The corneal penetration of a topically applied antimicrobial drop is determined by the physicochemical properties of the antimicrobial solution and the structure of the cornea itself. In the healthy human eye, administration of drug topically involves immediate mixing of drug with the tear film with the induction of reflex lacrimation. The loss of drug from the precorneal area is a net effect of corneal and noncorneal absorption and tear secretion and drainage. The cornea contains many small aqueous pathways for low-molecular-mass molecules, but a limited number or larger paracellular aqueous pathways through which high-molecular-mass molecules can penetrate. To enter the cornea, the antimicrobial must diffuse directly through the hydrophobic intact corneal epithelium, since the aqueous paracellular pathways are closed off by tight intercellular junctions.
9 11 Thus, lipid soluble molecules diffuse through the cornea more readily than hydrophilic ones. The molecular mass of hydrophilic drugs is one of the most important factors in their corneal penetration.
41 42 The intact hydrophobic epithelium is thus relatively impervious to polar and hydrophilic compounds with molecular mass greater than 60 to 100 Da.
41 42 43 These barriers and the corneal permeability are likely to be significantly altered if the cornea is ulcerated or otherwise damaged. Although previous studies have measured corneal
19 and aqueous
15 16 antimicrobial levels with a bioassay, digested cornea has been used in these assays. Although it provides some indication of activity, this method does not determine the activity across the cornea. In addition, by digesting the cornea, the antimicrobial is extracted, thus removing the biological factors, which affect its activity in vivo.
It is well established that the ZOI produced by an antimicrobial relates to the concentration of the agent. This fact underlies the basis of this study and under the conditions used, it is apparent that the ZOI provides a good indication of the concentration of antimicrobial. That is, between 92% to 98% of the change in ZOI was associated with a change in antimicrobial concentration. It was apparent that the size of the filter paper disc used to produce the ZOI is important, with FDs producing significantly larger net ZOI than QDs for both ciprofloxacin and teicoplanin. In addition, because it was not possible to be certain that the difference in ZOI between an FD and a QD was constant enough to enable its use as a correction factor, it was necessary to construct a concentration curve with values obtained with a QD.
Similar to that with a filter paper disc, there was a good correlation between the ZOI and antimicrobial concentration in pig corneas. This result indicates that the ZOI in corneal discs also provides a good indication of the concentration of antimicrobial. Although there was a good correlation between corneal tissue and a filter paper disc, there was a significant difference. In particular the difference between the corneal and filter paper disc showed a nonconstant positive bias, increasing with increasing concentration of ciprofloxacin. A constant correction factor could not therefore be used to determine the antimicrobial concentration in a cornea from the predicted value of a filter paper disc. It was therefore necessary to construct standardized curves in corneas. In addition, because it was unclear whether there would be a difference between porcine and human corneas, standardized curves with human corneas were established for both ciprofloxacin and teicoplanin. Furthermore, because of the noted difference between the ZOI filter paper quarters and FDs, it was also necessary to construct the standardized curves with quarter segments of human corneas. There were very high correlations between the ZOI and antimicrobial concentration for both ciprofloxacin and teicoplanin in human corneal discs and there was no significant difference in the ZOI between the endothelial and epithelial orientations within the range of concentrations used.
The concentration of administered ciprofloxacin was 0.3% or 3000 mg/L. The concentration in the tear film at 30 minutes and at surgery was 0.4 and 0.9 mg/L, respectively—that is, on average below the break points for ciprofloxacin. The concentration of administered teicoplanin was 1% or 10,000 mg/L. Twenty to 30% of the tear samples in the teicoplanin group did not produce measurable inhibition zones. The concentrations in the tear film at 30 minutes and at surgery were 66 and 29 mg/L, respectively, which suggests that teicoplanin has a reasonable retention in the tear film but relatively poor penetration into the intact cornea.
The ratio between the biological assay and chemical assay for the corneal concentration of ciprofloxacin, was approximately 0.1, 10% of the concentration measured by HPLC. For teicoplanin, between 55% and 65% of the corneas did not display a measurable ZOI. The mean concentration of teicoplanin in the cornea, when using the ZOI, was 9.58 mg/L in the epithelial orientation and 4.78 mg/L in the endothelial orientation, but with median concentrations of 0 mg/L. Although these levels would be adequate to treat wild-type strains of staphylococci (average MICs of 0.5–2 μg/mL),
44 or
Streptococcus pneumoniae and the viridans group streptococci (MICs of 0.25–4 μg/mL),
4 these levels may not be sufficient to treat reported developing resistance among the coagulase-negative staphylococci (MIC ≥ 8 μg/mL), or
Staphylococcus haemolyticus strains with MIC ≥ 64 μg/mL.
