The AVP-evoked Ca
2+ transient was inhibited by a V
1a antagonist (
Fig. 5). V
1a receptors are normally coupled via a G protein of the G
q/11 type to phospholipase C, stimulating the generation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP
38,39 This, in turn, releases SR Ca
2+ via IP
3 receptors (IP
40 Since IP
3R-mediated Ca
2+ release can stimulate RyR opening in smooth muscle,
23,41 these events may underpin the increase in Ca
2+ sparks and oscillations during acute application of AVP (
Fig. 2). The persistent increase in SR store load was also V
1a dependent (
Fig. 5). This part of the response appeared to involve cAMP and PKA, as the response was mimicked by forskolin (
Fig. 6) and blocked by RpcAMPs (
Fig. 7A). RpcAMPS did not inhibit the AVP-induced Ca
2+ transient, indicating that different signaling pathways are responsible for AVP-induced Ca
2+ release and the persistent increase in store loading. Activation of V
1a receptors has been shown to stimulate diverse signaling pathways in vascular cell lines.
42,43 AVP treatment can amplify cAMP production when vascular smooth muscle cells are treated with a β-adrenoceptor agonist, although AVP alone does not elevate cAMP.
44 This effect is blocked by V
1a, but not V
2 antagonists, and appears to be dependent on the AVP-induced rise in [Ca
44,45 Some such signal cross-talk may explain the observations in our experiments. Caffeine itself can act as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor and so increase cAMP levels,
46 but we found no evidence of increased store loading after exposure to caffeine alone (
Fig. 4). Smooth muscle responses secondary to stimulation of V
1a receptors on endothelial cells cannot be completely ruled out.