Erratum in: “Structure-Function Relationship Is Stronger with Enhanced Corneal Compensation than with Variable Corneal Compensation in Scanning Laser Polarimetry” by Mai et al. ( Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007;48:1651–1658.)
In Materials and Methods, in the fourth paragraph of the “Image Acquisition” section, the eighth sentence should read, “These sectors were named according to their locations as temporal (T; 311–40°), superotemporal (ST; 41–80°), superonasal (SN; 81–120°), nasal (N; 121–230°), inferonasal (IN; 231–270°), and inferotemporal (IT; 271–310°).”
In the “Statistical Analysis” section, the equation should read:
R = (1 − rAB
2 − rAC
2 − rBC
2) + (2 · rAB · rAC · rBC), and
N is the sample size.