Effect of reduced oxygen tension on neuronal survival and explant morphology. RGC survival in explants cultured in 3% O
2 (37°C) was compared with that in control cultures (37°C, air) at 4DEV (
n = 4 explants/group) and 7DEV (
n = 4 explants/group). Explant culture in reduced oxygen was found to significantly impair RGC survival. Given retinal explants are normally kept at 35°C,
7 RGC survival at 37°C/air was also compared with that in explants cultured in normal conditions at 35°C/air. An increase in culture temperature did not greatly impact explant health. Data from freshly isolated explants (0DEV) are included for comparison. Values are mean ± SEM. *
P < 0.05, **
P < 0.01 using one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc comparison. Immunohistochemical labeling of βIII tubulin in whole-mounted retinal explants at 7DEV (
n = 4 explants/group) demonstrated explant culture in reduced oxygen (
E) severely impaired RGC survival and axonal health compared with control cultures (
D). Specifically, RGC density was greatly reduced, RGC axons appeared disrupted, and axonal swellings were common. Explants cultured at 37°C (
D) showed no obvious difference in RGC morphology compared with those kept in normal conditions at 35°C (
C). In contrast to negative RGC effects, DAPI staining of 7DEV explant sections indicated that reduced oxygen culture conditions (
I) alleviated retinal thinning over time ex vivo compared with control retinas (
H). No difference in retinal thickness was observed in cultures at 37°C (
H) compared with those in normal conditions at 35°C (
G). An example of a DAPI-stained transverse section of freshly isolated explant at 0DEV (
F) is included for comparison. Morphometric analysis of DAPI-stained explant sections revealed that in 3% O
2, explants were significantly thicker, compared with controls, at both 4DEV and 7DEV (
n = 4 explants/group). The ONL was also significantly thicker in explants cultured in 3% O
2, compared with controls, at both 4DEV and 7DEV (
n = 4 explants/group). Culture of explants in 3% O
2 did not significantly affect the thickness of other retinal layers compared with controls (data not shown). Data from freshly isolated explants (0DEV) are included for comparison. Values are mean ± SEM. *
P < 0.05, **
P < 0.01 for groups indicated. #
P < 0.05, ##
P < 0.01 compared with 0DEV data. Statistical analysis one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc comparison. GC, ganglion cell layer; IP, inner plexiform layer; IN, inner nuclear layer; ON, outer nuclear layer; OP, outer plexiform layer. Scale bar, 50 μm (