Horn-press responses were analyzed to determine detection rates (number of pedestrian detections as a percentage of total pedestrian presentations) and response times (period between the pedestrian appearance and the horn honk). These measures were our primary dependent variables. In the main analyses of R-Ped detection performance, we examined the effects of vision status (NV or HH), side of presentation (blind or seeing), and eccentricity (small or large) on detection rates and response times. Side of presentation (blind or seeing) was allocated to each NV subject according to the matched driver with HH (these labels were not applied in any literal sense, but for analysis purposes only). R-Ped detection rates for each subject were calculated for each side and eccentricity and then analyzed by using nonparametric statistics. False-detection rates (horn presses in response to objects other than pedestrians) were very low and similar for the NV and HH groups (total 24 and 26 false honks, respectively, out of 1848 presentations for each group).
R-Ped response time distributions for each subject were positively skewed and differed significantly from a normal distribution. Median response times were therefore calculated to provide summary measures for each subject for each side and eccentricity combination. Medians were only calculated when there were at least three R-Ped detections at each side and eccentricity. NV drivers always had three or more detections. The same was true for drivers with HH on the seeing side. However, because of the low number of detections on the blind side, median R-Ped response times could only be calculated at blind-side eccentricities for the following numbers of drivers with HH: 12 (city-small eccentricity), 11 (rural-small), 8 (city-large), and 4 (rural-large). An additional driver with HH who had hemiparesis was excluded due to outlier response time data, leaving only 11, 10, 7, and 3 drivers with HH, respectively. The median R-Ped response times for NV and drivers with HH were, in general, normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilks test, P > 0.18 for data included in ANOVA); therefore parametric statistics were used when analyzing the group response time data. All analyses were also performed with nonparametric tests, and the results were similar.
As detailed above (see pedestrian detection task section), response times were long and variable for the I-Ped detections; therefore, only detection rate data were examined. Differences in detection rates between NV and drivers with RHH or LHH were evaluated for each of the five I-Ped types.
23 As there were only two occurrences of each of the five I-Peds for each subject (one in each session), detection rates for each I-Ped were calculated for each vision group, rather than separately for each subject (total number of detections as a percentage of the total number of presentations in each group).
As a precursor to performing the main analyses and to determine whether there were any learning effects, we evaluated the effect of session (first or second) on detection rates and response times. The only significant between-session difference was for NV drivers: reaction times were slightly shorter at the second than the first session: session one, mean across all drives and eccentricities 0.85 seconds (SD 0.18); session two, 0.78 seconds (0.16); mean difference, 0.07 seconds (95% CI: 0.01–0.13), t(11) = 2.50, P = 0.03. In subsequent analyses, data were collapsed across the two sessions.