To evaluate the transscleral delivery of fluoresceinated dextrans (FITC-D) with molecular mass up to 70 kDa to the rabbit posterior segment using sub-Tenon injections.
Eighteen NZW rabbits received a unilateral 200-μL injection of 2 mg/mL sodium fluorescein (NaF), 25 mg/mL 40-kDa FITC-D, or 25 mg/mL 70-kDa FITC-D, with (n = 9) or without (n = 9) immediate euthanatization. In live animals, fluorescence was measured in the retina/choroid and mid-vitreous by fluorophotometry, immediately after injection and after 4, 24, 48, and 72 hours. Euthanatized animals were examined hourly through 5 or 6 hours.
In live animals, the average peak NaF concentration in the retina/choroid was 310.2 ng/mL, measured 3 hours after injection. Average 40- and 70-kDa FITC-D concentrations in the retina/choroid peaked at 5409.6 and 2375.6 ng/mL, respectively, 24 hours after injection. Fluorescence returned to baseline levels 6 hours after NaF injection, and 48 and 72 hours after 40- and 70-kDa FITC-D injections, respectively. Rabbits that received NaF followed by euthanatization exhibited a continuous increase in retina/choroid and mid-vitreous fluorescence, beginning 1 hour after injection, whereas FITC-D-injected eyes did not show elevated retina/choroid or mid-vitreous fluorescence through 6 hours.
FITC-D weighing up to 70-kDa, as well as NaF, reached the posterior retina/choroid after sub-Tenon injections in live rabbits. NaF and 40-kDa FITC-D reached higher peak concentrations and were cleared from the eye more rapidly than was 70-kDa FITC-D. There was minimal penetration of NaF and FITC-D into the mid-vitreous in the in vivo experiments.
The rapidly changing field of ocular pharmacology requires an equally dynamic approach to ocular drug delivery. In recent years, new developments in ocular therapeutics have favored protein-based agents in the treatment of posterior segment disease, suggesting a shift toward future drugs engineered to treat specific conditions.
1 If the therapeutic effect of these high-molecular-weight agents is to be maximized, successful delivery to their target tissues is essential. Intravitreal injection is currently the most common route of delivery of proteins into the posterior segment. Ranibizumab (Lucentis; Genentech, South San Francisco, CA) is a commonly prescribed pharmacologic treatment for age-related macular degeneration, and although clinical trials have demonstrated clinical efficacy with visual improvement, recommended dose frequency is one 0.5-mg (50 μL) intravitreal injection per month for at least 9 months.
2,3 Each intravitreal injection carries a small risk of adverse effects (including endophthalmitis, retinal detachment, and hemorrhage); although the incidence of complications is low, their vision-threatening nature has spurred the search for a safer alternative.
One proposed alternative to repeated intravitreal injections has been to decrease the injection frequency via an implantable drug delivery device. These devices, however, are currently available only for delivery of small-molecule medications, and the procedures necessary to place them inside the globe are themselves not without risk.
6 –8 Furthermore, once a drug has entered the vitreous cavity, its exact distribution within the vitreous humor is not completely understood. Changes related to natural vitreous aging (known as syneresis), vitreoretinal surgery, and multiple injection procedures may affect a drug's distribution characteristics and kinetics. Recent in vivo findings suggest that the half-life of VEGF is significantly shortened in vitrectomized rabbit eyes
9 ; a similar change in drug pharmacokinetics is likely in human eyes after vitrectomy. A delivery technique that does not rely on the vitreous for distribution could therefore achieve more predictable drug levels at the retina, RPE, and choroid.
Transscleral drug delivery has been proposed as a less invasive alternative to vitreous-based delivery, seeking to minimize the trauma and risk associated with penetration of the sclera and vitreous. In vitro studies have established that the sclera is permeable to compounds such as fluorescein, dextran (up to 70-kDa), steroids, and, most recently, immunoglobulins.
10,11 These and other studies have described the sclera's ability to absorb and retain compounds, suggesting a potential for sustained delivery without the need for highly specialized formulations or implants. When examining the sclera in vivo, however, it becomes clear that its ability to absorb, retain, and release drugs is heavily influenced by normal physiologic factors not reproducible in vitro. These factors can be classified as static (barrier functions of the choroid, Bruch's membrane, and RPE) or dynamic (loss of drug from the eye via bulk flow or blood, lymph or aqueous humor flow), and their combined effects prevent the ocular penetration of drugs that would easily move across isolated sclera.
12,13 An overview of these barriers, as well as plausible strategies for overcoming them, can be found in a recent review by Edelhauser et al.
5 In addition, injection-related factors such as the volume of drug solution injected into the sub-Tenon space can have a profound effect on tissue drug levels.
Ocular fluorophotometry was developed during the 1980s to identify preclinical changes in the blood–retinal barrier of diabetic patients. In contrast to bench-top spectrofluorometry, both excitation and detection mechanisms share a single, mobile optical element, which allows for continuous fluorescence measurements along a straight line extending from the center of the cornea to the center of the posterior pole. Although fluorescein angiography became the preferred modality for assessing the retinal vasculature, fluorophotometry proved useful in the characterization of tear turnover, aqueous turnover, and early cataract formation.
15,16 More recently, fluorophotometry has been used to evaluate the transscleral delivery of small molecules in a rabbit model.
Traditional in vivo pharmacokinetic experiments have involved killing several animals at predetermined time points and determining drug levels in the tissue. This technique requires the use of a large number of animals to characterize the change in drug levels over time. It is also susceptible to the changes in drug location and concentration that most likely occur during tissue harvesting and subsequent manipulation. Fluorophotometry offers a noninvasive alternative for monitoring intraocular drug concentrations in vivo, providing a longitudinal view of drug behavior within a single animal. In rabbit studies, fluorophotometry scans can be obtained without the need for anesthesia or active restraint. The eye is not manipulated during the measurement, thus allowing normal physiologic conditions (blood and aqueous flow) to remain unaltered.
Fluorescein and fluorescein-conjugated compounds are a logical choice for in vivo fluorophotometry studies because of their intense fluorescence, favorable safety profile, and stable molecular bonding.
18,19 We selected fluoresceinated dextrans in particular for this study because of their high solubility and stability in aqueous solution, as well as customizable molecular weight. With the use of fluoresceinated dextrans of various molecular weights, the effect of molecular size and weight on transscleral diffusion can be characterized while keeping other molecular parameters constant.
The purpose of this study was to deliver fluoresceinated dextrans, with molecular mass up to 70 kDa, to the posterior retina and choroid using sub-Tenon injections, and to characterize the intraocular movement of the dextrans using in vivo ocular fluorophotometry.
To characterize the in vivo transscleral delivery of FITC-D to the rabbit posterior segment, we administered sub-Tenon injections to a group of animals without subsequent euthanatization. In the presence of normal blood and lymph flow, we hypothesized that levels of all three molecules would be lower than in the euthanatized animals.
Nine rabbits were anesthetized by using the ketamine-xylazine protocol described above and subsequently received unilateral sub-Tenon injections of NaF and 40- or 70-kDa FITC-D. The opposite, noninjected eye was measured to assess systemic absorption and recirculation of fluorescent material. Measurements were taken in both eyes before sub-Tenon injection, after 10 minutes, and at 4, 24, 48, and 72 hours.