X-ray scattering experiments were carried out on a diffraction beamline (Beamline I02; Diamond Light Source Ltd, Oxfordshire, UK) at the Diamond Light Source (Didcot), the UK's national synchrotron facility. Immediately prior to x-ray exposure, a 15-mm circular specimen, centered on the optic nerve head, was excised from each intact fixed posterior sclera; wrapped in polyvinylidene chloride film to prevent tissue dehydration throughout the duration of the data collection (∼1.5 hrs per specimen); and mounted inside acrylic plastic (Perspex; Lucite Group Ltd, Southampton, UK) chambers with Mylar (DuPont-Teijin, Middleborough, UK) windows. Each mounted specimen was oriented superior-side uppermost, its outer scleral surface toward the incident x-ray beam and with its natural curvature retained. WAXS patterns, each resulting from an x-ray exposure of between 3 and 5 seconds, were collected at 0.5-mm (horizontal) × 0.5-mm (vertical) intervals covering all but one specimen. The exception was non-glaucoma specimen n4r, for which an 11.5-mm × 11.5-mm raster scan was performed due to time limitations. WAXS patterns were recorded electronically on a charge-coupled device (CCD) detector (ADSC, Poway, CA) placed 550 mm behind the specimen position. Precise translation of the specimen between exposures was achieved using a motorized x-y stage interfaced with the x-ray camera shutter. The focused x-ray beam had a wavelength of 0.09795 nm and horizontal/vertical dimensions of 0.2 mm. After WAXS experiments, each scleral specimen was immediately returned to 4% paraformaldehyde and stored at 4°C for subsequent multiphoton imaging.
The WAXS pattern from sclera is dominated by a well-resolved equatorial (i.e., perpendicular to the fiber axis) reflection from the regular 1.6-nm spacing of the constituent collagen molecules aligned near axially within the scleral fibers (
Fig. 1A). Analysis of the angular spread of intensity around this reflection provides a quantitative measure of the relative number of fibers oriented at a given angle within the scleral plane, as an average value within the tissue volume traversed by the x-ray beam.
22 Thus, the method can describe bulk collagen anisotropy in terms of the excess fibers aligned in a given direction over and above the general population that are dispersed equally in all orientations.
The quantification of corneal and scleral collagen fiber orientation from WAXS patterns is described in detail elsewhere.
22 In brief, a two-dimensional background function was firstly fitted and subtracted from each WAXS pattern to remove scatter from the specimen chamber and all other tissue components other than fibrous collagen. For every WAXS pattern, 256 equally spaced radial profiles from pattern center to beyond the collagen signal were generated and a unique power-law background function independently fitted to and subtracted from each (
Fig. 1B), using a purpose-written macro routine in a spreadsheet program (Excel; Microsoft Corp., Reading, UK). The isolated collagen scatter peak for each of the 256 angular directions was then normalized against fluctuations in x-ray beam current and exposure time, radially integrated, and the resulting values extracted to angular bins, using a combination of image analysis (Optimas 6.5; Media Cybernetics Inc., Marlow, UK) and spreadsheet software (Microsoft Corp.) software. The resulting angular intensity profile (
Fig. 1C) was divided into isotropic and anisotropic scatter components and the latter plotted in polar vector coordinates, introducing a 90° angular shift to account for equatorial scatter. Every sampled point in the sclera could thereby be represented by a polar vector plot (
Fig. 1D), in which the length of a vector in any direction gave the relative number of fibers preferentially aligned in that direction, at that point in the tissue. Individual plots were then assimilated into montages showing the preferential fiber orientation across each specimen.
While the vector lengths within a given polar plot give an accurate measure of the relative fiber number for each angle at that point in the tissue, it should be noted that the relative overall size of individual plots between measurement points scales not only with the degree of preferential fiber alignment, but also with scleral thickness.
22 The scaling of the polar plots should therefore be only used as a qualitative guide to the level of collagen alignment. An accurate measure of the degree of fiber anisotropy in the tissue may be gained by computing the ratio of the preferentially aligned and total x-ray scatter to remove the thickness dependency.
22 This was done for every sampled point in the sclera by dividing the integral of the aligned scatter distribution (clear region in
Fig. 1B) by the corresponding integral of the total scatter (clear plus shaded regions in
Fig. 1B), yielding a single value representing the proportion of fibers preferentially aligned at that point in the tissue. These values were then assimilated into spreadsheet (Microsoft Corp.) contour maps to show the variation in degree of fiber anisotropy across each specimen.
Scleral fiber anisotropy was statistically compared between the non-glaucoma and glaucoma groups. For each specimen, the 64 sampling points within a 1.5-mm wide annulus adjacent to the scleral canal were considered as representing the peripapillary sclera (
Fig. 2A). Over 98% of the polar vectors plots within this region indicated preferential fiber alignment circumferential to the scleral canal (
Fig. 2B). All sampling points lying outside this region were considered midposterior sclera. The peripapillary and midposterior regions were then each subdivided into their four principal quadrants (
Fig. 2C) and the mean and variance of each subregion was evaluated per specimen. Midposterior regional averages were not calculated for specimen n4r, due to this being a partial WAXS scan. Pooled anisotropy values within each of the eight scleral regions were then compared for significant differences between non-glaucoma and glaucoma groups using Welch-corrected two-tailed
t-test. To account for lower variability between eyes from the same donor, corresponding values within fellow eyes of the non-glaucoma (n1l and n1r) and glaucoma (g1l and g1r) pair were firstly averaged for subsequent statistical analysis.