To examine the differentiation of retinal subtypes in the Dicer-CKO retina, we immunostained various markers of retinal subtypes using frozen sections. At first, control staining to examine nonspecific signal was performed using frozen, sectioned retinas at E17 and P6. Control immunoglobulin was used as the first antibody, and appropriate second antibodies conjugated with either Alexa 488 or Alexa 594 were stained. With E17 samples, mouse IgG showed nonspecific staining in regions around the GCL and inner nuclear layer (INL), which was thought to be the blood vessel, and rat primary antibody gave no significant nonspecific staining (
Supplementary Fig. S1). At P6, signals around GCL in mouse IgG antibodies, but not in the rat IgG antibody, were observed (
Supplementary Fig. S1). At E16, although the control retina had no layer structure except for the GCL, the inner half of the cells had became postmitotic whereas the outer half was still composed of undifferentiated progenitor cells, as shown by the restricted expression of the early neural marker βIII-tubulin in the inner half (
Fig. 2A). In Dicer-CKO mice, although the βIII-tubulin signal was observed in the inner side of the Dicer-CKO retina, there were also signals in the outer half of the retina; consequently, there was no clear boundary between βIII-tubulin–positive and –negative fields, as seen in the controls (
Fig. 2A). Then we examined the expression of differentiation markers. GS, a marker of Müller glia cells, was expressed in the inner half of the retina in controls (
Fig. 2A). Again, like the βIII-tubulin staining pattern, GS expression was scattered throughout the Dicer-CKO retina, and no boundary between GS-positive and -negative regions was observed. HuC/D, a marker for amacrine and ganglion cells, and Brn3b, which is expressed in ganglion cells, were expressed in the innermost part of the control retina, forming a layer-like structure (
Fig. 2B). In the Dicer-CKO retina, HuC/D was weakly expressed with relatively stronger intensity in the inner half of the retina (
Fig. 2B). The Brn3b pattern was also expressed in the inner side, and strong signals were also observed in the outer region (
Fig. 2C). Although Brn3-positive cells were seen in the innermost side of the retina, the IPL was not observed, suggesting that process extension is inhibited by the depletion of Dicer. These results indicate that, in Dicer-CKO mice, early differentiation of retinal progenitor cells was under way. We next examined the time course of the expression of several markers. Expression of calbindin, an amacrine and horizontal cell marker, was clearly observed as making lines in the outer region and GCL at E19 in controls (
Fig. 2D, blue arrows). In the Dicer-CKO retina, expression of calbindin was observed, but positive cells did not make lines and were scattered in the whole area of the retina (
Fig. 2D). At P1, controls showed an expression pattern similar to that at E19, but in Dicer-CKO retina, the expression of calbindin was diminished (
Fig. 2D).