Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated for the CSA and LA groups between manual volumetric measurements and the simplified measurements, the derived parameters from the simplified measurements such as lesion area, and the automated results from each OCT device. Delta volume measurements were compared with delta versions of these simplified parameters. Nonlinear comparisons, such as between volume and thickness or volume and area, were linearized by calculating the cube root of volumetric measurements and the square root of area measurements before calculating the Pearson correlation.
To determine the predictive power of a model derived from these data, the cross-sectional data were split randomly into two groups (split sample methodology). Linear regression models developed using one group were tested against the other for each of the two halves. The average percentage error for each simplified parameter was calculated by comparing its predicted volume with the gold standard from volumetric grading.
Custom software was written to perform a Monte Carlo permutation correlation analysis on the entire data set. In our approach, correlation coefficients were calculated for billions of random permutations of data subsets from the full correlation analysis. For example, given only 8 data pairs in a data set, a Monte Carlo permutation analysis also calculates correlation coefficients for 8 permutations of 7 data pairs, 28 permutations of 6 pairs, 56 permutations of 5 pairs, and 70 permutations of 4 pairs in addition to the single permutation of 8 data pairs. In addition to standard P values, these data can be used to calculate 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for correlations derived from subsets of data. Small CIs suggest that these data are exchangeable and that future data points will correlate in the same way. In contrast, large CIs suggest uncertainty about the significance of the conclusion since a different conclusion might have been reached using only a subset of the same data. The greatest degree of uncertainty regarding the correlation of two data sets occurs when the CI value dips below significance after leaving out only 1 or 2 data pairs.
To test the potential utility of these parameters in treatment versus observation clinical decisions, the sensitivity and specificity of simplified and automated measurements for detection of increases or decreases in manually measured lesion volumes were also computed. To accomplish this, changes in measurements for CME, SRF, and PED were subcategorized into one of three groups: decreased, no change, or increased. To account for inaccuracies in manual measurements, such as those arising from subjective boundary choices or limitations of image resolution, any change ≤2 B-scans, 8 A-scans, 7 μm maximum height/retinal thickness, 0.1 mm3 macular volume, or 0.019-mm cube-root volume was categorized as “no change. ” These thresholds were derived from the assumption that the OCT volume scans have an axial resolution of ≤7 μm, a horizontal resolution of ≤20 μm, and a vertical resolution of ≤48 μm.
Finally, interrater agreement for the simplified grading was assessed with weighted Cohen's kappa (κ) and Bland–Altman plots. The weights of the individual groups for the κ-analysis are shown in
Table 1.