The ocular surface is covered by two types of epithelium with distinct phenotypes. The conjunctival epithelium differs from the corneal epithelium in having mucin-secreting goblet cells intermixed with nongoblet epithelial cells. Goblet cells are essential for maintaining normal precorneal tear film and healthy ocular surface. Chemical burns partially or totally damage the ocular cells and tissue, including goblet cells, resulting in mucus deficiency and keratoconjunctivitis sicca.
4,5 Meanwhile, the destruction of limbal stem cells caused by chemical burns leads to conjunctival epithelial cell ingrowth with goblet cells onto the corneal surface, a hallmark representing limbal stem cell deficiency.
3 Therefore, the identification of goblet cells in patients with chemical burn is of great importance in evaluating the severity of injury and its prognosis.
Thus far, the classical way to visualize ocular surface goblet cells has been impression cytology.
17,18 The conjunctival GCD in healthy subjects was reported to range from 380 cells/mm
2 to 430 cells/mm
2 by many researchers.
5,6,8,19 However, there has been a controversial view that repeated sampling in the same site of conjunctiva every 4 days led to a localized reduction of GCD.
10 Furthermore, IC cannot provide the image of goblet cells instantly because it requires multiple procedures, such as fixation and staining. In contrast, in vivo LSCM produces the real-time image of goblet cells with high quality in a quick, simple, and noninvasive manner. Repetitive examination does not exert negative impact on the morphology or density of goblet cells. In addition, apart from interpalpebral bulbar conjunctiva, superior and inferior bulbar conjunctiva, especially those near the superior and inferior fornix, could be examined by in vivo LSCM, enhancing its sensitivity. The morphology of goblet cells in confocal microscopic images has been described as giant hyperreflective oval cells, gathering in groups or scattering among the epithelial cells.
11,12 Our previous research examined healthy subjects with in vivo LSCM and revealed an average GCD of 424 ± 71cells/mm
2 on conjunctiva (unpublished data), which was in agreement with that measured by IC. Therefore, we applied in vivo LSCM and IC in patients with ocular chemical burns to evaluate the GCD on the conjunctiva and cornea and to explore the correlation between them.
In the present study, the average conjunctival GCD in patients with chemical injury was (136 ± 79) cells/mm
2 and (121 ± 66) cells/mm
2, measured by in vivo LSCM and IC, respectively. Nelson
5 performed the IC technique on patients with mild chemical burns and reported the GCD on interpalpebral bulbar conjunctiva of 184 ± 101 cells/mm
2. The GCD in patients with chemical burn patients was far less than that in healthy subjects, verifying that mucus deficiency from goblet cell loss was the main reason for an unstable tear film and the consequent keratoconjunctivitis sicca, a common complication of chemical burn. Notably, the conjunctival GCD measured in this study was less than that in the Nelson
5 report. Given that more than half the patients in this study were severely or moderately injured with burns classified as grade IV or grade III and that the patients examined by Nelson
5 had mild burns, we presumed that the difference in the severity of injury to the eyes was the possible reason.
The presence of goblet cells on the corneal surface has been shown in many corneal diseases, manifesting the common denominator of limbal stem cell deficiency.
3,20 However, there are few published studies of corneal GCD in patients with chemical burns. The present study revealed that goblet cells could be detected on the surface of cornea in 15.5% injured eyes, and GCD ranged from 5 to 181 cells/mm
2 with in vivo LSCM, similar to measurements by IC technique. It was presumed that the variation in GCD on the cornea depended primarily on the severity of injury, but the correlation between them could not be elucidated in the present study because the number of cases with goblet cells present on the cornea was inadequate. Furthermore, because the peripheral cornea was not sampled in the present study, the detection rate of GCs was probably underestimated. Further study with a larger number of subjects and peripheral sampling sites might be helpful to demonstrate this issue.
Spearman correlation analysis showed a positive correlation between the GCD measured by these two methods, indicating that the morphology and quantity of goblet cells could be identified not only by the classical IC technique but also by newly developed in vivo LSCM. Moreover, in vivo LSCM had many advantages over IC, as mentioned, and was capable of monitoring the evolution of the ocular surface after chemical burn and after evaluating the effect of therapeutic interventions.
In conclusion, the density of goblet cells decreased in patients with chemical burns. A positive correlation was found between conjunctival GCD measured by in vivo LSCM and IC after chemical burns. A similar positive correlation was found for corneal GCD measured by the two methods. In vivo LSCM is a promising device to study goblet cells in vivo under pathologic conditions.
Supported by Clinical Specialty Major Project of the Ministry of Public Health research grants (2007–2009), National Natural Science Grant 30901633, Bureau of Public Health of Shanghai Scientific Research Grant 2006014, and Bureau of Social Development of the Pudong New Area Health and Science Grant PKJ2007-Y13.