Generation of complete 3-D ocular surface models from 2-D MRI data has been previously described by Singh and colleagues.
34 However, to apply similar analysis techniques for smaller, lenticular models, a novel scanning protocol was required, optimized for imaging the crystalline lens. Furthermore, it was necessary to develop a method of presenting accommodative stimuli within the confines of the scanner.
Rather than using the body coil integrated into the 3.0 T MRI system (General Electric HDx, Waukesha, WI), a birdcage-design head coil was needed to improve the SNR, which also acted as a mount for a mirror, positioned at an angle of 45°, to allow supine subjects to see out of the scanner. Cushioned pads were positioned between the head coil and the subject to minimize head movements. A static, high-contrast (85%) Maltese cross target, visible through the mirror during scanning, was used for fixation, positioned on the window of the MRI control room, providing a stimulus vergence of −0.17 D for emmetropic subjects. Functional emmetropia was ensured for ametropic subjects by the wearing of disposable soft contact lenses (Focus Dailies or Focus Dailies Toric, nelfilcon A, 69% water content; Ciba Vision, Duluth, GA). A static cross-target was used to avoid possible saccadic eye movements during scanning, which can cause motion artifacts. Accommodative stimulus levels of 4.0 and 8.0 D were selected to quantify any potential dose effect. To vary accommodative demand, subjects wore a nonmetallic trial frame under the head coil, into which an occluder was placed in the left aperture and a −4.00 or −8.00 DS trial lens in front of the right eye. The left eye was occluded to avoid convergent eye movements, and only the right eyes of all subjects were analyzed.
Initial MRI work involved scanning sample subjects multiple times over several weeks to ascertain the ideal protocol that allowed images of sufficient resolution to be obtained while keeping scan times down to a comfortable duration. MRI parameters including bandwidth, acquisition matrix, field of view, slice thickness, number of slices, and number of signal averages were adjusted to optimize the protocol. Sagittal, axial, and coronal localizer (scout) scans were performed initially on each subject to verify the location of the crystalline lens and inform slice placement for the main scan. After the first and second major scans, subjects were moved out of the scanner to enable the trial lens to be altered to adjust stimulus vergence. A further localizer scan was therefore necessary before imaging the second and third accommodative states in case subject head movement had occurred while being moved out of, and back into, the scanner. T
2-weighted images, in which the fluid-filled regions of the eye appear hyperintense, were required for analysis purposes and were collected using the vendor's fast-spin-echo (FSE) sequence, the most commonly used pulse sequence in current MRI protocols.
The final protocol involved 24 oblique-axial slices of 0.8 mm thickness, with no interslice gaps, to visualize the crystalline lens fully in all three dimensions. FSE images were acquired with a bandwidth of ±15.63 kHz, echo train length 24, sequence repetition time 8580 ms and echo time 500 ms. The acquisition matrix was square; 256 × 256, with a 205 mm field of view. Voxels within the images therefore had a 0.8 mm isotropic resolution. Three signal averages were performed, resulting in a total scan duration of 5 minutes 18 seconds. Although increasing the number of signal averages would provide improved SNR by reducing the effects of random artifacts, an unacceptable scan duration per accommodative state would have resulted from four averages. Local shimming was performed before each scan to eliminate inhomogeneities in the magnetic field around the eyes, which cause geometric distortions.
34,37 Total time spent in the scanner for each subject was approximately 45–60 minutes, comprising localizer scans, main scans, and repetition of longer scans, if necessary, due to blink or motion artifacts.
The inherent motion sensitivity of the MRI protocol necessitated a means of eliminating blinking from the scans. A single blink during the main scan resulted in significant motion artifacts (due to the low number of signal averages), which would have rendered the images unsuitable for analysis. Initial experimental planning involved the use of topical corneal anesthetic (e.g., benoxinate 0.4%) to reduce the blink reflex. Although the blink reflex is suppressed by anesthetics, it is not completely eliminated, as required for the scans. Furthermore, the Troxler effect, which causes a stimulus to disappear during prolonged viewing
38 and could result in unpredictable eye movements, would not have been eliminated by topical anesthetic. A system was therefore developed to allow the scan to be paused as required for blinking and refixation. Subjects were provided with a button box, connected to a personal computer in the MRI control room, that when pressed caused the monitor to change color from gray to white, and back to gray when released. Participants could therefore alert the MRI operator to pause the scan as frequently as required for blinking and recommence once refixated on the stimulus.