45 Only half of the corneas showed teicoplanin activity through an intact epithelium.
Teicoplanin was detected in the cornea or aqueous by FPIA. In 11/20 instances, this corresponded with the biological assay that failed to detect teicoplanin activity on the corneal tissue; however, in the remaining 9/20 extrapolated biological concentrations were above the expected lower limit of detection for FPIA. Negative results were most likely attributable to small samples (corneal quadrants) which when eluted into buffer resulted in a significant dilution to concentrations below the lower limit of detection for the assay. In the corneas of those patients in whom it was present, the teicoplanin zones and concentrations in the epithelium were greater than those in the endothelium, reflecting a reduced transcorneal penetration of teicoplanin and possible retention by the epithelium. The absence of detectable teicoplanin in the aqueous or cornea would not support a loss of teicoplanin through the cornea into the aqueous or retention within the cornea. The variance of aqueous and corneal ciprofloxacin levels determined by both the chemical assay and bioassay is in keeping with the suggestion of McDermott et al.,
13 and Yalvac et al.,
18 that there is a variation among patients in the efficiency of eluting the drug from the human corneal stroma. Although the differences in the sizes of the corneal discs (7.25–8 mm) probably accounts also for the variation in measured levels of antimicrobial, this effect is likely to be very small, given that the maximum difference in radii of the corneal quadrants was 0.37 mm. Although the epithelium was intact in all the corneas of the patients undergoing penetrating keratoplasty, the differences in their histology and function—for example, scarring and vascularization to endothelial failure and edema—were likely to have contributed significantly to the variability of measured corneal concentrations.
The slightly higher concentration of ciprofloxacin in an endothelial orientation, is consistent with previous studies that show good ciprofloxacin penetration into the anterior chamber.
17 18 The factors that contribute to this high permeability include the low molecular mass and its lipophilicity, allowing it to cross the through the hydrophobic intact corneal epithelium via the transcellular route. In contrast, the high polarity and high water solubility of teicoplanin prevents it from mixing well with the lipid phase constituents of the epithelium. Additional factors such as the effect of the preserving agent for ciprofloxacin, benzalkonium chloride, has been shown to be an absorption promoter that facilitates drug penetration across the epithelial barrier.
41 For example, Podder et al.
46 reported that benzalkonium chloride increased the ocular absorption of timolol after instillation in rabbits by approximately 80%. The effects of some absorption promoters increase with an increase in the molecular mass of hydrophilic drugs, possibly by increasing the contribution of the few large paracellular pathways, which suggests that penetration of teicoplanin, being a very large molecule, could be enhanced by using a drop formulation containing an absorption promoter. This, however, may not apply in the ulcerated state, as the corneal epithelium of patients with ulcerative keratitis is already disrupted, making the paracellular pathways accessible. That is, loss or disruption of the epithelial layer greatly increases corneal permeability, particularly of highly water-soluble drugs, and penetration is further enhanced during inflammation.
1 Thus, it is likely that teicoplanin levels in corneas of patients with corneal ulcers would be higher than those found in this study.
The main methods that have been be used to assay the teicoplanin and ciprofloxacin concentration in serum and other fluids including aqueous humor are HPLC, FPIA, and bioassay with
Bacillus subtilis.
47 48 49 50 It thus remains unclear whether the differences between the measured levels of ciprofloxacin and teicoplanin reflect differences in the bioavailability or the use of different assays. The effectiveness of a topical antimicrobial agent in the treatment of a microbial keratitis is determined by its physicochemical properties and the structure of the cornea. Although the concentration of the antimicrobial within the cornea is a measure of these properties, the concentration of an antimicrobial does not necessarily equate to the activity and bioavailability of the drug, which may be less than 10% of the instilled amount.
1 3 The bioavailability is determined by other factors such as protein binding,
20 pH of the local environment, and interaction with other chemicals, which may affect the antimicrobial action of the agent.
1 3 It is likely that these factors are of even greater importance in cases of microbial keratitis, where there may be greater protein binding. Thus, while concentration of the drug is important, the biological activity of the drug in situ, needs to be measured if the antimicrobial effectiveness is to be determined. We found that using the inferred concentration from ZOI, to the concentration measured by HPLC, that the bioavailability was approximately 10% in keeping with previous reports.
