UCSC (University of California, Santa Cruz) screen captures representing three CNVs that met criteria for the high-interest group. The tracks displayed in the figures include an NHGRI (National Human Genome Research Institute) catalog of published genome wide association studies, UCSC genes, RefSeq Genes (National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda MD, available at
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/locuslink/refseq), human mRNAs from GenBank, CpG islands, SNP density from the 5.0 array (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA), DGV structural variation, duplication of nonrepeat masked sequence, structural variation, and repeat elements. (
A) Duplication of
PAK7 is located on 20p12. The duplications encompass the first two exons of the
PAK7 gene.
Top bar of the CNVs Enriched in Glaucoma track: the duplication from patient GGA-1079-1 with breakpoints determined by PennCNV at chromosome (chr)20:9,689,876-9,853,180.
Bottom bar: the duplication identified in patient GGA-410-1 with breakpoints determined by PennCNV at chr20:9689876-9820828. (
B) Deletions of
TULP3 located on 12p13.33 identified in five patients, in order from top to bottom: GGA-1037-1, GGA-1042-1, GGA-1054-1, GGA-1100-1, and GGA-1108-1. These patients share an overlapping consensus region with breakpoints at chr12:2,891,255-2,901,000, including exon 3 of
TULP3. (
C) The two patients with CNVs identified on 5p23.1 including the genes
DMXL1 and
DTWD2. Top bar of the CNVs Enriched in Glaucoma track: duplication from patient GGA-1058-1, with breakpoints determined by PennCNV at chr5:117,987,956-119,261,893.
Bottom bar: deletion identified in patient GGA-1148-1 with breakpoints identified by PennCNV at chr5:118,221,327-118,637,515. The DGV structural variation track shows four CNVs identified in the overlapping consensus region in controls unscreened for glaucoma.
DMXL1, a member of the WD-repeat family of genes, is an excellent functional candidate in this region, as it is expressed in the retina, ganglion cell layer, optic nerve and optic nerve head, iris, lens, and choroid, according to expression array experiments on 10 ocular tissues conducted in a collaboration between our laboratory and Alcon (Fort Worth, TX; data not shown).
DTWD2, about which less is known, is an excellent positional candidate, as it is untouched by control CNVs.