Semiautomated atrophy detection and quantification were independently performed by seven readers using customized software (RegionFinder, version 1.5.0; Heidelberg Engineering) according to predefined grading instructions. The RegionFinder is novel dedicated software for semiautomated quantification of atrophic areas that allows FAF images in the HEYEX database to be directly processed. FAF images are digital images. The FAF intensity of every picture element (pixel) is given in a certain gray value. The dramatic decrease of the FAF signal in GA areas compared with nonatrophic retinal areas is used by the RegionFinder for the segmentation of atrophy areas. After the definition of the center of a region by the operator, the so-called region-growing algorithm tends to grow toward the borders of the region, taking into account all pixels with a signal intensity below a certain threshold. This threshold is defined by a parameter referred to as “growth power.” The higher the growth power, the larger the enclosed area. The proper adjustment of this parameter allows for the precise measurement of the area of atrophy. For scaling, the individual scaling factor that is registered by the HEYEX during acquisition is used. Given the digital image resolution of 768 × 768 pixels of a 30° × 30° frame, one pixel roughly corresponds to 11 μm.
All seven readers had been previously trained and had graded for at least 1 year in a reading center setting cSLO images of GA secondary to AMD. For the current analysis, comparative grading using two computer screens was chosen. That is, all cSLO image data (including BR and IR) were available for the analysis of each single visit. By selecting the baseline FAF image in the HEYEX, the RegionFinder tool was activated for automated alignment of follow-up FAF images to baseline. If no automated alignment to the corresponding baseline image was possible (e.g., due to insufficient image quality), follow-up images were processed either with reference to the image of month 6 or, if not applicable or possible, individually with no image alignment. For each visit, total atrophy size was measured by a semiautomatic procedure. The minimum size of individual atrophic areas was predefined as 0.05 mm2. Initially, the reader manually set a seeding point inside the atrophic region to start an automatic region identification algorithm that detects well-demarcated regions of severely decreased autofluorescence signal. The reader then manually changed the algorithm growth power and “growth limit” to achieve further fine adjustments in lesion measurement. Readers were instructed to increase the algorithm growth power until the defined area exceeded the lesion boundaries. The growth power was then decreased by one increment below this threshold, which then defined the best-adjusted lesion area. Interfering retinal blood vessels that exhibited similar intensities as atrophic areas were excluded using the retinal blood vessel detection tool. In addition, a shadow correction tool was used when there was uneven illumination, and manual line, circles, contours or “free-hand” constraints were applied to improve lesion boundary discrimination of atrophy patches. The two latter constraints were particularly helpful to manually adjust the region boundaries to exclude the fovea, when it was not involved by GA. Because of luteal pigment, blue-light FAF intensities are typically decreased in the fovea. Although atrophic patches exhibit an even lower FAF intensity than the central macula, foveal involvement can be challenging to identify. Readers were therefore instructed to use constraints while using the corresponding BR and IR images to improve foveal lesion boundary discrimination. When there was confluent peripapillary and central atrophy, standard operation procedures included the use of the line constraint tool to draw a vertical line at the most narrow part (the “bridge”) of the confluent atrophy. Any atrophy nasal to this line was disregarded for atrophy quantification. Once atrophic areas and constraints had been defined for the baseline visit, they could be easily copied to any subsequent image that belonged to the same follow-up series. Only a fine adjustment by the reader was then required. After processing every atrophic area, grading reports for each visit were automatically generated. These reports list, among other parameters, the name of the reader, time of analysis, total size of atrophy, number of spots, and sizes of spots. In addition, the defined lesion areas and any corresponding manually applied constraints are shown by the report.