1 3 There are, however, significant limitations with the inference of concentrations determined with the bioassay. In the bioassay used in this study, ZOI of growth around a quadrant of cornea served as an indicator of antimicrobial activity. In such systems small changes in the agar (depth or different manufacturer batch) density of the indicator organism, application of the corneal segment, and incubation conditions can alter the ZOI to make the antimicrobial agent appear more or less active. In addition, measuring zones of inhibition is subjective and liable to intra- and interobserver error. Although these systems are used commonly in microbiologic laboratories to determine antimicrobial susceptibilities for clinical treatment and control samples are used to standardize the method, these controls may not be adequate when using a biological system to infer concentrations of antimicrobials in tissue after topical administration.
We did not perform a similar measure for aqueous levels and as the aqueous environment is likely to be very different from the cornea, it would not be correct to infer a similar aqueous bioavailability. Nevertheless, based on the report of Kim et al.,
15 the biological activity in the aqueous appears to be equivalent to levels measured with HPLC. They measured aqueous penetration and biological activity of moxifloxacin 0.5% ophthalmic solution and gatifloxacin 0.3% solution in patients who had undergone cataract surgery patients.
15 Mean concentrations in aqueous humor obtained via HPLC analysis for moxifloxacin (which has higher lipophilicity and ocular penetration in comparison to the other fluoroquinolones
15 51 ) and gatifloxacin were 1.80 and 0.48 μg/mL respectively, while the microbiologic dilution bioassay of the aqueous humor samples based on inhibitory activity gave equivalent estimated concentrations for moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin of 2.1 and 0.4 μg/mL, respectively.
Engel et al.
16 compared 16 different bioassays for the measurement of antimicrobials in fluids such as aqueous humor. They found that sensitivities in water for ciprofloxacin were 0.12 mg/L but these improved fourfold when the fluid for dilution was aqueous or normal saline as used. Although there have been no studies using the method we report, Engel et al.
16 reported that the best results were obtained when the appropriate indicator organism was applied to the surface of the agar, as in this study.
Further evaluation of the proposed bioassay necessitates performing chemical assays in parallel to the bioassay using known concentrations of antimicrobials. Despite these limitations, it is apparent that measurement of antimicrobials in the cornea by a chemical assay may not fully reflect the bioavailability of the agent.
Teicoplanin persisted in the tear film for longer than ciprofloxacin maintaining levels well above the break point. Conversely, whereas the levels of teicoplanin were higher on the epithelial side in those patients in whom it was detected (11/20), the levels of ciprofloxacin on the endothelial surface relative to teicoplanin were much higher. In particular, there was a significant linear correlation between the concentration of ciprofloxacin in the tear film at surgery and concentration at the endothelial side of the cornea (
R 2 = 0.75,
P = 0.002) and a nonsignificant trend for the epithelial side (
R 2 = 0.35,
P = 0.09). The result suggests that the reduced permeability of the cornea to teicoplanin contributes to greater levels in the tear film, particularly as in nine of our patients it was not found in the cornea. In contrast the relative permeability of the cornea to ciprofloxacin contributed to the lower levels in the tear film. Although there are no published data measuring teicoplanin in the cornea, Cahane et al.
19 measured vancomycin levels in the cornea with a bioassay. Patients received topical vancomycin (33 mg/mL) up to 15 minutes before undergoing penetrating keratoplasty. The corneas were digested, and cumulative concentrations of vancomycin were determined by a bioassay technique using
B. subtilis (ATCC 6633) on an antibiotic medium (No. 5; Difco, Detroit, MI). They reported a corneal tissue concentration of 46.70 (SEM 4.11) μg/g corneal tissue.
19 Although these levels are 5- to 10-fold higher than we found, their patients received the last drop 15 minutes before surgery and the concentration of vancomycin was threefold higher than that of teicoplanin (10 mg/mL) in our study. Nevertheless, it suggests that not all the teicoplanin in the cornea is detected by using the bioassay we describe. It remains to be determined whether any retained teicoplanin in the cornea is in is in fact bound or in a biologically active state, which would not be determined if the cornea is digested.
The ZOI produced by corneal tissue provides a potential bioassay of antimicrobial activity and concentration. Although in contrast to teicoplanin ciprofloxacin shows good corneal penetration, with high endothelial-to-epithelial levels, only approximately 10% of the measured levels using a chemical assay are available according to a bioassay. Teicoplanin shows relatively poor corneal penetration through an intact epithelium. The proposed methods may be useful to evaluate biological activity across the cornea of other antimicrobials introduced into ophthalmic practice to deal with changing bacteria resistance patterns.