-frame deletions within exons 6, 11, and 12. The other four sites are predicted to cause out-of-frame deletions and are therefore unlikely to produce a functional protein. Second, we analyzed all mammalian and avian
Pax6 EST and cDNA sequences deposited in GenBank and identified sequences supporting the function of three of the four predicted in-frame sites: AS1 (reported in quail
24 and bovine
23 ), AS3 (matched a mouse EST entry, CF731143), and AS7 (reported in quail
29 and chicken
30 ). A mammalian sequence that matched AS2, causing a frameshift deletion of 181 bp, has been reported.
23 In addition, we identified shorter
Pax6 sequences that are likely to be produced by alternative initiation of transcription: within introns 4 (known as the α exon
19 20 31 32 ), 6 (corresponds to human EST CD675778 and bovine EST NM_001040645), 7 (described in the mouse retina
21 24 ), and 11 (corresponds to human ESTs BU737866 and AI652359). Third, we designed PCR primers specific to each of the four potential in-frame AS-sites (AS1, 3, 7, and 8) as well as the four alternative sites for transcription initiation (within introns 4, 6, 7, and 11). A combination of RT-PCR and sequencing analyses confirmed the function of seven of the eight sites in the pigeon retina (only AS8 could not be verified). RACE-PCR analysis of
Pax6 transcripts containing sequences from introns 6 and 11, which were not previously characterized, revealed sites of transcription within these introns. To better characterize the transcripts initiating from exon α, we sequenced the genomic region encompassing exon α and intron 4b (located between exons α and 5) and studied the different α transcripts. We identified two groups of transcripts in which intron 4b was either spliced-out or retained. Finally, we amplified and cloned RT-PCR products using primers designed to amplify the complete
Pax6 ORF in the pigeon retina. Using restriction enzyme analysis and sequencing of full-length clones, we characterized 20 clones, 10 of which perfectly matched the constitutive
Pax6 pigeon sequence. The remaining 10 clones contained either frameshift deletions (five clones) which we considered as PCR artifacts (singletons with no evidence of AS events) or in-frame deletions (five clones) that occurred at intron-exon junctions and are therefore likely to be produced by AS events. These sequences occurred at the same AS sites as those identified in our bioinformatic and RT-PCR analyses.