Nitridergic nerves have been found in the episcleral circulation, suggesting a possible role for NO in regulating episcleral blood flow and perhaps EVP.
9,11 In the present study, we sought to determine whether the EVP is responsive to NO and whether EVP responds to inhibition of endogenous NO production. The results show that EVP increased in response to local application of the NO donor NP and that EVP decreased in response to local application of the NOS inhibitor,
l-NAME. These results indicate that NO can modulate EVP and are consistent with the hypothesis that NO is involved in EVP regulation; however, because
l-NAME is a nonselective NOS inhibitor, the relative contributions of neural versus endothelial NOS to episcleral vascular tone are unclear. Nonetheless, the results suggest the primary site of action for the NO donor and NOS inhibitor is at the episcleral AVAs or arterioles rather than the episcleral veins. Assuming that NO is a vasodilator in the episcleral circulation, upstream dilation caused by the NO donor would increase the blood flow into the veins and raise EVP. Conversely, upstream constriction caused by the NOS inhibitor would decrease blood flow into the veins and lower EVP.
EVP is important because of its role in aqueous dynamics and IOP homeostasis, as expressed in the Goldmann equation: IOP = (
F ac −
F u)/
C + EVP, where
F a c is the flow through the anterior chamber,
F u is uveoscleral outflow, and
C is the trabecular outflow facility. The Goldmann equation predicts a direct relationship between EVP and IOP (i.e., an increase in EVP causes an equivalent increase in IOP). However, the Goldmann equation applies to steady state conditions; it provides little insight into the transition from one steady state condition to another. As an illustration of the hydrodynamic transition,
Figure 7 shows the simulated response to an abrupt increase in EVP generated with a mathematical model (Stella, ver. 8.1.5, isee Systems, Lebanon, NH) based on the Goldmann equation. The increase in EVP decreases the pressure gradient across the trabecular outflow pathway so that trabecular outflow (
F trab) decreases, which decreases total outflow (
F total).
F ac then exceeds
F total causing aqueous to accumulate and the volume of the anterior chamber (
V ac) to rise, which in turn raises the IOP based on the ocular pressure–volume relationship. As IOP increases, it restores the trabecular pressure gradient, and the new steady state is achieved when
F ac and
F total are again equal at the higher IOP needed to compensate for the higher EVP.
Figure 7 also shows the responses to NP in a rabbit with an abrupt increase in EVP followed by an increase in IOP similar in magnitude and timing to those in the simulation. The similarity between the simulation and rabbit responses suggests that an NP-induced EVP increase can account for the IOP increase. However, this is speculation, and although the simulation is consistent with current understanding of aqueous dynamics, the simulation changes in
F trab and
V ac cannot be verified with existing technology. Moreover, the simulation assumes that the other aspects of aqueous dynamics are constant (i.e., aqueous production, outflow facility, and uveoscleral outflow). This assumption may be incorrect, depending on the extent of intraocular penetration of NP. The recent study in rabbits by Carreiro et al.
29 found significant increases in aqueous humor levels of NO and cGMP 5 minutes after topical application of NP (10 mg/mL), indicating that all aspects of aqueous dynamics may be altered by topical NP. Nonetheless, the model simulation provides a useful framework for discussing the present results.
In group 1, the mean increase in IOP was greater than the increase in EVP. This result is inconsistent with the model simulation and Goldmann equation and suggested the involvement of other facets of aqueous dynamics, which prompted the group 3 experiments. Aqueous flow seemed the most likely candidate, since a previous study indicated a stimulatory effect on production
13 and inhibition of endogenous NOS decreases aqueous production.
21 Aqueous flow also seemed more likely than facility or uveoscleral outflow, since there is in vitro evidence that NO increases facility and potentially increases uveoscleral outflow by relaxing the trabecular meshwork and ciliary muscle.
30–32 Although aqueous flow tended to increase in group 3, the effect was not significant. Larsson et al.
14 also reported no significant effect of the NO-donor hydralazine on aqueous flow in normal human subjects. However, assuming no change in facility or uveoscleral outflow, a small increase in aqueous flow (0.35 μL/min) combined with an increase in EVP (2.5 mm Hg) would account for 95% of the IOP increase (5.1 mm Hg) based on the Goldmann equation.
In contrast to group 1, the changes in EVP and IOP were more equivalent in group 2. The l-NAME-induced decrease in IOP tended to be larger than the decrease in EVP, but the difference was not significant. The subsequent NO-induced increases in EVP and IOP were also not significantly different. These results suggest that the EVP responses can account for the IOP responses; however, offsetting changes in the other components of aqueous dynamics could have occurred. From the standpoint of the study goal, the more important aspect of the group 2 results is that they indicate endogenous NO modulates vascular tone in the episcleral circulation. Additional studies are needed to determine the source of NO (i.e., neural versus endothelial) and its primary site of action (i.e., arteries, arteriovenous anastomoses, or veins).
This is not the first study to indicate an NO effect on EVP. Funk et al.
10 reported that topical NP increased EVP (from 8.9 ± 1.4 to 15.5 ± 2.5 mm Hg) in anesthetized rabbits, and Krupin et al.
13 reported a decrease (from 12 to 8 mm Hg) in unanesthetized rabbits. Funk et al. measured EVP with a pressure chamber mounted on a microendoscope in a manner analogous to standard venomanometry (i.e., the chamber pressure that caused 50% vessel collapse was assumed equal to the intravascular pressure). Krupin et al. used the venomanometer developed by Podos et al.
33 and assumed that complete vessel collapse equaled the intravascular pressure. Differences in anesthesia or instrumentation and measurement endpoint may account for the discrepant EVP findings in these two studies. Differences in dosage (5 mg in Funk et al. versus 0.2 mg in Krupin et al.), application site (conjunctival sac without blinking distribution due to anesthesia in Funk et al. versus topical with blinking distribution over the anterior surface in Krupin et al.), and timing of the measurements (30-second intervals over 3.5 minutes after drug administration in Funk et al. versus pre- and 30 minutes after drug in Krupin et al.) likely also contributed. Last, Funk et al. measured EVP in the same vessels before and after the drug, but it is unclear whether Krupin et al. did so, and intervessel variability may be a confounding factor, particularly if larger vessels were chosen after the drug.
33 In the present study, the same vessels were measured continuously in each experiment, and all vessels exhibited an increase in EVP after NP, consistent with the response reported by Funk et al.
Although the study's primary focus was on EVP, the IOP results are interesting, since several studies have reported an ocular hypotensive response to topical NO-donors.
16–18 However, other studies reported no change or an increase in IOP after application of topical NO donors.
13–15 In a particularly noteworthy study, Larsson et al.
14 reported significantly increased IOP in normal human subjects after topical hydralazine at two different doses (0.03% and 0.1%).
14 They suggested that the hypertensive response is caused by an increase in EVP. The present results are consistent with that hypothesis. Nonetheless, it is clear that NO modulates most if not all aspects of aqueous dynamics such that the IOP response can vary markedly depending on the relative activation of each component.
In summary, based on the findings that a topical NO donor raises EVP and a topical NOS inhibitor lowers EVP, we conclude that EVP is modulated by NO.
Supported by National Eye Institute Grant EY09702, the van Heuven Endowment, San Antonio Lions and Lions International, and a Lew Wasserman award and an unrestricted departmental grant from Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc.
The authors thank Alma Maldonado for technical assistance.