Category thresholds were disordered for two question groups, indicating that the response categories did not function as intended. In one group, the option uncertain (for questions 1, 8, and 10) was used by only 49 (10%) participants, suggesting infrequent use. However, combining uncertain with the other options, yes or no, appeared illogical, and therefore this category was dropped, and the new categories formed were yes (1) and no (0) (i.e., 0-missing-1). Likewise, the option sometimes was used by only 19% of the participants as a response to the other question group (4, 5, 6, 11, and 12). However, sometimes was considered to be affirmative and therefore was recorded as yes. Thus, the new categories formed were yes (1) and no (0) (i.e., 0-1-1) for these questions. After the reorganization of the response categories, they were all placed in order, and we proceeded to further analyses.