This research adhered to the tenets of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. Informed consent was obtained from the subjects after we explained the nature and possible complications of the study. The experiments were approved by the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects at the Berkeley and San Francisco campuses of the University of California. Clinical information, AOSLO cone images, and quantitative cone analysis from patients 1 and 3 have been reported elsewhere
24 (Duncan JL et al.
IOVS 2006;47:ARVO E-Abstract 5667).
All subjects underwent a complete eye examination by an ophthalmologist (JLD), including measurement of best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) with a Snellen chart. Acuities equal to or better than 20/20 were recorded as 20/20. Visual acuity was reported as the quotient of the Snellen acuity (i.e., 20/20 = 1.0). Color fundus photographs taken by outside ophthalmologists in the past were used when available, and in one subject digital color fundus photographs and a fluorescein angiogram were obtained (FF4 System; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc., Dublin, CA with software by Ophthalmic Imaging Systems, Inc., Sacramento, CA). Optical coherence tomography (OCT) images were obtained using the OCT system software (Stratus OCT 4.0.2; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.) to determine retinal thickness with the fast macular protocol and 6-mm horizontal and vertical lines centered on the anatomic fovea. Retinal thickness was measured with calipers to mark the vitread surface of the foveal dip and the first highly reflective band sclerad to the vitread surface on a 6-mm horizontal scan. Pupils were dilated with 1% tropicamide and 2.5% phenylephrine before full-field electroretinography (ERG), which was performed after 45 minutes of dark adaptation by using a Burian-Allen contact lens electrode, according to standards specified by the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology and Vision (ISCEV).
25 Multifocal (mf)ERG testing was performed in the light-adapted state (VERIS 5.1.10X, Electro-Diagnostic Imaging, Inc., Redwood City, CA) with a Burian-Allen contact lens electrode (Hansen Ophthalmic Development Laboratory, Iowa City, IA), according to the ISCEV standards.
26 Responses were recorded using 16 30-second sequences in each eye. The stimulus consisted of 103 elements covering the central 40° diameter of the visual field, the flash intensity was 200 cd/m
2, the intensity of dark frames was less than 4 cd/m
2, and the average luminance was 100 cd/m
2. Fixation was monitored with an infrared eye camera. The signal was amplified 100,000 times, and the bandwidth was set at 10 to 100 Hz. A single iteration of 17% spatial averaging was performed using the VERIS software. Response amplitudes of the first-order waveform were measured from N1 to P1 and the latency of the P1 response was reported.