In aged control eyes, the submacular RPE was relatively homogeneous, was uniform in size and pigmentation, and had a typical cobble-stone like morphology
(Fig. 2) . Retinal pigment epithelial coverage was 95.3% ± 4.2%
(Fig. 3) . The submacular choroidal vasculature was intensely stained for APase and appeared normal morphologically, with regular branchings and freely interconnecting capillaries
(Fig. 2B) . Measurements demonstrated that the vascular area was 79.6% ± 3.8%
(Fig. 3) . In GA subjects
(Fig. 4) , there was a well-defined area of submacular retinal pigment epithelial atrophy and degenerative changes in choriocapillaris. Outside the area of atrophy
(Figs. 5A 5D 5G 5J) , the RPE appeared mottled and, in some cases, had scattered small whitish drusen
(Fig. 5A) . The choriocapillaris had normal APase activity and appeared relatively normal morphologically in areas without retinal pigment epithelial atrophy
(Fig. 5G) . Measurements obtained from nonatrophic regions (approximately 1 mm from the border of atrophic and nonatrophic areas) revealed that the retinal pigment epithelial coverage was 92.32% ± 3.24% and the vascular area was 72.26% ± 4.8%, which were not significantly different from the percentages in control eyes (%RPE,
P = 0.292; %VA,
P = 0.067;
Fig. 3 ). At the border of atrophy
(Figs. 5B 5E 5H 5K) , the remaining intact retinal pigment epithelial cells were hypertrophic, and some cells appeared hyperpigmented. The choriocapillaris had reduced interconnecting segments and was attenuated in areas of retinal pigment epithelial atrophy. In these regions, the percentage of retinal pigment epithelial coverage was 38.1% ± 5.8%, and the vascular area was 52.3% ± 3.3%, both significantly lower than in nonatrophic regions in GA choroids (%RPE,
P < 0.0001; %VA,
P = 0.0001). Within the regions of atrophy
(Figs. 5C 5F 5I 5L) , only a few scattered retinal pigment epithelial cells remained, and the retinal pigment epithelial coverage was 1.8% ± 3.9%
(Fig. 3) . The choriocapillaris was highly attenuated and had reduced branchings, with few interconnecting segments
(Figs. 5I 5L) . The percentage of vascular area was 38% ± 5.7%, which was significantly lower than of border regions (
P = 0.0013) in GA eyes
(Fig. 3) .