We first considered the variability of taking repeated performance measurements on a task and then compared the estimates to training-induced changes in performance on the same task. This method enabled us to infer whether training had produced perceptual improvements greater than the inherent variability in repeated measurements of performance.
Figure 3 shows the mean scores and 95% CIs for test and retest measures on each task. Performance was better (on average, by 3%) and less variable on most tasks at retest, possibly because of procedural effects.
Figure 4 shows example learning curves for normal and amblyopic subjects on each of the four trained tasks.
Figures 4A and
4B show letter-based tasks, and
Figures 4C and
4D show grating-based tasks. Mean performance and CIs of normal subjects who did not train on the tasks are shown by dashed horizontal lines and gray shaded regions at sessions 1 and 12. Normal subjects (filled circles) showed modest improvements on all the tasks over the course of training. In contrast, amblyopic subjects (open circles) started with poor performance when compared with their normal counterparts, improved significantly during the course of training, and in some instances reached performance levels that were within the normal range. For example, a normal subject (DPM) showed little change in performance over the course of letter acuity training, with performance remaining at the normal level of the task throughout, whereas an amblyopic subject (ACT) had relatively poor visual acuity at the start of training, but improved by more than 3 lines (0.32 logMAR) over the course of training. In fact, by the final session, their acuity was better than 0.00 logMAR, equivalent to the mean performance of visually normal subjects (−0.05 logMAR). On the grating acuity task, however, we found little or no learning in both the normal and the amblyopic subjects.
We expressed learned improvements in performance relative to performance before training (post-/pretraining ratio for the letter tests and pre-/posttraining ratio for the grating tests, hereafter referred to as PPR), where numbers less than one constitute learning. Group mean PPR scores (±SEM) were calculated for each of the tasks and are shown in
Figure 5. Since the performance on the letter acuity task is expressed in logMAR units, some scores are negative. This is problematic when calculating ratios such as the PPR. To circumvent the problem, we converted letter acuity scores to MAR and letter contrast scores converted into raw Michelson contrast units before PPR was calculated.
Normal subjects showed limited improvements in performance over the course of training: Those who trained on the letter contrast task improved by the largest amount (mean PPR, 0.65; SEM ± 0.07), followed by letter acuity (0.82 ± 0.08), grating contrast (0.90 ± 0.05), and grating acuity (0.93 ± 0.06). The improvements found for normal subjects trained on these tasks were not significantly different from the changes in performance found for normal subjects who did not train, apart from those trained on the letter contrast task (P = 0.0011). Amblyopic subjects, on the other hand, improved more than normal subjects on all the tasks apart from grating acuity, where both groups showed little or no change in performance. Amblyopic subjects who trained on letter contrast improved the most (PPR, 0.41 ± 0.09), followed by letter acuity (PPR, 0.66, ± 0.06), and grating contrast (PPR, 0.75 ± 0.04) over the period of training. Apart from the grating acuity task, the improvement of all amblyopic groups significantly exceeded the change in performance of normal subjects who did not train (all P < 0.001).
Figure 6 shows individual amblyopic data. Posttraining performance is plotted against performance before training for each of the tests. Points lying outside of the shaded region correspond to subjects whose performance improved after training. Taken together, these data suggest that contrast sensitivity is much more amenable to learning in both normal and amblyopic subjects than are acuity-based tasks.
Even though subjects were randomly assigned to the training groups, we wondered whether the composition of these groups may have contributed to the differential levels of learning on each task. Since neural plasticity is thought to dissipate over the course of the lifespan,
27 the age of subjects could be confounded by the amount of learning. We therefore compared the age of the subjects in each group (
Table 3). Amblyopic subjects trained on the letter contrast task had the lowest mean age of the amblyopic groups and showed the greatest amount of learning on the trained task. However, there was no statistically significant correlation between age and the magnitude of improvement on the trained task for these subjects (
r 27 = 0.26;
P = 0.17). Alternatively, the different levels of learning between the groups might be related to their respective visual acuities before training. Even though mean acuity before training was poorest in the amblyopic groups who improved most (contrast trained), again there was no correlation between Bailey-Lovie visual acuity (which no subjects trained on) and the magnitude of improvement in these subjects (
r 27 = −0.18;
P = 0.34).
In the amblyopic subjects trained on the letter contrast task, the level of improvement found correlated with the initial performance on the task (
r 8 = 0.76;
P < 0.05). This relationship is shown in
Figure 7. Greater levels of improvement are found in subjects with poorer starting performance compared with those with better starting performance.
Thus far, only improvements in performance on the trained task have been considered (within-task learning). We now considered how these improvements generalize to untrained tasks (between-task learning).
Figure 8 shows the transfer of learning for both normal and amblyopic subjects to all untrained tasks. We considered only transfer between tasks that converge on similar performance levels.
Each shows the average trained improvement on each task (bars in lower contrast) and how these transferred to the respective letter or grating task on the other dimension. Subjects with normal vision showed modest amounts of transfer to other tasks. Amblyopic subjects who trained on letter contrast, not only improved significantly on the task itself, but also improved on letter acuity (beyond the change in performance found in normal observers who did not undergo training).
This pattern of transfer is represented in
Figure 9, where improvements on each task are plotted in the acuity–contrast space. Changes in visual acuity are shown on the abscissas and changes in contrast sensitivity on the ordinates. Shaded regions represent 95% CI for the respective dimensions. The origin in
Figure 9 represents no learning along both dimensions (PPR = 1) and the initial performance level of all amblyopic groups before training. The axes are oriented such that, if a group of subjects improves in visual acuity over the course of training, the data point representing the group will move rightward in this space; improvements in contrast sensitivity, on the other hand, will produce upward movement.
The most notable features of the amblyopic data are that training on contrast-based tasks confers significant visual benefits along both dimensions, whereas letter acuity training produces benefits that are tightly coupled to the trained dimension. We wondered whether the lack of improvement on the grating acuity task was due to a characteristic of the task itself or had something to do with the subjects who were assigned to train on the task. Therefore, we asked three amblyopic subjects who had trained on the grating acuity test (LE, MP, DC) to return and train on the letter contrast task. Even though these subjects showed no improvement on the grating acuity test, they showed learning on the letter contrast task and transfer of learning to the letter acuity test beyond the 95% CI for normal subjects who did not train on these tasks. Adding the data for these participants to the results of those previously trained on the letter contrast task had little effect on the magnitude of within-task learning (PPR = 0.39) or the degree of transfer to the letter acuity task (PPR = 0.80) and did not change the pattern of improvements found.