The purpose of this study was to develop an approach for comparing perimetric techniques independent of their measurement scales and to apply this methodology to visual field data from the FDT2 perimeter.
In a previous study,
26 we demonstrated that the variability characteristics of both techniques were qualitatively different—threshold estimates from FDT2 had nearly uniform variability across the measurement range of the instrument, whereas those of SAP showed an exponential increase in variability with decreasing sensitivity. Similar results were obtained in other studies, with both FDT1
27 29 and, more recently, FDT2.
28 We were then, however, unable to make a quantitative comparison of the variability, because both instruments use different types of stimuli and different definitions of the decibel scales. The lack of a general method of comparing threshold data from different perimetric tests motivated the signal/noise analyses performed in this study. By relating systematic differences within a visual field (signal) to the precision with which such differences can be measured (noise), we can compare techniques independent of their underlying measurement units.
Our data showed a substantial correlation between the signals of the two techniques (
r 2 = 0.52), but no such correlation for the noise. The lack of a relationship between the noise estimates of FDT2 and SAP clarifies why, in some patients, either technique may have true advantages for measuring losses that are less detectable with the other.
26 31 44 Although our dataset of 15 patients is too small for a meaningful subgroup analysis, we suggest that the signal/noise methodology proposed in this article provides a useful framework for studying systematic differences between different perimetric techniques. It is particularly important to establish factors that contribute to the large scatter apparent in
Figure 3 . Because six tests had been averaged for each data point, it is unlikely that this scatter can be explained solely by measurement variability of FDT2 and SAP.
For sectors with SAP MDs better than −10 dB, the slope of the relationship between the sectoral MDs of FDT2 and SAP was 2.1
(Fig. 3) . This closely mirrors the findings reported in our earlier paper in which we compared threshold estimates from individual test locations, and it is also in agreement with the slope of 2.0 expected from the different definitions of the decibel scale of both techniques.
45 With FDT2, a decibel is defined as −20 log
10 of Michelson contrast such that a change of 20 dB corresponds to a 1-log-unit change in contrast, whereas with SAP, a decibel is defined as −10 log
10 of Weber contrast, such that a change of 20 dB corresponds to a change of 2 log units. Of importance, the empirically determined slope ∼2 suggests that the magnitude (in decibel) of early and moderate visual field losses, and changes over time, could be up to twice as large with FDT2 than with SAP. In our data, the signals (superior–inferior differences between the mirror pairs of visual field sectors), were, on average, only 40% higher with FDT2 than with SAP, but this average would have been reduced by sector pairs within which there were no meaningful differences in damage and therefore no measurable signals.
Approximately 70% of sector pairs with an SNR >1.0 with
either SAP or FDT2 had higher SNRs with FDT2
(Table 2) . This result is evidence of an overall gain and confirms that the benefits of the higher FDT2 signals are not offset by the larger variability of this technique
(Table 1) . For pairs with SNRs >1.0, the SNRs of FDT2 were approximately 40% larger than those of SAP. This difference is similar in magnitude to the improvement in SNR that would be expected from repeating a test, since performing the same test twice can reduce the variability, in theory, by a factor of √2 (1.41). A difference of this magnitude would mean a substantial net improvement in the detectability of early changes, for cross-sectional detection of visual field loss as well as for longitudinal measurement of visual field progression. For the former, empiric investigations on total and pattern deviation probability maps
31 44 46 with FTD2 and SAP, as well as global visual field indices such as pattern standard deviation,
47 are in agreement with our results.
How may SNRs, calculated from retest data, help to estimate performance in measuring progression? The rationale for using gradients in space as a surrogate for changes over time is illustrated in
Figure 9 . Progression of visual field loss is a change in sensitivity over time, and the usefulness of a test for following patients over time depends on how well its data reflect these changes. In contrast, SNRs estimated from tests performed within a short period of time express the detectability of differences within a visual field at that particular time.
SNRs express how reliably a technique reflects gradients of damage within a visual field, and this is a function of the depth of loss, the variability of the measurements, and the dynamic range of the technique. A larger SNR therefore does not necessarily mean that one technique is more sensitive than another, nor does a more sensitive technique necessarily provide a larger SNR
(Fig. 10) .
The signal/noise methodology proposed in this article has several limitations. To obtain robust estimates of signal and noise, multiple tests have to be performed. Nevertheless, a rigorous protocol with at least five examinations per eye has advantages also for the derivation of test–retest intervals, because a large number of combinations of test–retest examinations can be analyzed.
26 48 SNRs depend on the sample of patients and therefore cannot be compared across different studies. They also depend on the somewhat arbitrary choice of where in the visual field the signal and noise distributions are derived from. In this study, we used the superior–inferior sectors of the Glaucoma Hemifield Test, and therefore our finding of larger SNRs with FDT2 may strictly apply only to those analyses that make use of a similar clustering. In principle, however, other pairs of test locations or pairs of clusters could be chosen. Finally, SNRs can be estimated only if focal losses are present in the visual field; diffuse reductions in sensitivity do not contribute a signal. As a consequence, the method is unsuitable for evaluating techniques that predominantly uncover diffuse loss.
The assumption that gradients in space can be used as a first approximation for change over time appears reasonable but is, as yet, untested. Signal/noise estimates from test–retest studies will therefore not replace longitudinal studies for investigating new visual field tests’ ability to monitor patients with glaucoma, but they may provide early insight into properties that cannot be gained solely from analyses of test–retest variability. They may help in hypothesis-building and in planning effective longitudinal studies of new visual field tests.