In this study, we observed better agreement between manual and automated drusen volume measurements than for area measurements. Intergrader agreement, in contrast, was high for both area and volume. Although the mean percent differences for some comparisons appeared high, this was largely due to cases with small total amounts of drusen, where minute discrepancies in quantification could yield large percentages of difference. Inspection of cases with apparent discordance in absolute drusen area measurements between manual and automated methods revealed that the source of the discrepancy in nearly all cases was the positioning of the outer of the two lines (the RPE fit, or Bruch's membrane line). This line appeared to ride above or below the actual (as determined by a human expert) Bruch's membrane position in some locations along the B-scans. This is perhaps not surprising, as this outer boundary is in fact a “fit,” or approximation, of the outer wall curvature. Thus, it would not be expected to precisely follow small-amplitude oscillations in the ocular surface that are typical of real eyes of patients. It is interesting but perhaps not surprising that this discrepancy had a significant impact on the area measurements but not on the volume determinations. Since subtle shifts in the outer boundary position could truncate or extend the base (i.e., diameter) of a detected drusenoid elevation, these shifts could result in significant changes in area, since area would change by the square. Truncation or inclusion of the peripheral edges of the drusen, however, would have a substantially smaller effect on drusen volume, since the thickness of the drusen would be relatively small in these areas (especially compared to the thickness at the center or apex of the druse) and would not contribute much to the overall volume of the individual drusen or the total drusen burden in the eye. This observation suggests that drusen volume, rather than drusen area, may be the preferred metric for use in OCT-based drusen quantification analyses.
The absolute accuracy of the Cirrus automated drusen segmentation algorithm did not appear to be influenced by the level of drusen burden, as evidenced by the lack of any notable trend in the Bland-Altman Plots.
OCT-based quantification of drusen burden may be a useful tool for study of AMD, particularly with multiple agents currently under study for treatment of non-neovascular AMD. Traditionally, drusen quantification has been performed by planar color imaging methods. However, reliable quantification by these techniques may be challenging, particularly when the borders of the drusen are indistinct. As an example, drusen area and drusen size are known to be important indicators of AMD progression.
17–19 In “AREDS Report No. 18,” however, the investigators suggested that drusen size rather than drusen area should be used to assess AMD severity because of the difficulty in measuring drusen area.
18 Compared with planar imaging, SD-OCT provides excellent visualization of the morphologic structure for drusen and, in particular, their axial extent.
13 The axial information facilitates the identification of drusen borders and could potentially yield more reliable measurements. Further comparative studies are required to compare drusen detection by color photography versus that by OCT to better understand the relationship between drusen burden quantified by the two techniques. However, the existence of commercial U.S. FDA-cleared automated drusen quantification tools in OCT systems makes this approach attractive and potentially broadly applicable in clinical practice, should drusen quantification prove to be of clinical value. Previous studies
20–22 have demonstrated that OCT-based automated drusen quantification is reproducible. Chiu et al.
22 showed good reproducibility of drusen volume measurements using custom automatic drusen segmentation software. In this paper, we also demonstrated that it is accurate (at least for volume) against a reading center standard.
Our study is not without limitations. First, the overall sample (44 eyes) is still relatively small. On other hand, detailed manual segmentation of hundreds of B-scans from dense OCT volume cubes is an extremely laborious task, which limits the ability to generate very large datasets. Second, we did not have color photographs for this particular cohort to compare OCT drusen areas with color photograph-derived measurements. While this would have been an interesting analysis, this has been evaluated in other studies (Philip JR, et al. IOVS 2011;52:ARVO E-Abstract 139) and was not the main focus of our project. Third, we only evaluated drusen area and volume. Other potential OCT-based metrics (which may become areas of future study), such as circularity/topology, were not studied.
On the other hand, our study also has several strengths, including the use of certified, experienced reading center OCT graders and the demonstration of a high degree of reproducibility between the graders.
In summary, we observed that drusen area and volume could be computed reproducibly by manual segmentation of dense OCT volume datasets. In addition, we observed that automated measurements of drusen volume by commercial (Cirrus OCT; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.) OCT algorithms demonstrated better agreement with manually derived values, with less-good agreement observed for area. Our findings suggest that automated OCT-derived drusen volume measurements may be a reliable and accurate tool for quantifying drusen burden in clinical trials and clinical practice.